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Future240 05-28-2019 06:45 PM

The 2020 Presidential Race
Lots of people running though most dems right now.

This is the thread for all that discussion.

That being said looking at what we have now I would pick Weld even though he has no shot in hell.


Link for the political positions of the Democratic Candidates.

Profile for Weld

Profile for Trump

Profile for Joe Walsh

kanyedian 05-28-2019 07:00 PM

Lol you literally made this thread after that comment :rofl:

Idk. A few months ago I figured Sanders or Kamala Harris for the nominee. But there is so little change of Sanders getting the nod. The candidates are running so far left. But that's generally the nature for the primaries.

Andrew Yang and Tulsi Gabbard on JRE was cool

Agamemnon 05-28-2019 08:33 PM

I feel like Bernie's time has come and gone. He's too old and has gotten more extreme in his views.

Kamala Harris I feel will be going into the primaries with some good momentum given her background.

I'm very interested to see how far Andrew Yang goes running on the UBI platform. It'll be fun to see how some conservatives view his policies.

I would love to see someone like Pete Buttigieg do well in the primaries.

kanyedian 05-28-2019 08:55 PM

It's funny how Beto has completely fallen off the map. I think Harris definitely scores some intersectionality points but she put a lot of people away as the DA in CA. I find myself liking some UBI ideas but who knows, that may just be my naïveté.
And omg I just remembered de Blasio put his name in the ring :Olawd:

singlecamslam 05-28-2019 08:58 PM

Trumps gonna win. The end.

RalliartRsX 05-28-2019 10:05 PM

Kamala does not have the immigration policy down a of yet.

Pete showed really well on Fox surprisingly. Even got a standing ovation from the audience.

Bernie too old
Joe too old/baggage
Kamala has no real foreign policy or immigration ideas
Beto is lurking
And the remaining field of candidates are just hoping on the train to be there.

exitspeed 05-29-2019 03:42 AM

The last thing the Left wants is to run another old white guy. The party has moved too far left and towards socialism and its all about identity politics. The polls are showing the Left is least interested in voting for a white male. A women, a women of color, a man of color or a gay male all rank higher.

With that said Biden seems like the likely getting the nod at this point. The far left is going to reject him.

But it's early.

Green Arrow 05-29-2019 06:20 AM

TRUMP2020 /endthread

Future240 05-29-2019 09:31 AM


Originally Posted by kanyedian (Post 6344543)
Lol you literally made this thread after that comment :rofl:

Idk. A few months ago I figured Sanders or Kamala Harris for the nominee. But there is so little change of Sanders getting the nod. The candidates are running so far left. But that's generally the nature for the primaries.

Andrew Yang and Tulsi Gabbard on JRE was cool

Yep. That comment reminded me it was time.


Originally Posted by Agamemnon (Post 6344551)
I feel like Bernie's time has come and gone. He's too old and has gotten more extreme in his views.

Kamala Harris I feel will be going into the primaries with some good momentum given her background.

I'm very interested to see how far Andrew Yang goes running on the UBI platform. It'll be fun to see how some conservatives view his policies.

I would love to see someone like Pete Buttigieg do well in the primaries.

Sanders is done. He is imo to old. I was a Bernie Bro back in the primaries as he seemed the most reasonable. But now with his talks of free everything and guaranteed jobs. I just cannot support him. He moved left to keep up with the dems. Harris and Booker both are a no for me. I have not gone through all the Dems yet but so far I have not found anyone I liked yet.


Originally Posted by exitspeed (Post 6344593)
The polls are showing the Left is least interested in voting for a white male. A women, a women of color, a man of color or a gay male all rank higher.

This is what I do not like about the current left. I am a moderate by nature. I see both conservative and liberal points. This push against the white male is something I cannot get behind. Politics should have nothing to do with race/gender/sexual orientation.

RalliartRsX 05-29-2019 10:16 AM

There seems to be solid evidence for a push behind the #notwhitemale. Look up all the folks who sponsored the recent spat of abortion bills....and then look up how many of them have a clue on a woman's reproductive cycle. That and we are the only first world country who has NOT had a female in the white house.

I agree Future. However, the recent spat of bills is just one of many examples why I see a push to not have a white male

With that said, I really do like Pete. Young, charismatic, seems to have his footing and overall a well rounded human. Its nice to see someone so fluent in several languages, however still respects our Amendment rights. The two CAN exist with compromise vs what we have now on "My way or the higway!"

However, considering the bible thumpers, I cannot image the cog dissonance of most of the folks who are extreme 2nd Amendment right and anti-abortion followers to vote for a military vet, who is gay, who speaks several languages and still respects the 2nd amendment..........and oh snap, AND is a white male. I do agree with his stance; Fox News audience never had access to someone from the middle/left, so him appearing on Fox was a solid in my book.

That and he lacks the political baggage of just about every single Dem candidate.

Future240 05-29-2019 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by RalliartRsX (Post 6344633)
There seems to be solid evidence for a push behind the #notwhitemale. Look up all the folks who sponsored the recent spat of abortion bills....and then look up how many of them have a clue on a woman's reproductive cycle. That and we are the only first world country who has NOT had a female in the white house.

I agree Future. However, the recent spat of bills is just one of many examples why I see a push to not have a white male

With that said, I really do like Pete. Young, charismatic, seems to have his footing and overall a well rounded human. Its nice to see someone so fluent in several languages, however still respects our Amendment rights. The two CAN exist with compromise vs what we have now on "My way or the higway!"

