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Presto 07-11-2019 04:35 PM

Ka24e refuses to stay running!!!!
I’ve been putting hours and hours in on it and it’s not doing shit! Small questions thread won’t help me so I’m here.

Ka24e SOHC
All emissions delete except, iacv,fpr, brake booster
New injectors
New spark plugs
New spark plug wires
New cap and rotor
Injen air intake + new remanufactured maf sensor
Checked for vacuum leaks
Cleaned iacv
New tps
Checked vacuum lines
O2 sensor unplugged because of damaged wire
Coolant temp sensor wire was cracked I tried my best to solder what was left
New header
New catback exhaust
Previous owner claims to have fixed wiring harness
Previous owner redid injector pigtails
Charcoal canister hardline is still there from when it was cut

Cold starts first try
Seems to run good for 10 seconds
Misfire starts after 10 seconds
Loss of power after 15 seconds
Car bogs out and dies after like 30 seconds
If I don’t touch the gas at all the car is able to run longer

Basically the car will sounds amazing at first and then as time goes it develops bad misfire and bogs on acceleration

I’m at the point where I’m cussing for hours every time something doesn’t work

brndck 07-11-2019 04:42 PM

I don't see anything about you checking fuel pressure or volume
things like damage coolant temp sensor wire and damaged/missing O2 sensor are big red flags to me.

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