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Jersthecool 11-23-2011 09:19 PM

Confused about HID housings
Alright so I'm looking to run some HID's in the pop up lights but I want housing to be fully lit not just the projector lit up in other words I'm looking to run something like this:

NOT like this:

So now comes my question.. I thought if I wanted it to look like the first pic I'd have to use a housing like this:

However most of the time I come across a cheap "projector" housing on ebay it doesn't light up like a regular projector does it looks like this:

Most of the time I see the fake "projector" type for sale and almost never see the other ones so do most people use those or all in all are they pretty much gonna be the same thing in the end?

Matej 11-23-2011 09:26 PM

If you are looking for cheap/Ebay housings, go with either of these:
89-94 NISSAN 240SX EURO 200mm H4 H6054 HEADLIGHTS KIT | eBay

The Autopal housings actually have great cutoff, but the reason they are so cheap is because the glass is not as thick as the pricier brands.

If you desire something fancier, there is Cibie, Hella, and Bosch.

Everything else is garbage.

Jersthecool 11-23-2011 09:31 PM

Hmm so these housings have a cutoff?

TougeLove 11-23-2011 09:41 PM

there is a way to cut the shroud short which allows some of the projector reflection to bounce back inside the headlight housing. there wont be any hot spots so blinding others is not a possibility.

Jersthecool 11-23-2011 09:48 PM

Don't really mind if it blinds people so many people have them and they're always blinding me lol. Saw this video and decided that this was the look I wanted to go for
All of the Lights - Ptan's Onevia - YouTube

Sean P. 11-23-2011 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by Matej (Post 4371574)
The Autopal housings actually have great cutoff, but the reason they are so cheap is because the glass is not as thick as the pricier brands.

I need new lights as well, so you happen to have any pictures of the cutoff? I'd love to go HID and not be a dick haha. Would the glass thickness cause problems?

fliprayzin240sx 11-24-2011 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by Jersthecool (Post 4371604)
Don't really mind if it blinds people so many people have them and they're always blinding me lol. Saw this video and decided that this was the look I wanted to go for
All of the Lights - Ptan's Onevia - YouTube

If you dont give a fuck about blinding other people, dont bother doing this shit then. Just drive around with your high beams on just to be a dick.

hazukijitsu 11-24-2011 09:11 AM

May not be exactly what you are looking for. But, I have heard great things about this setup.

FR Hella H4 Headlight Conversion Kit RPS13 S13

FaLKoN240 11-24-2011 09:34 AM

Autopal is cheap crap, don't bother with that trash. I wasn't happy when I bought those.

HELLA is a step below Cibie, and I recommend these if you're going to go this route.

Good construction, decent cut off and you'll still get that full housing light effect.

240Zfunahollic 11-24-2011 09:55 AM

dont be a douche bag... it doesnt even look good or cool. do a retrofit with some nice bixenon projectors and you wont be disappointed. The Retrofit Source online: headlight upgrades for all applications

hOngsterr 11-24-2011 10:10 AM

just get cheap housings and you'll get what your looking for.

ixfxi 11-24-2011 10:39 AM

for chrissake

this has been discussed SO many fucking times. you can listen to the idiots or you can look at the facts and come to your own conclusions.
ClearCorners.Com > Tech Info > Halogen Bulb Shootout: The Good, the Blue, and the UGLY (Page 1/5)

/end thread

t_rempel 11-24-2011 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by Jersthecool (Post 4371604)
Don't really mind if it blinds people so many people have them and they're always blinding me lol.

You're an idiot

TougeLove 11-24-2011 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by Jersthecool (Post 4371604)
Don't really mind if it blinds people so many people have them and they're always blinding me lol. Saw this video and decided that this was the look I wanted to go for
All of the Lights - Ptan's Onevia - YouTube

go right ahead. don't be surprised if your headlights are busted in with a tire iron. you wouldn't be the first nor the last.

its pretty funny you're more worried about how your headlights look from outside the car than inside. good luck on zilvia.

h2v7 11-24-2011 08:33 PM

sonic motor 10k hids with those standard housings


ricey yes but i like em and thats all that matters.

hOngsterr 11-24-2011 08:38 PM

his car, his mods, leave the man alone, i got hids in my hellas, they still suck, not gunna dish out for cibies, blind people? idgaf, trucks and shit blind me, so let the man be, jeez.

