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-   -   How much does the "Silvia" 3rd brake light go for now? (https://zilvia.net/f/showthread.php?t=677095)

vazquez130 08-05-2020 08:16 PM

How much does the "Silvia" 3rd brake light go for now?
Im curious as to how much this item sells for since i cant seem to find any recent info regarding it.

Agamemnon 08-05-2020 08:53 PM


Maybe try this link instead of starting a new thread

Cjkouki2010 08-06-2020 06:03 AM

Lol alot! Around $600?

Cjkouki2010 08-06-2020 06:04 AM

It is one of the top five rarest JDM oem items in the world

S14rebuild 08-06-2020 06:41 AM

^keep up the double posts!!

Op theres a small question thread for just this reason...use it!

SupaDoopa 08-07-2020 08:01 AM

No one buys that shit, friend.

afishysilvia 08-07-2020 08:53 AM

Lol pricing is what people want to pay. Why is that so hard?

SupaDoopa 08-07-2020 12:35 PM

He thinks he's on BackShelf. Asks what it's worth to gauge interest, bumps the price up $100 and thinks he's a legend in his own mind.

I repeat myself. No one buys those fucking things.

afishysilvia 08-07-2020 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by SupaDoopa (Post 6390699)
He thinks he's on BackShelf. Asks what it's worth to gauge interest, bumps the price up $100 and thinks he's a legend in his own mind.

I repeat myself. No one buys those fucking things.

I have no idea what backshelf is but I have the full interior green package. I?ll gladly be a no one to some trolls online :whip:

brndck 08-07-2020 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by afishysilvia (Post 6390709)
I have no idea what backshelf is but I have the full interior green package.

backshelf is a facebook group where people post rare parts in the hopes that other dudes will offer them sexual favors. :snoop:

dizzariot 08-09-2020 07:19 AM


Originally Posted by brndck (Post 6390710)
backshelf is a facebook group where people post rare parts in the hopes that other dudes will offer them sexual favors. :snoop:

Backshelf is for dumbfucks that overpay for old plastic and by $1 coffee from Japan for $10.

e30gangsta 08-09-2020 02:15 PM

Does anyone have a picture of this third brake light? I am unsure what everyone is talking about.

S14rebuild 08-09-2020 03:29 PM


This jdm hotboi shit

SupaDoopa 08-09-2020 07:38 PM

It's worth as much as a regular third brake light. I'll give you $30 shipped for it because I actually have a Silvia.

afishysilvia 08-09-2020 08:17 PM

$500 to start it moderate condition seems to be the normal rate.

Don’t fucking care about why it’s too high or overpriced. He asked a simple question no one could answer.

Are we done lol? Fuck...

S14rebuild 08-10-2020 04:02 AM

Theres a small question thread, this could of gone in, or better yet check fs section seen what the last 1 sold for..idk

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