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also they make smoke machines that will smoke out the inside of the car,
short hub quick release steering wheel and lock, car alarm, and a hidden kill switch. if they plan on driving it away. too bad out here they get em on flat beds and gone within 10 min silently! assholes!
or you can key your own car that says "if you seen this car not driven by this guy (picture painted on your car) call the police."
Seriously are GARAGES REALLY THAT FUCKING RARE? I've never had a CAR stolen from INSIDE my GARAGE or anybody I know for that matter. If you cannot afford to put your car in a garage then maybe you should buy something that nobody will steal?
Chances are if drive a 240 you can barley afford gas, I live in an apartment I don't have a garage but I do have a mossberg, an assaigned space with a view from my apartment, and a loud ass alarm.
if your broke take a tampon covered in ketchup and put it on the front seat.
like previously stated, if a thief wants something bad enough, they will acquire it. some of the anti theft advice is pretty good... but even with all these controls implemented, make sure you have your car insured with the 'other than collision' option, to cover theft & fire. & depending on your insurance company you can select the.. i forget the wording but its pretty much 'after market parts' coverage. SURPRISE!! some of you might know this but your 'regular' car insurance most likely wont cover your aftermarket parts, i.e.- your expensive jdm wheels, etc. so do yourself a favor & inquire unto your insurance company.
alarm,killswitches, and a mean ass rednose or blue nose
install your ignition switch in a different location.
Hookup your original ignition switch to a car bomb. If an unauthorized person tries to start (steal) your car *BOOM* no one steals your car and lives to tell about it. |
^ sounds very safe....
Why not, steal your own car so they cant steal it... |
hire a body guard lol ..........
Tinting the $hit outta your car will reduce what these fawkn theives can see, and wouldn't hurt to have a good alarm....
But like mentioned before if someone want's to steal your car they will try anything to get it:( |
Seems like dark tinted cars would have something to hide?
At the very least, a stealth installed alarm that pages you would be a good investment. Sounds really basic, but a lot of the cars reported stolen on this board didn't have an alarm. Obviously they can just pick it up with a tow truck/flat bed, but if you've got something that pages you and you're in the vicinity, you might be able to make it back just in time to see them haul your car off? :( Always try to park with your wheels locked facing something so they'd have to bang against the curb/another car to do the above^ You can always try covering your car in gaudy glitter vinyl with a busted body kit to make it so unappealing that thieves would vomit on themselves on the spot and leave/die of dehydration? |
wire in fuel pump kill switch. at least itll take them a while to figure out why it wont start.
If I had any doubt about thiefs looking to stole my car , Ill sleep on the back seat with a gun .:rl:
I keep one of these in my car. and I'm not worried about someone driving off in my car....motor is dead right now! lol |
isnt it common sense how to not get your car stolen?
-quick release -killswitch -pedal locks -alarm system etc... i do two other things that prevents it from being stolen for sure... |
quick release ecu.....
ok so i had my civic stolen about three years i had a kill switch and "the club" the club is a pos they cut my wheel and pulled it off and im guessing found my kill switch sonow on my 14 i have
1. paging alarm 2. quick release 3. quick release hub lock 4. kill switch 5. clutch club '' they say you cant cut it but fuck it just another thing they have to do to get off to move the car 6. a shifter lock that mounts to the car with bolts that you tighten and the end snaps off so you cant take it off and you lock the car and reverse So now if they can get into the car without my alarm paging me , get my hub lock off, cut my clutch club off ,turn off my kill switches ,and get my shifter lock off without getting blown away then fuck it take my car Oh yeah and with the shifter lock and the clutch club on you cant move the car so just something for you guys to think about shifter lock http://i679.photobucket.com/albums/v...4/P1020520.jpg http://i679.photobucket.com/albums/v...4/P1020521.jpg |
The best way to keep your 240 from being stolen is to not own one.
Don't ever leave your car in front of a friends house.
Your friends could turn out to be shady motherfuckers... |
Or here is another great one I haven't done it but I'd like to . My friend has a bride seat with the ass pad the you can remove and whaT he did was get another. Pad took some of the padding off from the inside took what he said was 200 fish hooks made them as straight as he could then pushed them thru the padding and put the cover over it.well one day he can outside and his driverside door was open there was some blood and the pad was gone so he called local hospitals and asked if anyone came in with fish hooks in his ass and one said yeah so he called the cops and the guy had to have the hooks removed and the guy went to jail , sad thing is my friend never got the pad back lol
i have the best alarm out there and they still broke into my car and stole shit from it. u just cant stop them. garage is the safest way.
There are ways to disable car not to start pull fuel fuse or make switch to it.
Pull wire from ignition coil to spark plugs. steering wheel lock/removal. shift lock inhibitor switch mod. the list goes on and on. be creative and just find a way to disable something. I car can't start car don't drive and robbers look stupid trying. LMAO |
I keep my car parked right outside my window. When I hear dems jackin I take aim with a 9MM.
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