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S14rebuild 09-07-2019 12:19 PM

: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." - Ben Franklin

The issue is mass shootings are not happening like the democrats are protraying them tobe. They are using fear to push the Merican people into their submission. That is all.... to use the term mass shooting and define it by an attack with a firearm when 3 or more people ar injured is bullshit. Sooo when a gang shooting happens and 4 people are shot...that now is a mass shooting...

Thats just plan fucking stupid. They say common sense blaha blahh...but these have got to be the dumbest fuks ever.

lewisfk 09-07-2019 12:42 PM

The FBI has been categorizing mass shootings of 4 or more for years. The reason it's getting politicize is due to the age of the victims, location, and the ethnicity of the shooter and victims. Gang violence has gone down as a whole, but certain cities just can't get right! Chicago, D.C., New Orleans, and a few others. Most of these cities have a large Organized Crime (Mobs) that fuel the drug trade and violence. Most criminals in Chicago travel to Indiana to buy their guns, because of they're poor background checks and waiting periods. Indiana also doesn't require people to have a FFL license to sell guns to out of state individuals. Louisiana would not allow me to buy a handgun because I was from Texas without a Louisiana proof of residence. Even though I was military and resided on the base. I could of purchased from a none dealer without FFL license. This individual didn't even ask to see my license, just sign a bill of sale. The bill of sale did have two line sentence about not being a felon, but that was it.

Future240 09-07-2019 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by lewisfk (Post 6356553)
That's not a broad answer. Gun manufactures literal went to Congress to lobby for the sales of the full automatic/military version. Congress said no to the sales of that version and compromised with the semi automatic version. There was an event that leaded up to that decision. California added the bullets version to law in 1999, after the famous bank robbery we're the police was out gun and the culprits had body armor. Congress coined the name assault rifle and classified all guns with similar attributes, like large-capacity magazine, and rate of fire etc.



The term assault rifle is generally attributed to Adolf Hitler, who, for propaganda purposes, used the German word Sturmgewehr (which translates to "assault rifle") as the new name for the MP43, subsequently known as the Sturmgewehr 44 or StG 44.[6][8][9][10][11][12][13][14]

I am guessing you mean


Drawing from federal and state law definitions, the term assault weapon refers primarily to semi-automatic rifles, pistols, and shotguns that are able to accept detachable magazines and possess one or more other features.[2][10][11] Some jurisdictions define revolving cylinder shotguns as assault weapons.[12][13] Legislative definitions do not include fully automatic weapons, which are regulated separately as Title II weapons under federal law.[14][n 1] A key defining law was the now-defunct Federal Assault Weapons Ban of 1994.[14] At that time, the United States Department of Justice said, "In general, assault weapons are semiautomatic firearms with a large magazine of ammunition that were designed and configured for rapid fire and combat use."[3]

Common attributes used in legislative definitions of assault weapons include:

Semi-automatic firearm capable of accepting a detachable magazine[11][14]
Folding or telescoping (collapsible) stock,[14] which reduces the overall length of the firearm[16]
A pistol grip that protrudes beneath the action of the weapon[14]
Bayonet lug,[14] which allows the mounting of a bayonet
Threaded barrel, which can accept devices such as a flash suppressor, Suppressor,[14] compensator or muzzle brake
Grenade launcher[14]
Barrel shroud, which prevents burning of shooter's arm or hand as a safety device.[citation needed]
Dictionary definitions vary from legal definitions. Dictionary.com defines "assault weapon" as "any of various automatic and semiautomatic military firearms utilizing an intermediate-power cartridge, designed for individual use."[17] Merriam-Webster's online definition is "any of various automatic or semiautomatic firearms; especially: assault rifle."[18]

Like I said, broad. Depending on jurisdiction just about anything can be an assault weapon.

Corbic 09-07-2019 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by S14rebuild (Post 6356552)
Never seen somone twist words so much on a very basic question....

Dont worry about the picture that was shown and asked for a reply....

It's why I blocked him. He's an endless spout of bullshit and lies. There is literally nothing true in his post.

I bet the fuck head has no idea what a Sturmgewehr is, let alone means.

lewisfk 09-07-2019 01:37 PM

Future I actually rephrased that paragraph because I have a shitty phone that times out on me! The Tommy gun and organizes crime lead the ban on fully automatic weapons, and I actually posted the Gun Act. In your long post you stated detachable magazine and high capacity, sounds familiar. I never said my definition is spot on from Webster dictionary. Please read the National Fire Arms Act 1934, Valentine's massacre of 1929. Gun Control Act 1968. I don't know how Hilter got in this, but thanks for that extra info!

lewisfk 09-07-2019 01:43 PM

Fuck head wow.

Originally Posted by Corbic (Post 6356562)
It's why I blocked him. He's an endless spout of bullshit and lies. There is literally nothing true in his post.

