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KA24 is shaking in his boots at the Ruskies and their half dozen broke tanks, collapsed economy and population of a 140million.... But sees no threat in the world's second largest economy that controls our entire supply chain, owns half our debt, has a billion people and literally owns half of our entertainment industry.... Reeeeeeeeeesssssia!!! |
and then take to the streets in protest to show their displeasure and then be arrested by unmarked federal agents in unmarked cars and then resort to violence and rioting and then be called the bad guys by the autocracy and their cohorts and then be persecuted and then lead a revolution and then win and then be considered heroes Is that how you would like things to play out? Because it's kinda happened a fuckton of times in history and is guaranteed to happen again. American hegemony is at its end and Trump is the nail in the coffin. |
HAHAHAHA too good. Too fucking good. Hahahaha thanks for that. You guys think life is a LARP or movie or something i swear, bc you have ZERO grasp on the reality of whats 10 miles outside your democratic shitholes. itll be something more like this: Quote:
Youre obviously delusional if you think this country has anything that at all resembles an autocracy. >in b4 TWUMP SUPPORTEWS ARE NAHTZIS AND TWUMP IS LITEWALLY HITWER You think trump is some kind of ideological leader, and fail to realize hes a wrench in the system courtesy real Americans who want fake Americans like you exposed. Mission accomplished. Better luck next-next election. You also fail to realize that if this country was as much of a nazi, racist autocracy as you make it out to be, yall wouldnt be around to complain. |
i take that back, if anywhere is autocratic, its democrat shitholes
Jeez someone's mind sure is on killing :hey: Quote:
-Illegally spying on it's citizens? Check -Intimidating media? Check -Politicizing civil services? Check -Stacking the Supreme Court? Check -Dehumanizing opposition? Check -Voter surpression? Check You may want to get your eyes checked, but I guess the optometrist may have a tough time getting a reading with your head buried up your ass. Quote:
What does "y'all" refer to exactly? |
Yeah, violence = peace amirite
Youre not wrong though, my mind is either on my family, my 240, or on training to kill and designing weapons of war. In fact, i dream of killing and being killed all night every night. I literally do. Merica. Probably dont want to try your luck with your little 'revolution' You dont know what an autocracy is I already told you why dipshit Yall refers to you and those that think like you. Yall would be genocided already if we were nazis, now wouldnt you? |
So you're saying you sabotaged the government in order to find people who disagree with the sabotage? What kind of fucktard came up with that plan? Must have been a genius :bowrofl: People who have free though and foresight? Sure sounds American to me! |
go ahead and define autocracy, and explain how any of those things are being done by an autocrat. And while youre at it, prove theyre an autocrat and not a branch with checks and balances.
More like sabotaging the saboteurs. Its genius while also hilarious to watch. Its working. Youre proof. Youre always deflecting. Answer the question coward. If the country was all racist nazis, would everyone else not already be genocided? |
Hard pass.
yOu WoN't ReSpOnD bEcAuSe YoU cAn'T Google is as far from your finger tips as it is from mine. https://i.imgur.com/8laROPW.jpg Everyone is too busy pushing their own agenda to look up and realize what they're doing is wrong. That goes for Democrats and Republicans. The two party system is broken. Treating everything as black and white is flawed. As far as I'm concerned, a vote either way is the wrong vote. |
whatever pussy
Okay, but youre still pussy. Time for your evening jog.
Boot lol. If you only knew, youd have your foot so far in your mouth youd be shitting your shoe laces pussy boy.
Now now children there is no need for name calling.
Oh okay, i was assuming you knew what a boot was.
Back to actually election coverage 5/38 predicts biden to win. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com...tion-forecast/ BBC has Biden up as well https://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2020-53657174 Despite those I still think Trump will remain potus. The left does not vote enough and the base is split between the left left and the moderate left. Biden's continual gaffs with black people are not helping either. Meanwhile the repubs are down with the set and gone vote. |
Cringe fest. Shades, the long hair and the gloves? LOL Does he look like that in all his vids? |
You think it's because we bomb the shit out of people who aren't like us? I'd like to see how you prove that our global hegemony has anything to do with keeping us safe. I'd argue the exact opposite- the end result of decades of foreign meddling was achieved on September 11, 2001. The end result of that attack was... decades of foreign meddling. Oh my god you better not piss off the US or we'll make sure your people get dysentery- if it was good enough for Native Americans in the 1800s, it's good enough for Syrians in the 2000s! Do I believe we need a military? Yes, even the most staunch libertarian understands that defense is a function of government. And yeah Corbic, I know China's a massive threat. They're a threat to our housing market, they're a threat to our financial markets, they're a threat to freedom literally throughout the US and despite that, our government has been on its knees and cupping the balls since it was apparent China could make some rich motherfuckers richer. The CDC enacted a moratorium on evictions. We could be looking at millions of people (some estimates place those millions at more than 10% of the population btw) who will be months behind on their rent by mid-January. What's going to happen to them? What's Trump's plan? What's Biden's plan? How the fuck do we have 40 million people who don't make enough money to move or to pay their rent? Do conservatives have 80 million bootstraps to lend out? |
Don't worry, they'll make up for it with magic ballot boxes.
Some interesting excerpts: "He uses rhetoric to scare people. This is a known psychological tactic that if you get people to fear, they tend to follow you to the solution of 'How are we going to save ourselves?' And his answer is, 'It's me. If you vote for me, I will save you,' " she says. "Well, for some people, the way that they think that they need to protect themselves, it's more than just a vote for a president. It's 'let me go kill people.' " “She says that the numbers don't bear out the idea that left-wing violence is as much of a problem as right-wing violence, and arrests during the summer's protests demonstrate that.” “She's also concerned that people who served as "guardrails" around the president have left the administration. Those "adults in the room," she says, took the heat from the White House in order to allow people like her to keep carrying out their work.” "It's his style. His style is chaos itself. And when you have chaos at the top of the federal government, that creates chaos throughout every other level of government. That means we cannot perform our security functions well," she says. "The first and primary job of a president, the first and primary job of the federal government, is to protect us." |
Trump had been president one day and you had Madonna shrieking to burn the Whitehouse down with idiots wearing pussy hats listing to some Islamist... Trump didn't cause any of this, he's just your favorite excuse and if he's gone, you think all this goes away? Ha! |
^just like trump going to kenosha, was to spark more outrage and violence, but we see the complete opposite....
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