However, considering the bible thumpers, I cannot image the cog dissonance of most of the folks who are extreme 2nd Amendment right and anti-abortion followers to vote for a military vet, who is gay, who speaks several languages and still respects the 2nd amendment..........and oh snap, AND is a white male. I do agree with his stance; Fox News audience never had access to someone from the middle/left, so him appearing on Fox was a solid in my book.

That and he lacks the political baggage of just about every single Dem candidate.

My issue with the push against white males is the fact it is simply because they are white males. It is no different to me than people rallying for a woman simply because she is a woman. IMO both are equally as bad as it should be about policy and qualifications. I realize though not a lot of people feel that way. I know a lot of people who voted for Obama because he was black first and policy second.

I believe we push against bad policy vs look at the group identity of who is making the bad policy. Abortion is never going to be a solved issue. It will volley back and forth between the left and the right. Same with the 2a.

This article sums up my exactly feelings on Pete.

spooled240 05-29-2019 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by exitspeed (Post 6344593)
The last thing the Left wants is to run another old white guy. The party has moved too far left and towards socialism and its all about identity politics. The polls are showing the Left is least interested in voting for a white male. A women, a women of color, a man of color or a gay male all rank higher.

It's because they are against racism and gender discrimination :goyou:

Future240 05-29-2019 11:49 AM


Originally Posted by spooled240 (Post 6344636)
It's because they are against racism and gender discrimination :goyou:

Not all of them are.


Some of the left support black only college housing. By definition that would be racist to exclude people from housing based on the color of their skin. It is literally what MLK stood against.

Some on the left try to say it is ok by victimizing us with the "poor black people" stint saying we need a safe space away from white people.

They can call it what they want but it is still racist. But double standards yo.

Because when white people tried the same thing it became a controversy

spooled240 05-29-2019 12:27 PM

I was being sarcastic. Many of them are also open anti-semites or allow such anti-semetic BS in their party, it's nuts.

kanyedian 05-29-2019 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by RalliartRsX (Post 6344633)
There seems to be solid evidence for a push behind the #notwhitemale. Look up all the folks who sponsored the recent spat of abortion bills....and then look up how many of them have a clue on a woman's reproductive cycle. That and we are the only first world country who has NOT had a female in the white house.

But the anti cis-gendered vanilla face males was started way before the recent pro-life moves in state legislations.

And we're the only country WITH a white house! ha


Originally Posted by RalliartRsX (Post 6344633)
However, considering the bible thumpers, I cannot image the cog dissonance of most of the folks who are extreme 2nd Amendment right and anti-abortion followers to vote for a military vet, who is gay, who speaks several languages and still respects the 2nd amendment..........and oh snap, AND is a white male.

Maybe. But the RNC before Trump was elected had an openly gay speaker and he received a standing ovation. Much of America simply doesn't care about sexual orientation anymore, despite partisan propaganda on the issue.


Originally Posted by Future240 (Post 6344635)
My issue with the push against white males is the fact it is simply because they are white males. It is no different to me than people rallying for a woman simply because she is a woman.

It's the Oppression Olympics! Even universities last week stated they are going to create Adversity Scores to take into account an applicant's environment when applying to uni. Academia and Democrats are galloping to the left with the AOCs and Ilhan Omars of the world, and it is going to be a total shock to them when Trumpito is re-elected.

It's been almost three years since Trump got in and a huge percentage of America has still not accepted it. And they complained about the chance that HE would not accept the election results. The political leftists are on the fringe with a loud minority. Even all the polling of dems shows Biden ahead by double digits. It's going to be a long period of Republican presidents unless a popular centrist can blossom among the left.

Americans are also tired of deplatforming any human being with which the left disagrees. It's not even shady anymore; it's extremely transparent.

Future240 05-29-2019 01:24 PM

Ah AOC. That is one cause both the left and the right should unite against.

For the dem nomination I am thinking either Biden or Warren. Not my personal selection. More of who might actually get chosen.

But let's be honest. We have not had a one term president since 1992 so hate or like Trump the chance of his re-election is rather high.

kanyedian 05-29-2019 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by Future240 (Post 6344657)
Ah AOC. That is one cause both the left and the right should unite against.

For the dem nomination I am thinking either Biden or Warren. Not my personal selection. More of who might actually get chosen.

But let's be honest. We have not had a one term president since 1992 so hate or like Trump the chance of his re-election is rather high.

WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!! There is no chance on Earth of her getting the nom! I'll bet you $10,000!! haha

feito 05-29-2019 10:47 PM

What everybody said, the left is completely unhinged and has become waaaay too radical. Seems like they're competing to see which candidate proposes the most radical policies, things that no even lord obama would have approved (at least back in his time), and all just to earn a group of voters that have completely gone insane due to their TDS.
That, plus the dems not doing a damn thing for the past 3 years except look for ways to get the potus out, I think is really gonna help good old trumpy.

Meanwhile, we got all these libs running away from their leftist "paradises", maintaining the same voting habits in their new refuges, spreading their blue cancer throughout the country... I really can't understand these people.

I dont know who will get the dem nomination, but I can tell you it wont be sanders or biden. While sander's policies are way out there with the rest of the cadidates, they are both old white males, which at the moment is one of the biggest redflags among dems, their enemy.

For me, the choice is very clear... remember, this is a car forum after all.


