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jpl2018 04-28-2019 10:19 PM

S14 Zenki Running Issues
I don't even know how to title this but its a very long story. I'll start by saying I'm not an expert and I'm sure I've fucked something up along the way and you can flame me or whatever but I just want my damn car running again. 95 s14 ka24de auto to manual swap btw. My problems started back in February when I was driving to lunch and my battery came disconnected. The terminal wasn't tightened down all the way and popped off while I was driving. I reconnected it and it started up ok and I made it to lunch, but when I left the restaurant I pulled out and got on the gas and it flooded itself. It threw a code for a coolant temperature sensor. I get one and swap it out. It started but when I touched the gas it flooded out again. Next, I went and swapped out my fuel pressure regulator and now it won't start even on starting fluid. Honestly, I'm clueless and frustrated so any help would be appreciated.

jpl2018 04-29-2019 11:18 AM

Bump please help

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