I bet the fuck head has no idea what a Sturmgewehr is, let alone means.

Thanks for the compliment since you never post anything but personal feelings and hardly add facts. :rimshot:

What gun reforms do you approve of, let's start there!

S14rebuild 09-07-2019 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by lewisfk (Post 6356566)
Thanks for the compliment since you never post anything but personal feelings and hardly add facts. :rimshot:

What gun reforms do you approve of, let's start there!

This is tiring. You copy and paste info that still doesnt answer questions.

Ban ar15s and ak47s but allow other weapons that fire the same caliber bullet. How the fuk does that make sense?

Ban ar15s and ak47s even though more deaths are caused from hand guns

Hell more people are killed in car accidents.

But NONE of those FACTS matter to the Democrats and for the sake of this thread you.

Every statement youve posted ive come back with clear information retaining to it and a solid rebuttal. Youve only opy and paste info off of other sites. Time and time again you kipped over simple questions asked to you and only attacked back at other comments..makes me think when are you running for the democratic party leader?

lewisfk 09-07-2019 03:35 PM

Once again I never said ban anything! I asked how you would solve or make it harder to commit mass shooting. What I posted was a significant events in the U.S. that prompted the many laws we have today. Example Valentine Masacare of 1929. I posted what I wanted done, red flag laws, updating the federal database by every military branch etc. What does car accident have to do with gun violence? Unless you're stating the rate in which your more likely to die. Our number one resource is our children and we need to protect the future at all cost. So what are your solutions, don't demonize me for trying to come up with solutions.

Corbic 09-07-2019 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by lewisfk (Post 6356570)
Our number one resource is our children and we need to protect the future at all cost. So what are your solutions, don't demonize me for trying to come up with solutions.

So why are we not talking about the number one killer of childern then?



61% of African Americans die by Abortion.

After Abortion, Car accidents are the leading cause of death for childern. #bancars #mandatehelmets

S14rebuild 09-07-2019 04:15 PM

My steps

1..remove gun free zones
2..way better education/help for mental distable people
3.. help in the inner cities
4..armed guards at schools and events

I dont think those 4 to start are such a bad thing and could help

Like i said before there is no 100% way to solve this issue, criminals and bad guys will do what they want

lewisfk 09-07-2019 04:18 PM

I'm glad you're changing the subject. Abortion is a choice that women make with or without the consent of a man for numerous reasons. That is something the individuals involved will have to explain to their maker. I asked a question that know of you have answered, you just move the goal post or say I'm for a ban on your weapons.

S14rebuild 09-07-2019 04:21 PM

Shall not infringe apon....... VERY FUCKING CLEAR

lewisfk 09-07-2019 04:23 PM

Police state?

Originally Posted by S14rebuild (Post 6356576)
My steps

1..remove gun free zones
2..way better education/help for mental distable people
3.. help in the inner cities
4..armed guards at schools and events

I dont think those 4 to start are such a bad thing and could help

Like i said before there is no 100% way to solve this issue, criminals and bad guys will do what they want

You're in favor of a police state or over-policing?

Education is a great start, not all people suffering from mental illness are going to commit a mass shooting. PTSD Veterans and active duty members are more like to commit suicide. Education is a must

Let's make it damn hard for the bad guys to get a gun from the start. Close gun loopholes.

S14rebuild 09-07-2019 04:30 PM

I didnt say over policing...
If we have armed guards protecting our money why not have atleast 1 protecting our children? Hell a metal detector would be nice.
Inner city schools have had them for years, whens the last mass shooting happened there?

And please tell me what are these gun-loopholes?

lewisfk 09-07-2019 05:05 PM

Show gun loopholes allow you or me to sell a gun to a felon without completing a background check. That is how Chicago gets a lot of firearms used in crimes. Illinois implemented a cooldown period to purchase guns to curb the inner-city violence, but these idiots just drive to Indiana to make a purchase. Another loophole is when women purposely buy guns for their significant other, who is a felony and will most likely commit another felony with that firearm.

S14rebuild 09-07-2019 06:18 PM

Fukn gunshow loop hole.....SOO FUCKING ANNOYING

it has nothing todo with a gunshow holy fuk

Its a personal transaction between 2 individual people.

Like if i was to meetup with you and sell you a gun.

Or better. If my dad had a firearm that was passed down in the family and then gave it to me. SAME FUCKING THING.

again....this has been posted over and over agin in this thread and its either ur to stupid to read it/comprehend. Or ur just being hardheaded.

And ontop of that it is ALREADY a crime to knowly sell a firearm to sumone that has a record, whos been clicly insane, u know COMMON SENSE.

BRO...are you that dense?

midnight zenki 09-07-2019 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by Corbic (Post 6356572)
So why are we not talking about the number one killer of childern then?

61% of African Americans die by Abortion.

After Abortion, Car accidents are the leading cause of death for childern. #bancars #mandatehelmets

A: Again you didn’t post a source so why aren’t you posting sources?

