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Aberivera90 04-17-2019 06:02 AM

Hey everyone for some reason my car keeps coming out of alignment to the point where I can notice it by just looking at the vehicle.

As for rack play, I just got it back not to long ago from getting rebuilt from a place that ive been dealing with for a while.

I have the:

GKtech front super lock kit on my s14
Brand new inner and outer tie rods from GK tech and the lower control arms are from GK tech
New rubber bushings on the rack.

Has anyone run across this issue? If so, how did you go about fixing this any help is appreciated.

Krusty_s13 04-17-2019 08:04 AM


Originally Posted by Aberivera90 (Post 6339523)
Hey everyone so I have the GKtech front super lock kit on my s14 and am wondering if anyone else has the issue im having. For some reason my car keeps coming out of alignment to the point where I can notice it by just looking at the vehicle. Has anyone run across this issue and if so how did you go about fixing this any help is appreciated.

Have you checked your rack for play? Or the tie rods, Steering bushing, etc.

FaLKoN240 04-17-2019 03:59 PM

What parts do you have? How old are they?

When was the last time you replaced the bushings in the stock arms you have?

Corbic 04-18-2019 02:04 PM

What is out of alignment?
Toe? Camber? Caster?

What is the condition of the parts?

Are the adjustment points torqued or loose?

Is your car a rusted smashed up shit box?

kyral 04-20-2019 12:29 PM

is your rack shifting?

Aberivera90 04-22-2019 06:04 AM

Hey guys sorry was having some technical issues with pretty much all my technology last week. As far as what comes out of alignment I always notice the Toe the most but my camber seems to come out as well. The parts are about a year old but have been in my car in the garage and havent even seen the track yet just some regualr driving here and there last season. As for everything being torqued I have torqued everything down and im sure the guy aligning the car does as well since everyone in my area goes to him for alignments sinces hes the best around. The car isnt a beat up 240 thats rotted out or anything its in good condition. For the rach shifting Im not sure I will look at it soon been kinda busy but it has all new bushings and everything that I installed and are tight. thats why im kind of at a loss for this no idea how they could come out of alignment so easily.

brndck 04-23-2019 04:13 PM

you need hard data about what "coming out of alignment" means.

eyeballing is NOT a good method.

provide before and after measurements, then check whatever controls those measurements.

you need to know what the toe setting is when the car is aligned, then you can say "yes its definitely 1/4" different NOW, compared to when we aligned it", then you can check tie rods, rack, etc.

you need to know what the camber and caster settings were when the car is aligned, then you can say "we set it at 3* but now its at 5*" then you can check the top hats and tension rods and subframe and all the rest.

just saying "oh I think it LOOKS like its out of alignment" doesn't really mean much to me, unless you're a cyborg, in which case, why are you fucking with 240s instead of doing cool cyborg shit???

Aberivera90 04-23-2019 04:50 PM

While I totally agree with you but heres the thing when both wheels were pointing straight after alignment and now the front wheels look like their pigeon toed im sure they are out of alignment.

Corbic 04-23-2019 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by brndck (Post 6340185)
you need hard data about what "coming out of alignment" means.

eyeballing is NOT a good method.

provide before and after measurements, then check whatever controls those measurements.

you need to know what the toe setting is when the car is aligned, then you can say "yes its definitely 1/4" different NOW, compared to when we aligned it", then you can check tie rods, rack, etc.

you need to know what the camber and caster settings were when the car is aligned, then you can say "we set it at 3* but now its at 5*" then you can check the top hats and tension rods and subframe and all the rest.

just saying "oh I think it LOOKS like its out of alignment" doesn't really mean much to me, unless you're a cyborg, in which case, why are you fucking with 240s instead of doing cool cyborg shit???


Go to. Bell Tire or Firestone, pay for a 180 warranty or whatever and get it squared away. CHECK ALL THE TORQUE VALUES with a torque wrench.

Drive the car, recheck the torque values. See if things are loosening up.

Check your hubs. If you have bearings that shot, that's going to make it impossible to get a proper alignment as the whole will is shifting about on the loose bearing.

Coupes_FTW 04-23-2019 05:07 PM

sounds like the chassis is crooked. don't worry they all are

Corbic 04-23-2019 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by Coupes_FTW (Post 6340200)
sounds like the chassis is crooked. don't worry they all are

It would hold alignment even. If the chasis was tweeked. The left and right side adjustments would just look nothing alike and the wheels may not line up with the fenders the same way.

Jfornachon 04-29-2019 11:21 PM

What about the camber adjustment bolts at the strut/knuckle. If those are used for the adjustment and they have been over torqued they can stretch. They can also rotate if you hit a bump and are worn out. Have it aligned and mark every nut and bolt with a paint pen while on the rack. If you have an issue and am adjustment bolt or cam has shifted then you found your issue.

Kingtal0n 04-30-2019 12:14 AM

The last 240 I got, somebody had replaced some of the bolts in the suspension with the wrong size bolts. It had some S13 camber cam bolts in an S14 strut for example. The strut would slap back and forth whenever you turned.

Just fyi people can do things like that

Atill93 04-30-2019 08:16 AM


Originally Posted by Corbic (Post 6340199)

Go to. Bell Tire or Firestone, pay for a 180 warranty or whatever and get it squared away. CHECK ALL THE TORQUE VALUES with a torque wrench.

Drive the car, recheck the torque values. See if things are loosening up.

Check your hubs. If you have bearings that shot, that's going to make it impossible to get a proper alignment as the whole will is shifting about on the loose bearing.

so does bell tire and/or firestone offer like unlimited alignments for $180?
that's awesome

lowballdrew 05-13-2019 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by Atill93 (Post 6341033)
so does bell tire and/or firestone offer like unlimited alignments for $180?
that's awesome

Yes, Firestone Lifetime Alignment.

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