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gthbryce 06-19-2008 07:52 PM

Holes in hatchback trunk lid
I ripped off the fin on the back of my 1991 nissan 240sx hatchback because it was not only leaking but it was rotten and completely rusted. I now have holes one really rusted and are temporarilly taped with electrical tape in the meantime. Im wondering what I can do to seal them in a better way since once another storm comes they will just peel off. :aw:

slothonaleash 06-19-2008 11:02 PM

duct tape.

i have about a quarter roll of black duct tape on my rusted hatch and it's been through a couple months with heavy rain

doesn't leak, and it looks really, really slammin

Ineedparts 06-19-2008 11:43 PM

Hot pink duck tape FTW

first240sx 06-24-2008 10:54 AM

I had the same problem as you I am not an experienced body man (far from it) go to your local parts house buy some fiberglass filler, sand paper and primer get a grinder and cut off the rust and any sharp edges and proceed to fill in the holes. Take your time dont over do it it will look good once you finish it took me about 3 tries but im pleased with the end result and looks

murda-c 06-24-2008 10:56 AM

Nah man camo duct tape is the best.

exitspeed 06-24-2008 12:55 PM

I hope you are planning on searching our FS section until you find a new hatch. Tape over the holes is uber ghetto.

Dustxking 06-24-2008 01:02 PM

Ducktape for the win. Or if you want quality, go with some bondo.

Bondo it, sand it, bondo, sand bondo sand bondo sand. Then paint.

bnorman82 06-24-2008 02:09 PM

weld em up!
take it to a welder or bodyman and they should be able to do it for cheap..
but then you could prolly come out cheaper just buying a fresh hatch.

slothonaleash 06-24-2008 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by exitspeed (Post 2132210)
I hope you are planning on searching our FS section until you find a new hatch. Tape over the holes is uber ghetto.

yet 100% effective haha

nobody sells shit in ohio, so im just going to deal for now--along with the taped over rust on my passenger side door

"ew why is there tape on your door"
"just please, please don't rip the handle off"

punxva 06-24-2008 03:45 PM

get a new hatch i found a wipered but wingless for $50 just look around local junkyards there's bound to be one

ARS13 06-30-2008 12:06 PM

I just used the mesh body filler panel you can buy from any parts store, jbwelded it to the underside, the foil taped over that. Let it cure, then use bodyfiller and sand it smooth. It was kind of a pain to reach the far left hole on the driver side, but I am very pleased with the results, and it's still holding strong. If your holes are pulled up like mine, just use a hammer and screw driver handel to slightly push them in so you can get a smooth surface with the body filler.

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