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STR8 H8N 01-07-2011 06:51 AM

Little late to the site but heres my 350z pic/build/h8 thread














OBEEWON 01-07-2011 07:34 AM

The tint on your tail and head lights is tradjic. Otherwise it looks promising. But I do however notice the lack of coilovers??

kalypso123 01-07-2011 08:19 AM

not enough stretch and slam.

Corbic 01-07-2011 08:40 AM

Is this a build or a list of parts photos?

Your priorities are screwed up too...


Then all that other garbage, brakes, intakes, body kits..

S-Nation S13 01-07-2011 09:33 AM

last time i checked, its his car and he is frontin the cash. so if you guys dont like it front the cash for him so he can get what you guys like, if not then keep all you comments to yourself and keep pushin.

build your car to your spec not the masses..keep it up

Corbic 01-07-2011 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by S-Nation S13 (Post 3816466)
last time i checked, its his car and he is frontin the cash. so if you guys dont like it front the cash for him so he can get what you guys like, if not then keep all you comments to yourself and keep pushin.

build your car to your spec not the masses..keep it up

Last time I checked this is a Zilvia not a fucking group session to deal with self-esteem issues where everyone is a winner and cares about you, your individuality and lack of taste. If he does not want negative comments, then don't fucking post.

So until you start paying for my Internet and member dues, don't tell me what to fucking post.

enkei2k 01-07-2011 09:47 AM

Last time I checked, this isn't CLOSE to being a build thread, more like a picture thread.

Corbic 01-07-2011 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by enkei2k (Post 3816485)
Last time I checked, this isn't CLOSE to being a build thread, more like a picture thread.

See my first post :p

OBEEWON 01-07-2011 09:52 AM

Your use of "cash frontin' " is inaccurate.

But I do aggree with you. It's his car and he should do what I say, not the masses.

S-Nation S13 01-07-2011 09:54 AM

people swear man...first of all your not paying my internet, so SHUT THE FUCK UP, secondly when someone is building or starts a build thread or whatever he calls it thread, everyone i.e you bitches and moans about what he is doing wrong, and finally you are not the build guru so by saying his "priorities are screwed up" who are you to tell him where to start, and where to finish... are you paying the tab on the build?.....NO THOUGHT SO!

kick rocks..negative people always got to screw things up!

STR8 H8N 01-07-2011 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by enkei2k (Post 3816485)
Last time I checked, this isn't CLOSE to being a build thread, more like a picture thread.








S-Nation S13 01-07-2011 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by OBEEWON (Post 3816492)
Your use of "cash frontin' " is inaccurate.

But I do aggree with you. It's his car and he should do what I say, not the masses.

i agree..but at least someone see it in the most obvious way.

Pure_JDM 01-07-2011 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by S-Nation S13 (Post 3816497)
people swear man...first of all your not paying my internet, so SHUT THE FUCK UP, secondly when someone is building or starts a build thread or whatever he calls it thread, everyone i.e you bitches and moans about what he is doing wrong, and finally you are not the build guru so by saying his "priorities are screwed up" who are you to tell him where to start, and where to finish... are you paying the tab on the build?.....NO THOUGHT SO!

kick rocks..negative people always got to screw things up!

:stupid: huked on foniks ftw.

S-Nation S13 01-07-2011 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by Pure_JDM (Post 3816520)
:stupid: huked on foniks ftw.

:stupid: hooked on phonics....

Slammed180 01-07-2011 10:13 AM

This thread sucks.


Pure_JDM 01-07-2011 10:20 AM

Wow, he does know how to spell... how about a fucking grammar lesson?


Originally Posted by S-Nation S13 (Post 3816497)
people swear man...first of all YOU'RE not paying my internet, so SHUT THE FUCK UP, secondly when someone is building or starts a build thread or whatever he calls it thread, everyone i.e you bitches and moans about what he is doing wrong, and finally you are not the build guru so by saying his "priorities are screwed up" who are you to tell him where to start, and where to finish... are you paying the tab on the build?.....NO THOUGHT SO!

kick rocks..negative people always got to screw things up!