EFITTZY 05-30-2019 08:23 AM

Trump 2020 :drama:

SimpleS14 05-30-2019 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by RalliartRsX (Post 6344633)
With that said, I really do like Pete. Young, charismatic, seems to have his footing and overall a well rounded human. Its nice to see someone so fluent in several languages, however still respects our Amendment rights. The two CAN exist with compromise vs what we have now on "My way or the higway!"

However, considering the bible thumpers, I cannot image the cog dissonance of most of the folks who are extreme 2nd Amendment right and anti-abortion followers to vote for a military vet, who is gay, who speaks several languages and still respects the 2nd amendment..........and oh snap, AND is a white male. I do agree with his stance; Fox News audience never had access to someone from the middle/left, so him appearing on Fox was a solid in my book.

That and he lacks the political baggage of just about every single Dem candidate.

I think he's a good potential candidate and look forward to seeing how he plays out in the primary debates.

Thursday7 05-30-2019 12:32 PM

I find it funny how some think the Dems are getting too radical. They are still the same capitalists that they always were. It's obvious they are trying to be more palpable to people further left, as they always have, but I can assure you they are still going to fight the same battles Obama did. Appeasing billionaires, drone striking the middle east, etc. all while keeping up a façade of a down-to-earth dude in the White House.

This is not the revolution we are looking for, comrades.

PS diversity is cool, stop defending white males, sincerely, a white male.

exitspeed 05-30-2019 12:59 PM

The push towards socialism is new. Bernie was the first one to get the hype going and AOC and the rest of the Democratic Party are running with the ball. These were views that even during the Obama years were laughed at. They now “seem mainstream”. I put that in quotes because it’s not. The media is just an echo chamber and the Left can’t see outside their bubble to see the majority of Americans ject these ideas.

kanyedian 05-30-2019 01:05 PM

Mueller's press conference was meant to reiterate that there is no crime that can be charged to the pres. All the talking heads in the MSM are reporting that he said the opposite :rofl:

Their viewers (even fewer than the number on Zilvia) are seriously pissed because they were promised collusion for two years.

exitspeed 05-30-2019 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by kanyedian (Post 6344818)
Mueller's press conference was meant to reiterate that there is no crime that can be charged to the pres. All the talking heads in the MSM are reporting that he said the opposite :rofl:

Their viewers (even fewer than the number on Zilvia) are seriously pissed because they were promised collusion for two years.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

BOROSUN 05-30-2019 03:15 PM

I like Tulsi gabbard. She looks like rogue from X-Men.

kanyedian 05-30-2019 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by BOROSUN (Post 6344842)
I like Tulsi gabbard. She looks like rogue from X-Men.

About as good a reason to vote for any of them :w00t:

ghost_silvia 05-30-2019 11:44 PM

I took Mueller's speech as they can't bring charges because it goes against the constitution. He left the ball in Congress's court to act accordingly. That law needs to be abolished.

Farzam 05-31-2019 02:45 AM

Need to update thread title to "2020 presidential race/white tears thread"

My politic opinions aside I think Trump will be re-elected. And I have no friggin clue who will end up running against him. Prob Biden because he's the most familiar household name, seems to be the motif behind elections as of late. The touchy-feely fiasco seems to be blowing over a little bit. If anything some left wing twitter trolls will start reposting creepy pics of Trump and his kids. Or creepy quotes.

As much as the right blames the media for shafting them, the left has been getting boned too. I think the average dem is a lot more moderate than what the right is being led to believe by "viral" news, which I could be wrong about but that's my opinion at least. Both sides seem to have their mascots for egregious behavior, the more sensible politicians don't get as much of a spotlight.

midnight zenki 05-31-2019 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by kanyedian (Post 6344818)
Mueller's press conference was meant to reiterate that there is no crime that can be charged to the pres. All the talking heads in the MSM are reporting that he said the opposite :rofl:

Their viewers (even fewer than the number on Zilvia) are seriously pissed because they were promised collusion for two years.

You should probably do some more research and re-watch the statement. Mueller stated that the Office of Legal Counsel which is under the Department of Justice in which the Special Counsel is beheld to, is bound by a ruling that states that no sitting president can be charged with a crime.

With that ruling set as precedence, Mueller could not at this time charge the president with obstruction of justice and specifically mentioned that the investigation did not exonerate Trump in respect to obstruction of justice.

feito 05-31-2019 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by Thursday7 (Post 6344812)

PS diversity is cool, stop defending white males, sincerely, a white male.

Wtf does "cool" matter?
In the real world you want effectiveness, regardless of diversity. You want someone to get a job done, you hire the person most capable, regardless of their creed or sexual preference.
Note: reminding everyone of your personal preferences and pushing your own agenda on the bosses clock is not productive..

The color of your skin is meaningless while expressing yourself. Stop being racist.

kanyedian 06-02-2019 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by midnight zenki (Post 6344910)
You should probably do some more research and re-watch the statement. Mueller stated that the Office of Legal Counsel which is under the Department of Justice in which the Special Counsel is beheld to, is bound by a ruling that states that no sitting president can be charged with a crime.

With that ruling set as precedence, Mueller could not at this time charge the president with obstruction of justice and specifically mentioned that the investigation did not exonerate Trump in respect to obstruction of justice.

He said a lot more than that.

