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mike240sx95 04-01-2013 04:09 PM

PLEASE HELP! hard starting rough idle NEWBIE
I recently have been having troubles with my 93 240sx. it has a ka24de, lately it has been hard starting and does not want to idle. it constantly dies. it also shakes ALOT at idle especially when it is a cold start. when you rev it past at least 1.5k its fine and stops shaking and is very smooth. i seafoamed it and that seemed to work a little, it started to run a little smother, but still dies, and some of the shaking went away. i have checked the fuel injectors and they seem to be spraying properly. i also recently found two clipes on a wire harness behind the engine. that are not plugged into anything. one is brown and says e8 on it and one is black and says d1. http://s1337.photobucket.com/user/mi...fa0d6.jpg.html
i have no idea what those plugs are for, help would be greatly appreciated!
what do you guys think couls be the issue? i cannot figure this thing out. i am a nood so please do not flame me. any help is greatly appreciated. and i will answer any aditional questions you guys have! thanks again in advance.

mike240sx95 04-01-2013 04:11 PM


Chuki_KA24e 04-02-2013 08:24 AM

You are going to catch shit for starting two of the same threads without researching anything...

CoryMcKerrow 04-02-2013 08:51 AM

Comon dude

Let me google that for you

mike240sx95 04-02-2013 04:12 PM

sorry man i didnt think the other one worked, i have done research and cannot find anything that sounds like what im going threw. i did how ever check my maf sensor and i think its bad, it smells burnt out...

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