First of all, explain what each of the red "clauses" (at best) even mean. Secondly, learn to use punctuation. A fucking comma or period between your horrible fragments wouldn't kill you. When you're going to make a horrible attempt to dis someone on a public forum, for thousands to be entertained with your ignorance, at least make a valid effort to not come off as a complete fucking idiot when doing so... I could skull drag your ass through books all day, and probably make a little improvement on your lack of intelligence, but knocking down you e-thug ego would be the biggest feat.

All Corbic was trying to say is that the OP has proceeded to buy a few items that shouldn't even be considered until later stages of build up. I personally don't care; as you stated, it's HIS car, and I actually agree with you there. But don't get all butthurt over someone's comment. Let the OP defend his post. He doesn't need the assistance of an illiterate e-thug.

OBEEWON 01-07-2011 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by s-nation s13 (Post 3816522)
:stupid: Hooked on phonics....



nissanfreak317 01-07-2011 10:21 AM

You're doing it wrong.

ZilviaKid 01-07-2011 10:59 AM

its like im really watching a build thread from 1999!

whats up with all the rainbows and brightly coloured bullshit? this isnt a type r forum.

also, exhaust/headers should have been the first thing done, not ricer pedals.

tricky_ab 01-07-2011 11:01 AM

I like where this thread is heading guys!

S-Nation S13 01-07-2011 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by Pure_JDM (Post 3816533)
Wow, he does know how to spell... how about a fucking grammar lesson?

First of all, explain what each of the red "clauses" (at best) even mean. Secondly, learn to use punctuation. A fucking comma or period between your horrible fragments wouldn't kill you. When you're going to make a horrible attempt to dis someone on a public forum, for thousands to be entertained with your ignorance, at least make a valid effort to not come off as a complete fucking idiot when doing so... I could skull drag your ass through books all day, and probably make a little improvement on your lack of intelligence, but knocking down you e-thug ego would be the biggest feat.

All Corbic was trying to say is that the OP has proceeded to buy a few items that shouldn't even be considered until later stages of build up. I personally don't care; as you stated, it's HIS car, and I actually agree with you there. But don't get all butthurt over someone's comment. Let the OP defend his post. He doesn't need the assistance of an illiterate e-thug.

This zilvia.net right? For a second I thought I logged into my pseudo online english class. Point taken, but take notes you to are at fault. If he decided to buy those parts now he wouldn't have to later. In the end parts will be bought whether its now or later. All I am saying is, Corbic doesn't have to bash his priorities.

Skull drag me through books all you want, you mean to tell me, I'll learn more by rubbing my head on books? If I only knew that when I was in highschool.

I'll correct my mistakes, or clarify so you understand.
"people swear man" another way of saying how anal people can be...
"your" Im not going to lie..I failed sorry Im human.
"everyone i.e you bitches and moans" gramatical error. I had a feeling I left out a comma.
" NO THOUGHT SO!" Obviously he is not paying the build.

LAST TIME I CHECKED INTERNET STARTED WITH AN I AND NOT A E.....so your "e-thug" comment was, you guessed it gramatically wrong! Just because you internet icon is represented by the letter e, doesn't mean it's spelled with an e. Just saying, if you already didn't notice.

For more clarification:

Internet Explorer. I'm a "e-thug" guys. Don't get dissed by the big bad "Explorer-Thug". This is the Internet not the Explorernet.

soreballz 01-07-2011 11:23 AM

This is a build thread? Lolololol


Originally Posted by Corbic (Post 3816476)
Last time I checked this is a Zilvia not a fucking group session to deal with self-esteem issues where everyone is a winner and cares about you, your individuality and lack of taste.

Greatest post of 2011.

driftsilvias13 01-07-2011 11:30 AM

WORST BUILD THREAD EVER. I dont see anything being "built"

And putting that bride fabric on the floor mats? Really?!

Slammed180 01-07-2011 11:35 AM

I want Konigs.....

SHARKERIOcoupe 01-07-2011 11:46 AM

Those wheels are sick dude - I want them ... Konigs? I thought they were gramlight?

tight thouhgh

deolio 01-07-2011 11:52 AM

poor z :bash:

ThatGuy 01-07-2011 12:52 PM

This is not a build thread.

This is over.

STR8 H8N, you have done nothing but FAIL miserably at attempting to be a Zilvian thus far. Perhaps this isn't the place for you. I suggest reconsidering your position on our Forum. Either adapt to the way we do things (not cluttering threads with bullshit random pictures, and posting non-build threads) or find a different Forum to troll.


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