What do you think is the point of saying there is not evidence that a crime was not committed? There is a reason not to cite evidence of a crime when there is no opportunity to defend one's self in court. Which will not happen because he is not charging Trumpito with anything.

kanyedian 06-02-2019 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by Farzam (Post 6344898)
Need to update thread title to "2020 presidential race/white tears thread"

My politic opinions aside I think Trump will be re-elected. And I have no friggin clue who will end up running against him. Prob Biden because he's the most familiar household name, seems to be the motif behind elections as of late. The touchy-feely fiasco seems to be blowing over a little bit. If anything some left wing twitter trolls will start reposting creepy pics of Trump and his kids. Or creepy quotes.

As much as the right blames the media for shafting them, the left has been getting boned too. I think the average dem is a lot more moderate than what the right is being led to believe by "viral" news, which I could be wrong about but that's my opinion at least. Both sides seem to have their mascots for egregious behavior, the more sensible politicians don't get as much of a spotlight.

Racist comment aside, it's true that the media reports on the extreme ends of the political spectrum. That's where they have learned live the views/clicks. That's why it's helpful to have candidates on alternative media platforms like JRE and Dave Rubin, Ben Shapiro's Sunday Show, etc. on YT where ideas can be debated/discussed for over 60 mins.

Jorgs_7 06-03-2019 02:33 PM

Go trump 2020

midnight zenki 06-03-2019 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by kanyedian (Post 6345114)
He said a lot more than that.

What do you think is the point of saying there is not evidence that a crime was not committed? There is a reason not to cite evidence of a crime when there is no opportunity to defend one's self in court. Which will not happen because he is not charging Trumpito with anything.

[IMG]https://i.ibb.co/841PtkR/Double-negative-grammar.png [/IMG]

kanyedian 06-09-2019 04:09 PM

Hmmm this race is cray! I feel like the Dems' best chance to beat Trump is to nominate Biden. But the other candidates and the media are attacking him lol. Probably because he's the front runner and also because of his low qualifying status in the oppression olympics. And that was strange with him changing opinions so quickly on the Hyde Amendment. Makes him seem dishonest and inauthentic.

SupaDoopa 06-10-2019 06:27 AM

The media is run by politicians. It's what creates mass hysteria or the opposite. They can manipulate the people stupid enough to not have their own opinion any way they want - unless you're one of those dumbasses that tune in to see what the newest leaked sex tape is or who lost a toe scuba diving in the Bahamas after they parked their three million dollar yacht too close to the barrier reef.

I like to take in opinions of all parties and make an educated decision on who would be a good fit at that particular time as well as track record, credentials, truth to word, and a few other factors. I tend to swing Republican mainly because I enjoy my constitutional rights and I don't think a person sleeping in a fancy house should be able to take them away from me.

If you want an abortion, cool. If you want to own an underground bunker filled with legally registered guns, cool. If you want to openly talk shit about Oprah Winfrey, cool. I'm down with it as long it's legal and follows your rights to the T.

kanyedian 06-10-2019 06:34 PM

I'm a little over halfway through Andrew Yang on The Rubin Report and I've gotta say, I dig his ideas. He's already in the June and July debates and close to the requirement to get into the later ones. Looking forward to watching his performance. If he gets the nominee, I have to say I may through him a vote.

https://www.8thcivic.com/forums/imag.../corndance.gif https://www.8thcivic.com/forums/imag...pinkhiding.gif

feito 06-11-2019 12:24 AM

So, what's everybody's take on cali's expansion of health benefits to illegals? Dont legal citizens still get fined over there for not having insurance per the fbhobama care rules?
I know here in my state there wont be anymore fines next year, thanks to our republican senators.

spooled240 06-11-2019 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by kanyedian (Post 6346139)
I'm a little over halfway through Andrew Yang on The Rubin Report and I've gotta say, I dig his ideas. He's already in the June and July debates and close to the requirement to get into the later ones. Looking forward to watching his performance. If he gets the nominee, I have to say I may through him a vote.

https://www.8thcivic.com/forums/imag.../corndance.gif https://www.8thcivic.com/forums/imag...pinkhiding.gif

I like his ideas on reinvesting in our working class, but I don't think UBI is the answer.


Originally Posted by feito (Post 6346161)
So, what's everybody's take on cali's expansion of health benefits to illegals? Dont legal citizens still get fined over there for not having insurance per the fbhobama care rules?
I know here in my state there wont be anymore fines next year, thanks to our republican senators.

I'm glad our politicians found insuring people that are here illegally as a higher priority over taking care of the thousands of homeless citizens that need help. The cities here are getting really bad and nothing is being done about it.

kanyedian 06-11-2019 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by feito (Post 6346161)
So, what's everybody's take on cali's expansion of health benefits to illegals? Dont legal citizens still get fined over there for not having insurance per the fbhobama care rules?
I know here in my state there wont be anymore fines next year, thanks to our republican senators.

It's utterly laughable. California needs to hurry up and secede lol. Go join Europe. That is why it's so important to have an electoral college otherwise the entire country would be run by the biggest cities in a few states, leaving everyone else with different values out to dry.

I would love to see the migrants delivered to sanctuary cities though. That was a brilliant and hilarious threat https://www.8thcivic.com/forums/imag...eerleader1.gif https://www.8thcivic.com/forums/imag.../pinkrotfl.gif


Originally Posted by spooled240 (Post 6346195)
I like his ideas on reinvesting in our working class, but I don't think UBI is the answer.

At first, for whatever reason, I would find myself agreeing that UBI is not the answer. But when I challenge myself to say why, I find that I am not able to.

