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kanyedian 06-02-2019 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by midnight zenki (Post 6344910)
You should probably do some more research and re-watch the statement. Mueller stated that the Office of Legal Counsel which is under the Department of Justice in which the Special Counsel is beheld to, is bound by a ruling that states that no sitting president can be charged with a crime.

With that ruling set as precedence, Mueller could not at this time charge the president with obstruction of justice and specifically mentioned that the investigation did not exonerate Trump in respect to obstruction of justice.

He said a lot more than that.

What do you think is the point of saying there is not evidence that a crime was not committed? There is a reason not to cite evidence of a crime when there is no opportunity to defend one's self in court. Which will not happen because he is not charging Trumpito with anything.

kanyedian 06-02-2019 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by Farzam (Post 6344898)
Need to update thread title to "2020 presidential race/white tears thread"

My politic opinions aside I think Trump will be re-elected. And I have no friggin clue who will end up running against him. Prob Biden because he's the most familiar household name, seems to be the motif behind elections as of late. The touchy-feely fiasco seems to be blowing over a little bit. If anything some left wing twitter trolls will start reposting creepy pics of Trump and his kids. Or creepy quotes.

As much as the right blames the media for shafting them, the left has been getting boned too. I think the average dem is a lot more moderate than what the right is being led to believe by "viral" news, which I could be wrong about but that's my opinion at least. Both sides seem to have their mascots for egregious behavior, the more sensible politicians don't get as much of a spotlight.

Racist comment aside, it's true that the media reports on the extreme ends of the political spectrum. That's where they have learned live the views/clicks. That's why it's helpful to have candidates on alternative media platforms like JRE and Dave Rubin, Ben Shapiro's Sunday Show, etc. on YT where ideas can be debated/discussed for over 60 mins.

Jorgs_7 06-03-2019 02:33 PM

Go trump 2020

midnight zenki 06-03-2019 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by kanyedian (Post 6345114)
He said a lot more than that.

What do you think is the point of saying there is not evidence that a crime was not committed? There is a reason not to cite evidence of a crime when there is no opportunity to defend one's self in court. Which will not happen because he is not charging Trumpito with anything.

[IMG]https://i.ibb.co/841PtkR/Double-negative-grammar.png [/IMG]

kanyedian 06-09-2019 04:09 PM

Hmmm this race is cray! I feel like the Dems' best chance to beat Trump is to nominate Biden. But the other candidates and the media are attacking him lol. Probably because he's the front runner and also because of his low qualifying status in the oppression olympics. And that was strange with him changing opinions so quickly on the Hyde Amendment. Makes him seem dishonest and inauthentic.

SupaDoopa 06-10-2019 06:27 AM

The media is run by politicians. It's what creates mass hysteria or the opposite. They can manipulate the people stupid enough to not have their own opinion any way they want - unless you're one of those dumbasses that tune in to see what the newest leaked sex tape is or who lost a toe scuba diving in the Bahamas after they parked their three million dollar yacht too close to the barrier reef.

I like to take in opinions of all parties and make an educated decision on who would be a good fit at that particular time as well as track record, credentials, truth to word, and a few other factors. I tend to swing Republican mainly because I enjoy my constitutional rights and I don't think a person sleeping in a fancy house should be able to take them away from me.

If you want an abortion, cool. If you want to own an underground bunker filled with legally registered guns, cool. If you want to openly talk shit about Oprah Winfrey, cool. I'm down with it as long it's legal and follows your rights to the T.

kanyedian 06-10-2019 06:34 PM

I'm a little over halfway through Andrew Yang on The Rubin Report and I've gotta say, I dig his ideas. He's already in the June and July debates and close to the requirement to get into the later ones. Looking forward to watching his performance. If he gets the nominee, I have to say I may through him a vote.

https://www.8thcivic.com/forums/imag.../corndance.gif https://www.8thcivic.com/forums/imag...pinkhiding.gif

feito 06-11-2019 12:24 AM

So, what's everybody's take on cali's expansion of health benefits to illegals? Dont legal citizens still get fined over there for not having insurance per the fbhobama care rules?
I know here in my state there wont be anymore fines next year, thanks to our republican senators.

spooled240 06-11-2019 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by kanyedian (Post 6346139)
I'm a little over halfway through Andrew Yang on The Rubin Report and I've gotta say, I dig his ideas. He's already in the June and July debates and close to the requirement to get into the later ones. Looking forward to watching his performance. If he gets the nominee, I have to say I may through him a vote.

https://www.8thcivic.com/forums/imag.../corndance.gif https://www.8thcivic.com/forums/imag...pinkhiding.gif

I like his ideas on reinvesting in our working class, but I don't think UBI is the answer.


