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need2speed94 08-21-2012 03:22 AM

S13 Air Conditioning... What Do I Need?
I have my eye on an S13 that I'm fairly certain I'm going to buy, only thing about it is that it doesn't have A/C. Now, I know NOTHING about air conditioning systems so I'll be blunt... What exactly do I need to get air conditioning in that mofo? Could someone give me a list of parts, or a link to a related thread, or a site that sells an A/C kit for a 13?


-Your fellow noob

1slowlance 08-21-2012 04:45 AM

If all the components are still there, it might just be a matter of changing a belt or an a/c clutch or something. Could always just need a recharge to get it working. Check to see if it has the compressor and all the lines for it first.

need2speed94 08-21-2012 05:13 AM


Originally Posted by 1slowlance (Post 4862569)
If all the components are still there, it might just be a matter of changing a belt or an a/c clutch or something. Could always just need a recharge to get it working. Check to see if it has the compressor and all the lines for it first.

Well the current owner of the car says that it was removed by the previous owner -_- So I'll go and look at it tomorrow (today) and see if it actually is missing... I'm educated enough to at least tell if it HAS A/C lol... I just need to know what I need in case literally everything part of the A/C system is gone. I'll post pictures if I can so maybe I can some insight on what's missing if that's the case.

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