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Tihsho 04-25-2019 09:20 AM

R32 Visors on S13 Coupe?
Hey all. Just was thinking, I've been looking for Nissan visors for years and when they come up they are either incomplete (missing clips) or are insanely priced. Thinking about it briefly, I just thought that the R32 roofline and door line are similar to the S13 coupe, anyone ever try the R32 visors on their coupes?

Also, I know that a company called HIC is making stick on visors. I'm trying to exhaust Nissan options before going aftermarket.

kanyedian 05-02-2019 06:28 PM

Hmm I'm not sure. Never seen pics of the two of them to compare. Just picked up my S13 vert and it has no sun-------------err wait. Are you talking about window visors? Like on the outside? I read this and thought you mean sun visors >__> I no haz those

Tihsho 05-02-2019 08:19 PM

Yeah, I was talking about the rain visors. Sorry.

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