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Yuri 05-15-2006 04:07 PM

The Two-tone Preservation Society
There have been "show pics of 2-tone's" threads in the past, but this is a little different. This is going to be a registry of all known factory two-tones on Zilvia, with a little information on them. This is an attempt to find out how many of these beauties have survived, made their way into the hands of enthusiets, and still proudly sport their factory two-tone color-scheme.
So, if you have a two-tone, and think repainting it a different color should be a crime, lol, then post up the following info and a pic for induction into "the Two-tone Preservation Society"
I will try to keep track of the number of specific two-tones on zilvia.

Color of car:
Build date:
original transmission:

Cars in registry: 26
Cars without complete info: 5

Silver-green: 14
Bluish-silver: 7
Creamy-yellow: 5

89:21 1(8-88) 1(9-88) 1(10-88) 4(12-88) 2(1-89) 1(2-89) 1(4-89) 1(7-89)
others unknown

automatic: 9

winged: 0
wingless: 22

sunroof: 12
hardtop: 10

HUD cars: 16
non-HUD: 6

So it looks like '90 two-tones are very rare, as well as two-tones with spoilers.
I've seen a yellow two-tone with a spoiler before however, so they do exist.

Yuri 05-15-2006 04:09 PM

Color of car: Silver-green
Build date: 12/88
original transmission: automatic (converted to manual)
sunroof: yes
HUD: yes
wing: no
State: California

irax 05-15-2006 04:13 PM

yuri... i hate you soo freaking much... i soooo want an s13hb exactly like that.....

mmtmatrix 05-15-2006 04:59 PM

yeh Yuri, you kinda are an ass hole jeesse man lol thanks for the nice pic, love this one too

alexchanman 05-15-2006 05:11 PM

omg the s13.4 is soooooo hot in the two tone that it is.

EchoOfSilence 05-15-2006 05:12 PM

IMO the S14a front end will never look good on a fastback. maybe from a zenki.

Anyway, i got one for you.

Color of car: Creamy-yellow/ silver-metallic
Build date:12/88
original transmission:Manual
sunroof:Nope :cry:

Sorry for the crappy pic, but it's the 'best' picture i have

EDIT: As per NDBrindley's request, I have another picture that might be better. Again, please don't mind the Option2 sticker.

shift_s14 05-15-2006 05:41 PM

OMG!!! im in love with your wheels!!

Vatche 05-15-2006 05:54 PM

Build date: 88
original transmission: manual
sunroof: yes

i dont know if this counts, haha cuz i just painted it into a 2 tone from a champagne :) you dont have to add me i just want to support the two tone, it is hawt.

Yuri 05-15-2006 06:02 PM

It doesn't count for what I'm trying to do with this thread, but it looks really cool nonetheless.:)

ispypsi 05-15-2006 06:15 PM

1989 Nissan 240sx (Base)



Color of car: Creamy Yellow over Dark Gray Metallic
Build date: 12/88
original transmission: Manual
wing: No
State: Florida

Background: Technically, my brother is the 3rd owner, but the 2nd owner received it from his father (whom bought it new in 1988). The car was swapped to an SR20DET sometime in 1997 or 1998 (one of the first to be swapped in Florida), and had the crazy harness to prove it. My brother bought it with a blown turbo in mid 2004, converted the interior to black, redid the harnesses, added alot more bolt-ons, silvia front end. After a slew of random gremlins and general unreliability, my brother bought a Scion, and this car is currently parted out, and awaits someone with $300 to come give it a new home (i want to, but i already have a money pit of an S14).

FaLKoN240 05-15-2006 06:53 PM

Too bad Kazuo is banned, his car rules.

WERDdabuilder 05-15-2006 07:12 PM

anyone ever make their own two-tone. like using their own color combo

nistech 05-15-2006 07:53 PM

i thought they only got banned for a month??

