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Lets not keep drifting fun, ok?
My post, spreading the word that the video Will Roegge and myself spent 96 days out of our lives filming, for the grassroots community, is on its way for release. http://i683.photobucket.com/albums/v...6at35017PM.png Enter, captain buzzkill. Oh wait, rules to posting? Ok, I'll go look at the rules for posting in the media section. http://i683.photobucket.com/albums/v...6at35033PM.png Damn, I seem to be missing the part about "No street footage" http://i683.photobucket.com/albums/v...6at35044PM.png Shucks, I guess keeping drifting fun is not welcome 'round these parts. For future reference "ThatGuy" not everyone spends every winking moment on this site. So therefor you should do your duty to make it known in the rules of the MEDIA SECTION that street footage is not permitted. Pink me, ban me, delete this thread, what have you. Just wanted to say thank you, sarcastically of course. For future information and video releases, you can follow us on our facebook page. It's a bummer that something we spent our own money on, and spent 96 day living on the road to create a video for the grassroots community, free for everyone, will not be supported on a site made up of primarily 95% of grassroots drifters because of some of the folks who run this site. Way to show love for your own community, Zilvia staff. https://www.facebook.com/KeepDriftingFun -Hobo Quote:
No problem Josh, let me help you out.
In the header bar of every page, 3rd link from the left, you will see "Rules and Guidelines". These are the Rules for EVERY section of Zilvia.net. Clicking on that link will you bring you to a page dedicated solely to listing the "do and don'ts" so-to-speak of Zilvia.net. Just to save a little time, let me quote it for all to see, AGAIN. Quote:
Anyway, feel free to carry on with this discussion if you like. However, the Rules won't be changing regarding this matter. |
Rules and guidelines.
Who reads that nerd shit anyways? I can probably speak for 90% of users that NOBODY reads that stuff. If you want people to see the rules, put them in the sections people would post the "illegal" activity in. Thanks for "clearing up" absolutely nothing. And no I'm not posting this in an attempt to show that you "singled me out" It's in an attempt to show how ridiculous this site has become. No wonder all of the dudes who made this site awesome back in 2005 left. Also, for the record, one of your "moderators" fixed my embedding problem I was having. I could not get the second video to embed so I had a link posted, yet magically the next day both videos were fixed and were embedded properly. Seems you are the only one who follows your own rules. |
booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo boo this admin! Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo |
there is seriously a caps filter? fuck this website is terrible
i hear you on that one dude...but there are a handful of people on here who have no life and they will read all that shit and probably be on for hours at a time and fuck someones thread up...these would be the assholes but then again what can you do... |
They are pretty simple rules. We have all been inked or banned for breaking them at one point or another. Bitching about em wont change shit, Just lets everyone know you're a whiny bitch.
I don't see the big deal. Then again I'm an asshole. |
You bet I'll whine my ass off for something we spent over a year filming on our own dime. It's not about the rules being changed. It's about the rules being lame. The fuck is this, North Korea? Get real.
Nerd. |
Let me show you something: http://img703.imageshack.us/img703/2082/modlog.jpg See, I saw a thread posted by a long time member, and it seemed they were having problems with embedding. So, I figured I'd help out. I had no reason to believe that someone who has been a member as long as you have would have reason to violate the Rules, so I embedded them before I watched them. Unfortunately, once they were embedded and I watched them, I realized there had a been a mistake. You had accidentally overlooked the Rules it seemed. Now, typically, the videos would have been deleted, and you would have been Pinked for 1 month, as is standard practice on Zilvia.net. However, recognizing the "Keep Drifting Fun" logo that I have seen in numerous places on Zilvia I figured it was just a simple oversight on your part and didn't require punitive action. I did however ensure that I left a warning in your thread as a reminder to other people that may try and post similar material. Please, let me know if I can answer any other questions regarding this issue. |
your reasoning is almost as laughable as your purpose on this forum.
What else would you expect from the site that protects Matt hansen and other scammers?