It seems like the cleanest way to avoid extreme poverty and reduce reliance on public assistance all in one go. Yang likens it to a dividend check based on being a stakeholder in the United States. He will make it one or the other, either food stamps and related programs, OR the $1,000/month check. Those that would choose the money (and therefore be able to spend it however they like) will immediately leave the other programs freeing up money for the UBI itself. And all that extra spending money may be reintroduced into the economy when people begin spending it.

https://www.8thcivic.com/forums/imag...ies/hungry.gif https://www.8thcivic.com/forums/imag.../2thumbsup.gif

spooled240 06-11-2019 01:00 PM

The vast majority of people would be buying cigarettes, beer and 7/11 hot dogs. I don't think the money would be funneling back into the economy in an optimal way as it would just end up in the hands of a few large corporations. And the marginal positive impact it would do for the economy would be negated by the incredibly high cost.

The democrats all seem to think that there's an endless supply of money that can be pulled for free healthcare, free college, UBI, $15+/hr minimum wage, etc. Now Bernie is at least admitting that his programs will be funded by taxes. If any of these people are end up in the white house you can expect your effective salary to drop significantly as a result of higher taxes and an overall higher cost of living.

kanyedian 06-11-2019 01:09 PM

You don't think that money would go primarily to pay rent? That's where I would use it first. And then secondly, on the Silvia https://www.8thcivic.com/forums/imag...s/eyebrows.gif

spooled240 06-11-2019 02:02 PM

Sure, but it's still more residual money at the end of the day. You would have a more money to spend on the Silvia.

exitspeed 06-11-2019 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by kanyedian (Post 6346213)
It's utterly laughable. California needs to hurry up and secede lol. Go join Europe. That is why it's so important to have an electoral college otherwise the entire country would be run by the biggest cities in a few states, leaving everyone else with different values out to dry.

I would love to see the migrants delivered to sanctuary cities though. That was a brilliant and hilarious threat

Perfect example of the Lefts bs virtue signaling. They claim they care about immigrants and proclaim their cities sanctuary’s, but when Trump calls their bluff they say he’s being insensitive and being asshole.

It’s like AOC’s GND. She and the climate folks (for the record I believe in climate change but that’s whole other conversation) claim if we don’t do something drastic immediately we’re doomed. So the republicans let them vote on it and she cries fowl. So what is it? Do we need to do something drastic right this min or no? The Democrats has the chance and they passed. Because it’s bs virtue signaling.

kanyedian 06-11-2019 03:25 PM

I've seen so much information in the past few years and I am seriously concerned about rising CO2 levels in the atmosphere. Stopping all fossil fuel use would devastate economies; especially those developing nations that have not yet completed their industrial revolutions. It would relegate them to perpetual poverty. I'm not sure the answer. Could be Teslas for everyone! Or shit. Let's all walk around!!

Time to take the Lamborfeeties out of the garage, start up the Chevrolegs, and take the Shoebarus out for a spin. https://www.8thcivic.com/forums/imag...um/escaper.gif


rvns14 06-11-2019 06:34 PM


Originally Posted by feito (Post 6346161)
So, what's everybody's take on cali's expansion of health benefits to illegals? Dont legal citizens still get fined over there for not having insurance per the fbhobama care rules?
I know here in my state there wont be anymore fines next year, thanks to our republican senators.

People who show up/get dropped off at hospital emergency rooms, people who go bankrupt after unexpected hospital stays/slowly over prescription drug cost; people with insurance pay for those people anyway (and justify the fudge factor that allows the hospitals/drug companies to charge hundreds for meds that would otherwise cost 10s pad the profits of Galaxo/Merrick/Bristol Meyers, etc).

rvns14 06-11-2019 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by kanyedian (Post 6346213)
It's utterly laughable. California needs to hurry up and secede lol. Go join Europe. That is why it's so important to have an electoral college otherwise the entire country would be run by the biggest cities in a few states, leaving everyone else with different values out to dry.

I would love to see the migrants delivered to sanctuary cities though. That was a brilliant and hilarious threat https://www.8thcivic.com/forums/imag...eerleader1.gif https://www.8thcivic.com/forums/imag.../pinkrotfl.gif

We would have to negotiate a trade agreement (ala the unratified USMCA) with a country that previously would have been the largest single economy in the country and provides a huge amount of Americas produce. California is increasing their alternative energy use, they would happily make a stable trade deal with the Pacific Rim and leave US (us) in the loosing position.

You guys ready for Cali made adult entertainment/wine/alcohol (Anchor Steam Beer) embargo for the remaining US states (see Smokey & The Bandit).

kanyedian 06-11-2019 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by rvns14 (Post 6346268)
We would have to negotiate a trade agreement (ala the unratified USMCA) with a country that previously would have been the largest single economy in the country and provides a huge amount of Americas produce. California is increasing their alternative energy use, they would happily make a stable trade deal with the Pacific Rim and leave US (us) in the loosing position.

You guys ready for Cali made adult entertainment/wine/alcohol (Anchor Steam Beer) embargo for the remaining US states (see Smokey & The Bandit).

Pelosi can be made King of California and Alyssa Milano as Prime Minister. They hate the rest of America anyway! Boycotting states that have voters that dislike abortion. Those ideologies and going to re-elect Trumpito in 2020 big time.

rvns14 06-11-2019 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by kanyedian (Post 6346269)
Pelosi can be made King of California and Alyssa Milano as Prime Minister. They hate the rest of America anyway! Boycotting states that have voters that dislike abortion. Those ideologies and going to re-elect Trumpito in 2020 big time.

lol @ they hate america anyway.

