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Enlive 05-28-2019 04:19 AM

clutch leaking
The clutch is leaking and idk what the part is call but i got a picture were its leaking from and also air is getting into the system.


soreballz 05-28-2019 07:43 AM

That’s the clutch master cylinder. Replace it, and while you’re at it, you may as well replace the slave cylinder and eliminate the damper in the clutch hardline (that’s if a prior owner hasn’t already done so).

jedi03 05-28-2019 02:01 PM

+1 on doing both at the same time, parts are cheap and don't wna have to get at the other one in a few months!

broke240fromHI 05-28-2019 11:41 PM

Clutch Master:


Clutch Slave:


These are the same two parts that I run on my '93 hatch. I also run a S/S line that deletes the unnecessary damper box/hardlines.

Frsport is down right now. I can post a link once they bring it back online.

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