Maybe if you buy a premium membership they'll let it slide. |
I mean, it's pretty simple. If you don't want street footage to be posted, then put the rules in the place where a poster would read. I.E. the sub-forum rules "before posting". I wouldn't have posted it unless I thought it was cool to do so. That might solve a lot of your issues with us idiots posting "illegal" stuff because I, for one, have never read the rules and guidelines on this site, yet I have read every single sub forum rules before posting my first thread (I'm sure a large majority will agree with this). Which is why I have never had an issue on this site since 2005, until now. I do however remember watching tons and tons of street videos on here not even that long ago, which is why I figured this should not be a problem posting two trailers with a total of 5-7 seconds of street drifting. Regardless, there will never be an agreement reached on this. I, along with tons of other people, think the rules here are ridiculous, and the enforcement is overboard. While you are just doing what you feel is necessary. Which is why hardly any older worthwhile members are still here. |
I would just let it go. The rules regarding no "street drifting" and etc are there to protect the site from being bashed for promoting that kind of driving on public roads. It's dangerous and illegal, we all (should) get that. If anything, most people that are interested in drifting are well aware of KDF. ThatGuy is kind of coming off nice about the whole situation...which shows weakness. Lulz.
Now that I've read the rules, and I understand, I'm fine with the content being taken down. But I'll still voice my opinion on the matter. Like I said, I'm not asking to have the rules changed. But taking both trailers down and labeling it as "Illegal content" is pretty ridiculous, and somewhat insulting, especially seeing as in all the footage in the trailers, a total of 4 shots were in a "street drifting" situation. KDF does not condone street drifting in any way, but when we are trying to show the spirit of the sport, and why all of these guys put their heart into it, sometimes a track day is not possible for some of these dudes to show why they do it, especially in the time frame we had. It's a total bummer to see it labeled something of an illegal level. Out of every place the trailers are posted, this is the only one who classifies it as such. That's why I think this whole thing is lame. Still is, and always will be.
But it's zilvias rules, so there's not much else I can say. |
you got mad drifto skills we get it. no need to show off about it in your street vids =p
Drifting gets ruined when people like to brag about shit and put thmselves above everything else. lol |
lolz I said that exact thing to hobo earlier. |
its pretty obvious that on almost every internet forum out there, posting illegal footage is prohibited
plus it gives us all a bad name. maybe because of douchebags like you I can't go one week without being pulled over and harassed... we have drift event and track days for a reason numb nuts you idiots wanna keep drifting fun??? then keep it on the track like the rest of us reasonably intelligent human beings. |
The best part is the guy has been a member since 05 yet somehow never noticed.
You guys are all fucking retarded. Hobo and Will documented what is going on in American grassroots drifting today. Nothing more. Read into it before posting bullshit.
PS - Look up Joshua Herron and Will Roegge on the internetz and realize why you all are peasants. |
Get over it!
Its not like the video will be Earth shattering or change drifting in any way! Post that thing on YouTube and leave it be. |
Wow. You know nothing.
Fucking hipsters! Ruining everything.
This isn't a drifting forum. You want your own rules go make your own forums. Hell, I made my own website and installed vB forum software at the age of 15.
Stop complaining. Do work. |
You're a huge *snip. Die now.
You're now banned. The permanent type. Sorry our rules don't appeal to you guys. Its important to note that they're not in place to make you happy. They're in place to protect the site so that it can further serve the S/Z chassis communities. While I understand that 'grassroots drifting' is incredibly important to you and brings fire and passion to your life, to those of us whose interest lies in the vehicles some of your 'grassroots drifters' happen to use, its not terribly significant, nor is it something we're willing to put ourselves at risk to promote/condone/facilitate. Good luck in your endeavors. |
Hello America,
This is some of the softest shit I've ever read in my life. |
I'm banning you too. 3 posts in the last 2-3 years, and then you troll up this thread? We don't need your kind of user here. I can tolerate a lurker, and I can tolerate a person who posts rarely, but when you outnumber your legitimate posts (outside of LOUD NOISES) with trolling argumentative nonsense, I can't help but believe you're not willing to be a positive part of our community. So, with that I'm sending you on your way as well. I wish you the best of luck in discovering a website which will not only permit, but encourage you to break their rules and insult their administration, while at the same time providing little constructive input. Have a nice day! :wavey: |
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