The unspoken truth is that they are wealthy anyway, come what may, they will be alright. I dont think politicians should pretend as much to care about people who themselves dont care about themselves.

kanyedian 06-11-2019 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by rvns14 (Post 6346272)
lol @ they hate america anyway.

The unspoken truth is that they are wealthy anyway, come what may, they will be alright. I dont think politicians should pretend as much to care about people who themselves dont care about themselves.

The whole of politics as it is now is solely about getting re-elected. The minute a member of Congress is elected, they immediately begin working on re-election. Resources are flooded to incumbents and that becomes the primary focus. Term limits for these individuals is SUCH a no-brainer. I want that to happen so bad! Challenge them to introduce a bill to limit their own terms and that should shed a real light on the issue.


kanyedian 06-20-2019 01:55 PM

Are we going to war with Iran over the drone that was shot down?

Future240 07-30-2019 01:01 PM

Current List. I imagine as time gets closer more R's will start coming out.

Democrats Republicans I'm still supporting Weld.

gbaby2089 07-30-2019 02:08 PM


exitspeed 07-30-2019 03:23 PM

I’m totally renting out my home for the DNC. Gonna make as much money on these lefties as I can.

spooled240 08-01-2019 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by exitspeed (Post 6352025)
I’m totally renting out my home for the DNC. Gonna make as much money on these lefties as I can.

Idk, it looks as though they want to make money off you insteadhttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/201...129be00d34.gif

exitspeed 08-01-2019 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by spooled240 (Post 6352231)
Idk, it looks as though they want to make money off you insteadhttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/201...129be00d34.gif

Not if I have any say about it.

gbaby2089 08-01-2019 02:48 PM


exitspeed 08-01-2019 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by gbaby2089 (Post 6352281)
I doubt many ppl are going to want to stay in the burbs for the DNC.

I’m 15 min from downtown. People were staying that far away (and further) for Erin Hills.

Also the main issue with having the event in Milwaukee is it had the least amount of hotels of all the cities considered.

My house would sleep 12 people, so it would be more ideal for a company like CNN or some shit.

gbaby2089 08-01-2019 04:19 PM


exitspeed 08-01-2019 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by gbaby2089 (Post 6352298)
Breh, if MKE can handle summerfest, the DNC won't kill it. All the big companies will book at the Kimpton or Pfister.

Edit: for fuck’s sake do YOU HAVE to argue about everything?

I’ll let you know how it turns out.

gbaby2089 08-02-2019 09:49 AM


exitspeed 08-02-2019 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by gbaby2089 (Post 6352420)
Sounds good.

Have fun with your place in the burbs, maybe fix your location.

Typical lefty telling people how to love their life.

Makes no difference but I lived more than 3/4 of my life in Milwaukee, born and raised. It wasn’t until I had kids and valued a good school district (unlike the shit MPS district I grew up in) that I moved.

gbaby2089 08-02-2019 12:14 PM


exitspeed 08-02-2019 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by gbaby2089 (Post 6352434)

When you work to kill the school district it is going to struggle in a shocking twist.

Huh, so the school district ran by lefties for its entirety, in the city ran by lefties for the last 70 years? That one? I spite of Walkers record school spending ( https://www.politifact.com/wisconsin...nsin-schools-/) Fuck outta here.

I got sick of getting robbed, harassed, and living in shithole city. So I moved to an a area with wildly successful schools ran by republicans. Luckily I live in a country that gives me that freedom.

I won’t say another word on this. But feel free to waste your time. Unlike you I won’t tell you how to live.

spooled240 08-02-2019 09:42 PM

Jeez the hostility...

Let's all remember what brought us together..shit box 240's!

Future240 08-03-2019 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by spooled240 (Post 6352496)
Jeez the hostility...

Let's all remember what brought us together..shit box 240's!

Dude it’s loud noises.

The forum header literally says a place for political mudslinging.

People are passionate and as long as there are no personal threats you can pretty much say what you feel.

We even encourage people NOT to neg rep in here just so more people will speak their minds.

exitspeed 08-08-2019 10:49 AM

I know the liberals in this thread have continually dismissed my claims that more POC and women are supporting Trump, but hey don’t take my word for it. Take a Lefties research on on.


The reactions to this are hilarious! And what’s even better the response on social media from POC is completely confirming it.

Here’s a hint: the bullies on the left have shown their true colors and every day citizens are tired of it.

Future240 08-08-2019 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by exitspeed (Post 6353193)
I know the liberals in this thread have continually dismissed my claims that more POC and women are supporting Trump, but hey don’t take my word for it. Take a Lefties research on on.


The reactions to this are hilarious! And what’s even better the response on social media from POC is completely confirming it.

Here’s a hint: the bullies on the left have shown their true colors and every day citizens are tired of it.

This article mentions the POTUS having more support but does not mention poc or women. It does not mention any race or gender. I am not certain how you attribute the article data to mean poc or women.

If anything the article simply breaks down into people who liked Trump vs people did not but now do. It suggest it could be republicans, former democrats or independents.


