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Meet at Pipeline pizza(next to autobacs)
pipeline meeet next to super autobacs
9 p.m. (some people show up earlier) this happens every thursday and PLEASE GUYS, dont burn out, rev excessivly, drift or any of that stuff, we know what a burn out looks like,we know what a drift looks like and we dont care if you have a "COOL" Bov, please do not cause attention to us and the people at this meet, we will (kyle will) KICK YOUR BUTT!!!! haha anyways please we are just trying to make good friends and hang out with people of the same interest so once again dont cause attention to us (there are cops that eat at pipeline/or redrobin) |
sounds like a plan too me. i just dont know if ill be able to eat pizza by tomorow. fuking wisdom teeth.
Yeahhhh Pipeline Pizza
I ate there two days in a row when I was demoing at Super Autobacs The owner is super cool, looks like family run business that just started (or new ownership), I tried to give them a good tip |
lol really? did you happen to see me?(greenish s14) i used to be always there after 5... |
il most likely go. i dont have shit to do anyway
I'll roll by. Gotta pick up some shit from Autobacs tomorrow anyway. lol
early bump....sooo whos going~~~??i will be there around 7ish and couple people fro Nico are going to be there also so itll be cool~~im the owner of the greenish bluish (turqoise) s14 with hubcaps in front and non on rear...come by and say hi~~
cmon people...you can get a 20% discount on what you buy or a free 2 liter with a purchase of a large pizza(or bigger) oh and try to print this out...or say you know me.. and he will give it to you.. |
the pizza there is great, i had my wisdom teeth pulled like 3 days prior to going there and i still forced down 3 slices :) that shit is off da hoook yo. haha its good.
ill be there again |
Pre meet at Pizza Place before Life Plaza.
forshizzle~ and yes the food there is great..i love it...people who went there last thursday loved it...
Yeah, I remember getting Pizza there when the RC competition was going on in front of Autobacs when I was competing. Good pizza.
man pizza does sound good. I havent had pizza in months.!
late night bump for tomorrow...i mean today...whatever...but yah for some people this is a premeet to the one in LP(life plaza)
Pre-meet time!
oh and also my friend who made the meet, made a deal w/ a boss man..ill just put in quotations what he said on nico "yeppp....its every week on thursdays, and every thursday you can use the coupon...lets rally the forces guys. if this brings in some business for the pizza place, the owner is willing to throw a thank you bbq every month. free burgers and stuff. ill actually be there today, delivering pizza"
Kinda iffy throwing a meet type of deal when a meet already exists somewhat locally. Plus, NICO? Lol.
is the green s14 stock lookin gwith an option sticker on the bumpa?
yknow... they make other things other than pizza :rolleyes:
OC pizza sandwich is pretty good, same with the meatball sandwich |
bump, anyone??? anyone??? yes they have many other things than pizza~ they have hot wings, cold/hot subs, pizzatos (potatoe skins w/ pizza sauce and cheese) so come out!! the more business we get the owner hes going to throw us a bbq every month!
I might go. Might not. I dunno yet.
I'm a maybe. Depends on what I'm doing.
up to the top*
people please try to show up, a friend of mine (owner of a 240) is leaving to las vegas next week, and im trying to get a really big one going just for him, trying to make it like a good one for his last meet in oc... |
That sounds like the sort of place the Ninja Turtles would eat at.
"Cowabunga Dude! Let's go to the Pipeline!" |
Had fun last night Yangs.
Great pizza, but the one that Brian and I ate. It was super greasy and couldn't eat any more, but that's okay. It soaked up a lot of alcohol when I get my drinks at Kojis when I left! ^.^ Was very cool meeting everybody there. Saw a lambo or whatever that car was. Found somebody who could work on my hood and a future place for me to get my paint job done. And I got sideways twice going to my friend's house as I left. Not sure if you got my text message or not haha. The 2nd one was kind of by accident, but damn, I'm getting a lot better at controlling rain slides wheter on purpose or by accident now. Man, I got soooo drunk. Spent 5-10 bucks, got 5 or 6 drinks and yes. once again. drunk! :D Oh yangs, if your buddy is the guy with the NISMO hat. No worries, he'll be back for good in 5-6 months. :) I was talking to his gf. I wish my gf was super cool like his. Well, my gf is super cool, but she drives a 98 Mustang. I give her credit though, 'cause of me she wants a MT swap on the car and now I inciddently influenced her to power slide her 'stang. hahahah ^.^ And she can solder! |
Bump for Pizza!
bumperz... i'll see u guys tonight ^_^ oh and fender rolling party at david's house tomorrow... BYOB
What happened to this threadddd.
I saw a bunch of you guys parked outside of there one night after I was @ Autobacs.
Good to see you support the local business. |
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