Originally Posted by feito (Post 6346161)
So, what's everybody's take on cali's expansion of health benefits to illegals? Dont legal citizens still get fined over there for not having insurance per the fbhobama care rules?
I know here in my state there wont be anymore fines next year, thanks to our republican senators.

I'm glad our politicians found insuring people that are here illegally as a higher priority over taking care of the thousands of homeless citizens that need help. The cities here are getting really bad and nothing is being done about it.

kanyedian 06-11-2019 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by feito (Post 6346161)
So, what's everybody's take on cali's expansion of health benefits to illegals? Dont legal citizens still get fined over there for not having insurance per the fbhobama care rules?
I know here in my state there wont be anymore fines next year, thanks to our republican senators.

It's utterly laughable. California needs to hurry up and secede lol. Go join Europe. That is why it's so important to have an electoral college otherwise the entire country would be run by the biggest cities in a few states, leaving everyone else with different values out to dry.

I would love to see the migrants delivered to sanctuary cities though. That was a brilliant and hilarious threat https://www.8thcivic.com/forums/imag...eerleader1.gif https://www.8thcivic.com/forums/imag.../pinkrotfl.gif


Originally Posted by spooled240 (Post 6346195)
I like his ideas on reinvesting in our working class, but I don't think UBI is the answer.

At first, for whatever reason, I would find myself agreeing that UBI is not the answer. But when I challenge myself to say why, I find that I am not able to.

It seems like the cleanest way to avoid extreme poverty and reduce reliance on public assistance all in one go. Yang likens it to a dividend check based on being a stakeholder in the United States. He will make it one or the other, either food stamps and related programs, OR the $1,000/month check. Those that would choose the money (and therefore be able to spend it however they like) will immediately leave the other programs freeing up money for the UBI itself. And all that extra spending money may be reintroduced into the economy when people begin spending it.

https://www.8thcivic.com/forums/imag...ies/hungry.gif https://www.8thcivic.com/forums/imag.../2thumbsup.gif

spooled240 06-11-2019 01:00 PM

The vast majority of people would be buying cigarettes, beer and 7/11 hot dogs. I don't think the money would be funneling back into the economy in an optimal way as it would just end up in the hands of a few large corporations. And the marginal positive impact it would do for the economy would be negated by the incredibly high cost.

The democrats all seem to think that there's an endless supply of money that can be pulled for free healthcare, free college, UBI, $15+/hr minimum wage, etc. Now Bernie is at least admitting that his programs will be funded by taxes. If any of these people are end up in the white house you can expect your effective salary to drop significantly as a result of higher taxes and an overall higher cost of living.

kanyedian 06-11-2019 01:09 PM

You don't think that money would go primarily to pay rent? That's where I would use it first. And then secondly, on the Silvia https://www.8thcivic.com/forums/imag...s/eyebrows.gif

spooled240 06-11-2019 02:02 PM

Sure, but it's still more residual money at the end of the day. You would have a more money to spend on the Silvia.

exitspeed 06-11-2019 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by kanyedian (Post 6346213)
It's utterly laughable. California needs to hurry up and secede lol. Go join Europe. That is why it's so important to have an electoral college otherwise the entire country would be run by the biggest cities in a few states, leaving everyone else with different values out to dry.

I would love to see the migrants delivered to sanctuary cities though. That was a brilliant and hilarious threat

Perfect example of the Lefts bs virtue signaling. They claim they care about immigrants and proclaim their cities sanctuary’s, but when Trump calls their bluff they say he’s being insensitive and being asshole.

It’s like AOC’s GND. She and the climate folks (for the record I believe in climate change but that’s whole other conversation) claim if we don’t do something drastic immediately we’re doomed. So the republicans let them vote on it and she cries fowl. So what is it? Do we need to do something drastic right this min or no? The Democrats has the chance and they passed. Because it’s bs virtue signaling.

kanyedian 06-11-2019 03:25 PM

I've seen so much information in the past few years and I am seriously concerned about rising CO2 levels in the atmosphere. Stopping all fossil fuel use would devastate economies; especially those developing nations that have not yet completed their industrial revolutions. It would relegate them to perpetual poverty. I'm not sure the answer. Could be Teslas for everyone! Or shit. Let's all walk around!!

Time to take the Lamborfeeties out of the garage, start up the Chevrolegs, and take the Shoebarus out for a spin. https://www.8thcivic.com/forums/imag...um/escaper.gif


rvns14 06-11-2019 06:34 PM


Originally Posted by feito (Post 6346161)
So, what's everybody's take on cali's expansion of health benefits to illegals? Dont legal citizens still get fined over there for not having insurance per the fbhobama care rules?
I know here in my state there wont be anymore fines next year, thanks to our republican senators.