But it is not 2016 anymore. Millions of Americans who did not like the president in 2016 now say they do. Over all, his personal favorability rating has increased by about 10 percentage points among registered voters since Election Day 2016, to 44 percent from 34 percent, according to Upshot estimates.
Some of these voters probably voted for Mr. Trump in 2016, even though they didn’t like him at the time. But some probably did not vote for him: Republicans with an unfavorable opinion of Mr. Trump were more than twice as likely to stay home on Election Day as those with a favorable view, according to New York Times/Siena surveys of North Carolina, Florida and Pennsylvania in 2016.
It seems likely that a substantial number of these voters now have a favorable view of the president: Over all, 28 percent of Republican-leaning voters with an unfavorable view of Mr. Trump in 2016 had a favorable view of him by 2018, according to data from the Voter Study Group. The aggregate national data suggests that Mr. Trump has gained more support than that — if not from Republicans then perhaps from some number of independents or former Democrats.

exitspeed 08-08-2019 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by Future240 (Post 6353203)
This article mentions the POTUS having more support but does not mention poc or women. It does not mention any race or gender. I am not certain how you attribute the article data to mean poc or women.

If anything the article simply breaks down into people who liked Trump vs people did not but now do. It suggest it could be republicans, former democrats or independents.

Yes, but it doesn’t say amount white supporters either. So one could infer that this would include POC.

The reason I bring this report up is because I’ve said in this thread there are some strong movements among POC supporting Trump that i follow on the Gram. It’s dismissed as “oh there’s this inebriate black guy you follow”, when indeed it’s not. It’s MANY and the movement is real. The left wants to deny it, but it looks like even they are starting to come to terms with it. Well not really because the response online has been historical.

Future240 08-08-2019 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by exitspeed (Post 6353206)
Yes, but it doesn’t say amount white supporters either. So one could infer that this would include POC..

This I must disagree with. You are extrapolating. One cannot infer anything in regards to race or gender with this article as there is no data to infer it with. The author did not point out race or gender. He pointed out political affiliation.

Now to your point the #blexit movement IS real and gaining support.

Example below VVVV


gbaby2089 08-08-2019 01:41 PM


exitspeed 08-08-2019 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by Future240 (Post 6353209)
This I must disagree with. You are extrapolating. One cannot infer anything in regards to race or gender with this article as there is no data to infer it with. The author did not point out race or gender. He pointed out political affiliation.

Now to your point the #blexit movement IS real and gaining support.

Example below VVVV


Again though it doesn’t say that it doesn’t and therefore should.

Don’t forget #walkaway.

exitspeed 08-08-2019 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by Future240 (Post 6352542)

We even encourage people NOT to neg rep in here just so more people will speak their minds.

I’d like to reiterate this point to the peons that think neg repping me does anything. Coward wouldn’t even leave his name. :wavey:

feito 08-08-2019 09:01 PM

With so many unhinged lefties out there, it's a serious risk to wear maga hats. Takes some balls. I am planning on running an experiment locally thou: go to the grocery store and park one of my worse beater cars with a maga flag next to this kid's mustang that flies an american flag with the words "fuck trump" spray painted on it. Would love to see his reaction and record it from a safe distance.

exitspeed 08-10-2019 09:46 AM

This is the the most bitch ass, cry baby ass, temper tantrum shit the Left has done so far. Just wow.


rvns14 08-10-2019 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by exitspeed (Post 6353406)
This is the the most bitch ass, cry baby ass, temper tantrum shit the Left has done so far. Just wow.


Most presidents don't have to be forced to provide tax returns, they know open and honest communication is healthy for a democracy.

exitspeed 08-11-2019 05:22 AM


Originally Posted by rvns14 (Post 6353430)
Most presidents don't have to be forced to provide tax returns, they know open and honest communication is healthy for a democracy.

That doesn’t matter. We have a CONSTITUTION! If you want something changed there’s a process. Requiring tax records to be on a ballot as a president is UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Period.

lewisfk 08-11-2019 06:37 AM

EXITSPEED: With the passage of Citizens United and the influence of foreign money in politics, its essential all individuals running for President of the U. S. release their tax returns. The Constitution is outdated and new s to be amended to reflect the 21 Century

Future240 08-11-2019 07:26 AM


Originally Posted by lewisfk (Post 6353473)
The Constitution is outdated and new s to be amended to reflect the 21 Century

That is part of what Exit is arguing.

The CURRENT constitutional law says one thing. This state governor is trying to bypass the constitution which is wrong.

Exit is arguing if politicians want something changed they should go about it the proper way and get the constitution updated.

Like he said there is a process for that.

I don’t know if you read the article but even the previous governor said it was a bad idea.


To the Members of the California State Senate:

I am returning Senate Bill 149 without my signature.

This bill requires any candidate for president to disclose five years of his or her income tax returns before their name can be placed on California's primary election ballot.

Although tax returns are by law confidential, many presidential candidates have voluntarily released them. This bill is a response to President Trump's refusal to release his returns during the last election.

While I recognize the political attractiveness-even the merits-of getting
President Trump's tax returns, I worry about the political perils of individual states seeking to regulate presidential elections in this manner. First, it may not be constitutional. Second, it sets a "slippery slope" precedent. Today we require tax returns, but what would be next? Five years of health records? A certified birth certificate? High school report cards? And will these requirements vary depending on which political party is in power?

A qualified candidate's ability to appear on the ballot is fundamental to our democratic system. For that reason, I hesitate to start down a road that well might lead to an ever escalating set of differing state requirements for presidential candidates.

lewisfk 08-11-2019 07:32 AM

I read the article , and I'm aware of what California proposed in their State. I was pointing out the biggest problem with all of his argument throughout the thread. Politicians are trying to find a solution to counter act this Administrations insane policies.

Citizens United and the influence of foreign money.

rvns14 08-11-2019 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by exitspeed (Post 6353472)
That doesn’t matter. We have a CONSTITUTION! If you want something changed there’s a process. Requiring tax records to be on a ballot as a president is UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Period.