TheTimanator 05-15-2006 08:33 PM

I love two-tones!! But I have a fastback. I guess I love the old school look all together. Anyway, has anyone ever seen a two-tone convertible? Obviously it would have had to been repainted and the chuki front bumper wouldn't work but I think it would look awesome or maybe not. I dunno.

axiomatik 05-15-2006 08:54 PM

Minty representin!

Color of Car: Silver-Green
Build date: 1/89
Original Transmission: Manual
Sunroof: Yes
HUD: Yes
Wing: No
State: Iowa


C. Senor 05-15-2006 09:19 PM

i just saw this thread....sry no pics, give me about a week or so dont have my car right now, its gettin body work and a paint job, yay!!!!!!

Color of car:silver-green
Build date:4-89
original transmission:manual

lol go xe, but converted to power doors, and other little miscelanious things

theicecreamdan 05-15-2006 09:23 PM

re-painting 2 tone = ban
fake 2 tone = pink for a month

TheTimanator 05-15-2006 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by theicecreamdan
fake 2 tone = pink for a month

isn't copying the most sincere form of flattery? hehe.

Okay, trying to pass off a fake 2 tone in this thread= pink for a month ;)

bboyt3nsk 05-15-2006 11:07 PM

Awesome thread! I HAD an 90 hatch manual with gray and silver 2 tone. Im not sure if that was stock or not,haha

ispypsi 05-15-2006 11:27 PM

lol, my brother wanted to paint his car black, i was like fuck that. not that i am a fan of the yellow, but id rock it if it wasnt like 17 years old and all faded. i love the green color.

there is a girl in tampa that has the blue-silverish two tone over gray, she has an sr in it and silvia face, kept the 2 tone. her car rocks so hard. ill see if i can find some numbers on it for the OP, i know its an 89 with no sunroof, it might have had HUD though.

theres also a minty 2 tone at my school that a female professor drives. its auto, and i looked and it has under 100k miles. ive thought on numerous occasions to ask if she'll sell it. it HAS to have been garaged.

brindley your car is sexy. i prefer 2 tones with old meshy wheels though.

ispypsi 05-15-2006 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by bboyt3nsk
Awesome thread! I HAD an 90 hatch manual with gray and silver 2 tone. Im not sure if that was stock or not,haha

i believe only coupes had factory 2 tone. i gotta find the chart.

S13SilviaGirl 05-16-2006 01:25 AM

Yes^^^Only coupes had the 2-tone. If a hatch is 2-tone they were painted that way after the fact.

phrozen 05-16-2006 01:25 AM

art has the cleanest 2 tone but hes banned now

!Zar! 05-16-2006 04:39 AM


Originally Posted by phrozen
art has the cleanest 2 tone but hes banned now

You are correct sir.

Yuri 05-16-2006 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by s13coupeluv
i just saw this thread....sry no pics, give me about a week or so dont have my car right now, its gettin body work and a paint job, yay!!!!!!

Color of car:silver-green

Please tell me it's getting repainted the factory color scheme.:bite: :)

steelbreeze 05-16-2006 10:13 AM

I used to have one

1989 5spd
no sunroof
no spoiler
the light blue/grey
it had hud but no digital cluster
in Ontario, Canada

I had to put her down, Canadian winters ate her alive before I got her. The car was rotten, driver side rail was done, and all the panels were rusting, it had an sr in it for a long time. I took the sr out and the car is probably a cube now :cry:

Nan Desu Ka?! 05-16-2006 12:39 PM

I love this thread. Needs more pics. :D two-tone FTW!!

Yuri, your car gives me the happy pants :D

Edgar 05-16-2006 12:41 PM

I love all two tones :)

EchoOfSilence 05-16-2006 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by Nan Desu Ka?!
I love this thread. Needs more pics. :D two-tone FTW!!

Yuri, your car gives me the happy pants :D

you! YOU have better pics of my car hahaha

ispypsi 05-16-2006 02:56 PM

two tone commercial love. (aw, so romantic!)


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