People who show up/get dropped off at hospital emergency rooms, people who go bankrupt after unexpected hospital stays/slowly over prescription drug cost; people with insurance pay for those people anyway (and justify the fudge factor that allows the hospitals/drug companies to charge hundreds for meds that would otherwise cost 10s pad the profits of Galaxo/Merrick/Bristol Meyers, etc).

rvns14 06-11-2019 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by kanyedian (Post 6346213)
It's utterly laughable. California needs to hurry up and secede lol. Go join Europe. That is why it's so important to have an electoral college otherwise the entire country would be run by the biggest cities in a few states, leaving everyone else with different values out to dry.

I would love to see the migrants delivered to sanctuary cities though. That was a brilliant and hilarious threat https://www.8thcivic.com/forums/imag...eerleader1.gif https://www.8thcivic.com/forums/imag.../pinkrotfl.gif

We would have to negotiate a trade agreement (ala the unratified USMCA) with a country that previously would have been the largest single economy in the country and provides a huge amount of Americas produce. California is increasing their alternative energy use, they would happily make a stable trade deal with the Pacific Rim and leave US (us) in the loosing position.

You guys ready for Cali made adult entertainment/wine/alcohol (Anchor Steam Beer) embargo for the remaining US states (see Smokey & The Bandit).

kanyedian 06-11-2019 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by rvns14 (Post 6346268)
We would have to negotiate a trade agreement (ala the unratified USMCA) with a country that previously would have been the largest single economy in the country and provides a huge amount of Americas produce. California is increasing their alternative energy use, they would happily make a stable trade deal with the Pacific Rim and leave US (us) in the loosing position.

You guys ready for Cali made adult entertainment/wine/alcohol (Anchor Steam Beer) embargo for the remaining US states (see Smokey & The Bandit).

Pelosi can be made King of California and Alyssa Milano as Prime Minister. They hate the rest of America anyway! Boycotting states that have voters that dislike abortion. Those ideologies and going to re-elect Trumpito in 2020 big time.

rvns14 06-11-2019 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by kanyedian (Post 6346269)
Pelosi can be made King of California and Alyssa Milano as Prime Minister. They hate the rest of America anyway! Boycotting states that have voters that dislike abortion. Those ideologies and going to re-elect Trumpito in 2020 big time.

lol @ they hate america anyway.

The unspoken truth is that they are wealthy anyway, come what may, they will be alright. I dont think politicians should pretend as much to care about people who themselves dont care about themselves.

kanyedian 06-11-2019 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by rvns14 (Post 6346272)
lol @ they hate america anyway.

The unspoken truth is that they are wealthy anyway, come what may, they will be alright. I dont think politicians should pretend as much to care about people who themselves dont care about themselves.

The whole of politics as it is now is solely about getting re-elected. The minute a member of Congress is elected, they immediately begin working on re-election. Resources are flooded to incumbents and that becomes the primary focus. Term limits for these individuals is SUCH a no-brainer. I want that to happen so bad! Challenge them to introduce a bill to limit their own terms and that should shed a real light on the issue.


kanyedian 06-20-2019 01:55 PM

Are we going to war with Iran over the drone that was shot down?

Future240 07-30-2019 01:01 PM

Current List. I imagine as time gets closer more R's will start coming out.

Democrats Republicans I'm still supporting Weld.

gbaby2089 07-30-2019 02:08 PM


exitspeed 07-30-2019 03:23 PM

I’m totally renting out my home for the DNC. Gonna make as much money on these lefties as I can.

spooled240 08-01-2019 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by exitspeed (Post 6352025)
I’m totally renting out my home for the DNC. Gonna make as much money on these lefties as I can.

Idk, it looks as though they want to make money off you insteadhttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/201...129be00d34.gif

exitspeed 08-01-2019 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by spooled240 (Post 6352231)
Idk, it looks as though they want to make money off you insteadhttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/201...129be00d34.gif

Not if I have any say about it.

gbaby2089 08-01-2019 02:48 PM


exitspeed 08-01-2019 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by gbaby2089 (Post 6352281)
I doubt many ppl are going to want to stay in the burbs for the DNC.

I’m 15 min from downtown. People were staying that far away (and further) for Erin Hills.

Also the main issue with having the event in Milwaukee is it had the least amount of hotels of all the cities considered.

My house would sleep 12 people, so it would be more ideal for a company like CNN or some shit.

gbaby2089 08-01-2019 04:19 PM


exitspeed 08-01-2019 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by gbaby2089 (Post 6352298)
Breh, if MKE can handle summerfest, the DNC won't kill it. All the big companies will book at the Kimpton or Pfister.

Edit: for fuck’s sake do YOU HAVE to argue about everything?

I’ll let you know how it turns out.

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