True. But it simple, he could save California millions of dollars and just release the returns. Conservative leaning people believe on being tough on crime because criminal exploit the soft targets and soft/laws and systems that allow recidivism; what is not releasing returns/preparing before inauguration/vacationing @ personal property for profit but attacking/disregarding established norms. The election process didn’t reflect the will of the voting people and while the president won in a technically correct way, his organization cut through centuries of what we have worked to as an established way to beecome president, not codified into law. I don’t think we could get enough political support anywhere to make laws of what we have asked previous presidents to do but we can’t control that process now, which again in the future could go against the will of the people as it did here for the majority of voting Americans.

Future240 08-11-2019 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by rvns14 (Post 6353485)
True. But it simple, he could save California millions of dollars and just release the returns.

This post reminded why I don’t label as either camp.

My intial thought is California could have saved themselves a lot of time and money by not passing useless legislation.

Unless they are truly stupid they know full well it will be ruled unconstitutional.

IMO it is political theater at its finest. The senate and governor can now say how they tried but they got over turned by the potus’s Supreme Court (as we all know it will).

Their constituents eat it up and vote accordingly.

These days the tough on crime shtick seems be another voter trick. People like the idea despite not knowing what it really means. The phrasing sounds good.

I think a classical conservative, or a libertarian depending om how one looks at it, should be softer on some crimes.

Mandatory sentencing
Three strike rules
Draconian drug sentencing

are a few “tough” things republicans and Democrats alike should rethink.

Prison reform is needed ins major way but it’s a hard sell to a lot of America.

exitspeed 08-12-2019 05:17 AM


Originally Posted by rvns14 (Post 6353485)
True. But it simple, he could save California millions of dollars and just release the returns. Conservative leaning people believe on being tough on crime because criminal exploit the soft targets and soft/laws and systems that allow recidivism; what is not releasing returns/preparing before inauguration/vacationing @ personal property for profit but attacking/disregarding established norms. The election process didn’t reflect the will of the voting people and while the president won in a technically correct way, his organization cut through centuries of what we have worked to as an established way to beecome president, not codified into law. I don’t think we could get enough political support anywhere to make laws of what we have asked previous presidents to do but we can’t control that process now, which again in the future could go against the will of the people as it did here for the majority of voting Americans.

No, California can save themselves millions by stopping what amounts to kabuki theater.

And also, Joe Biden (calling criminals “predators”) has been a STRONG advocate of being tough on crime. Hell so was Clinton and Obama.


Originally Posted by Future240 (Post 6353539)
This post reminded why I don’t label as either camp.

My intial thought is California could have saved themselves a lot of time and money by not passing useless legislation.

Unless they are truly stupid they know full well it will be ruled unconstitutional.

IMO it is political theater at its finest. The senate and governor can now say how they tried but they got over turned by the potus’s Supreme Court (as we all know it will).

Their constituents eat it up and vote accordingly.

These days the tough on crime shtick seems be another voter trick. People like the idea despite not knowing what it really means. The phrasing sounds good.

I think a classical conservative, or a libertarian depending om how one looks at it, should be softer on some crimes.

Mandatory sentencing
Three strike rules
Draconian drug sentencing

are a few “tough” things republicans and Democrats alike should rethink.

Prison reform is needed ins major way but it’s a hard sell to a lot of America.

And thanks to Trump we have the first step towards prison reform with the bill he passed in spring. He got almost ZERO coverage from the MSM when he passed that. It’s not the final solution but it’s a start. It’s far more than Obama ever did on the subject.

Future240 08-12-2019 06:40 AM

^^^Despite his bafoonery the Potus has done some good in some area's. This is one of them.


gbaby2089 08-12-2019 06:43 AM


exitspeed 08-12-2019 07:10 AM

I’ve NEVER been a conspiracy theorist but this Clinton body count shit is pretty convincing. Epstein getting suicided even has the MSM asking questions and getting suspicious.

gbaby2089 08-12-2019 07:18 AM


RalliartRsX 08-12-2019 07:47 AM


Originally Posted by exitspeed (Post 6353568)
I’ve NEVER been a conspiracy theorist but this Clinton body count shit is pretty convincing. Epstein getting suicided even has the MSM asking questions and getting suspicious.

Did you bother to take the time to actually read the names that were released this past weekend??

There are a trove of people 100 times more wealthy, connected and much higher profile than trump or Clinton who are wrapped up in all this who would much prefer him be silenced....

This is a fucking child molester and all I see this weekend is shitty memes about Clinton helping him commit suicide and trump posting a conspiracy theory.........

Child molestation and sex trafficking should not be used as a political prop.

spooled240 08-12-2019 09:03 AM


Originally Posted by RalliartRsX (Post 6353574)
Did you bother to take the time to actually read the names that were released this past weekend??

No because I don't want to get suicided

Future240 08-12-2019 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by RalliartRsX (Post 635357)

There are a trove of people 100 times more wealthy, connected and much higher profile than trump or Clinton who are wrapped up in all this who would much prefer him be silenced....

This is a fucking child molester and all I see this weekend is shitty memes about Clinton helping him commit suicide and trump posting a conspiracy theory.........

Child molestation and sex trafficking should not be used as a political prop.

Agreed 100%!

This is the time the sides should unite on a major WTF?!! moment.

There should be some investigation into whatever can be found out about these sick fucks not lhurr durr Clinton body count” bullshit.

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