Jersthecool 11-25-2011 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by h2v7 (Post 4372925)
sonic motor 10k hids with those standard housings


ricey yes but i like em and thats all that matters.

Holy shit that's too much for me!
I didn't know that if you got a good h4 housing it actually had a cutoff when using HID's or I wouldn't have even started this thread. Yeah I'm definitely not looking to blind people like the guy with these pics I wasn't aware it was that bright so for sure I'm gonna get some good housings probably the hella ones. Anyone have any more info on the cibies?

Walperstyle 11-25-2011 11:32 AM

dont do hid popups, please....

Pinggg 11-25-2011 12:14 PM

Ddmtuning.com 55w 6k H.I.D. Love them. None of the ricey blue crap, these are like bright white.

Jersthecool 11-25-2011 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by Pinggg (Post 4373610)
Ddmtuning.com 55w 6k H.I.D. Love them.

Damn I'm loving that! Which housings are you using?

Pinggg 11-25-2011 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by Jersthecool (Post 4373614)
Damn I'm loving that! Which housings are you using?

I got the housings with the car, i think their some knockoff projectors.. heres is a old picture i dug up from when i first got the car.

Jersthecool 11-25-2011 12:38 PM

Those are the ones that look like projectors but the whole housing lights up not just the projector part right? Is there any cutoff on them or do they blind everyone? Also wow the prices on those hid kits from that site are great!

Pinggg 11-25-2011 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by Jersthecool (Post 4373644)
Those are the ones that look like projectors but the whole housing lights up not just the projector part right? Is there any cutoff on them or do they blind everyone? Also wow the prices on those hid kits from that site are great!

Yep the whole housing lights up. Ddmtuning.com is a really good product, i know many people that use them for over a year, i myself is coming up to a year and they work just like they did when i put them in. A lot of peeps on here use them too, that's how i got refer to them.

And that's only my low beam, you don't wanna see my high beam haha. Yeah they do blind everyone but now a day everybody has them so it's a never winning war of my lights are brighter then yours lol, If you don't really want to light up the road just get the regular 35 watt kit.. i have the 55 watt kit being why mine are so bright just in normal operation.

Bushido 11-25-2011 04:16 PM

the reason they blind people is because the housings are designed for halogen optics, HID is completely different.

if you want a legit setup, retrofit a projector.

if you are hell bent on a HID in a halogen housing atleast use a casper shield.

also, those fake projector housings are the WORST, so cheesy...

ixfxi 11-25-2011 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by h2v7 (Post 4372925)
sonic motor 10k hids with those standard housings
ricey yes but i like em and thats all that matters.

you guys should do like this guy

run sonic motors HIDs, y0. dont you guys pay attention? sonic motors. its a company that specializes in selling reputable crap for our cars.

sonic motors


Pinggg 11-25-2011 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by Bushido (Post 4373892)
the reason they blind people is because the housings are designed for halogen optics, HID is completely different.

if you want a legit setup, retrofit a projector.

if you are hell bent on a HID in a halogen housing atleast use a casper shield.

also, those fake projector housings are the WORST, so cheesy...

it's just a headlight they all do the same thing.. plus you can't even see the little circle projector when the lights are on..

JVD 11-25-2011 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by Pinggg (Post 4374033)
it's just a headlight they all do the same thing.. plus you can't even see the little circle projector when the lights are on..

STFU. let the big boys talk. you clearly have ZERO knowledge on this subject.

so many poverty fucks in the 240 crowd. guess you can only spend so much of your allowance on headlights.

fucking laughable.

keep on keepin on, mike.

h2v7 11-25-2011 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by ixfxi (Post 4373918)
you guys should do like this guy

run sonic motors HIDs, y0. dont you guys pay attention? sonic motors. its a company that specializes in selling reputable crap for our cars.

sonic motors




FaLKoN240 11-25-2011 07:32 PM

I don't even know why we try to tell people to spend good money on their cars.

Don't you realize that's a waste of time?

Pinggg 11-25-2011 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by JVD (Post 4374055)
STFU. let the big boys talk. you clearly have ZERO knowledge on this subject.

so many poverty fucks in the 240 crowd. guess you can only spend so much of your allowance on headlights.

fucking laughable.

keep on keepin on, mike.

it's just a headlight? i don't know why your getting all defensive..
and that's funny you call other 240 owners proverty f**ks.
i mean not everybody is born rich and its not like money grow on trees either.

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