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Def 12-24-2009 11:06 PM

I have 17x9 +17 and 255/40-17's on stock fenders without an issue. It does rub the framerail a hair right towards full lock(on the rack), but that's due to the tall tire and not very severe. I could probably run a bit more caster and be fine with the current setup 100%.

wiggafly808 12-25-2009 01:37 AM


Originally Posted by LayNLow (Post 3202164)
Um, so whats the offset on the whees?

+35, sorry

s14canyoncity 12-25-2009 01:58 AM

well +35 on a x9 wheels yup that will rub .... just do it up right and get a low offset wheel

this thread can help you http://zilvia.net/f/tech-talk/166626...1-dummies.html

Import_Prophetz 12-28-2009 10:59 PM

Decided to go 5 lug, and get some better wheels. Just purchased an RSX so gotta put my 240 on hold untill I get some mods under that hood. Thanks for all the help. I kinda like the 962's besides the wieght.

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