B: I already posted about auto fatalities, it’s different when it’s a self derived choice or accident as opposed to murder at another’s hands.

C: Abortion is still legal.


Originally Posted by S14rebuild (Post 6356579)
Shall not infringe apon....... VERY FUCKING CLEAR

Cherry picking as usual, the first words of the 2nd amendment are “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State”. In constitutional law the placement of the words matter a heavily. This simple amendment has very few, but those that preceded your credo could easily sway the balance in a reverse Moscow Mitch situation in the decades to come.

S14rebuild 09-07-2019 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by midnight zenki (Post 6356587)
A: Again you didn’t post a source so why aren’t you posting sources?

B: I already posted about auto fatalities, it’s different when it’s a self derived choice or accident as opposed to murder at another’s hands.

C: Abortion is still legal.

Cherry picking as usual, first words are to secure a well regulated militia. You should be scared. In constitutional law the placement of the words matter a heavily. This simple amendment has very few, but those that preceded your credo could easily sway the balance in a reverse Moscow Mitch situation in the decades to come.

Well regulated- doesnt mean strip the american people of there guns. And self protection.

No ones cherry picking anything the ENTIRE 2ND amendment proves my very point! Its either you agree/beleve in it or your against it. That very amendment founded this country, what we left behind and now ur selfthinging smartass wants to nit pick words in order for u to try and contort says and bend words to fit ur agend. Fuck that.

Corbic 09-07-2019 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by lewisfk (Post 6356578)
I'm glad you're changing the subject. Abortion is a choice that women make with or without the consent of a man for numerous reasons. That is something the individuals involved will have to explain to their maker. I asked a question that know of you have answered, you just move the goal post or say I'm for a ban on your weapons.

No subject change. You clearly stated: "Our number one resource is our children and we need to protect the future at all cost. So what are your solutions"

Funny how murdering childern is okay, because it's a personnel choice... But I need your permission to own 4.5lbs of plastic and steal.

Your rational being, that someone, somewhere, may one day, potentially, with a completely different 4.5lbs of plastic and steal, could, conceivably hurt a child...

Therefore, my constitutional rights should be revoked, my hobbies destroyed and my basic inalienable human right to defend my self denied (life, liberty and pursuit of happiness).

You want to protect childern?

End Abortion
Reinstitute the Nuclear Family
End Sexualization of Childern
End Communist Propaganda in Education
End Public Schools as we know it

There ya go. I just saved +150k lives without violating a single person's constitutional right, I've likely saved thousands more from suicide, "deaths of dispair" and potentially prevented future mass shooters.

What does "your solution" solve?

Violate 350 million peoples constitutional rights.

Confiscate guns from Law Abbiding Citizens : potentially leading to civil violence

Take guns from rape and domestic violence victims

The 4-6 people that commit mass homicide each year, are still going to obtain guns on the black market or devise ways to kill +10 people in a single instance (bombs, blades, vehicles, poison)

Gangs and Violent Criminals will still have black market access to guns, member who don't will innovate.

Background Checks:

Check fucking what? Someone posted a Trump meme or Hitler Joke? Someone has anxiety? Someone was late for work? Bad credit? Banned from Facebook?

What are you going to do when it comes to.. Someone is Black and lives in Chicago? Someone is Muslim and married to a Saudi? Someone is Gender Queer and was bullied in school? Someone voted for Bernie Sanders and hates Capitalism? They are a Seahawks fan?

Are you going to create a giant information data base and generate a "social credit score" for everyone in the US? Hmmm sounds like a marvelously totalitarian dream!


I better stop talking to you, I don't need your low SCS to impact mine.

Corbic 09-07-2019 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by midnight zenki (Post 6356587)
A: Again you didn’t post a source so why aren’t you posting sources?

What numbers are you challenging?


Originally Posted by midnight zenki (Post 6356587)
B: I already posted about auto fatalities, it’s different when it’s a self derived choice or accident as opposed to murder at another’s hands.

So someone chooses to get hit by a drunk driver and dies? Someone chooses to get hit by a texting driver and die? Someone chooses to get hit by a speeding driver and die? A child chooses to have a parent not properly restrain them and die?

By your very logic those people killed in El Passo choose to die. They decided to go to Walmart, knowing full well that a Mass Shooting could happen, and they choose to go unarmed, deposited having the ability to arm themselves to prevent such an event.


Originally Posted by midnight zenki (Post 6356587)
C: Abortion is still legal..

So if we legalize Mass Shootings, then it wouldn't be a problem?

How would you do that? Like permit system? Lottery? Maybe a once a year "purge" event? Oh I know, just open up those "Socialist Centers" you leftist love and hire any would be mass killer to work there!!

midnight zenki 09-07-2019 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by S14rebuild (Post 6356588)
Well regulated- doesnt mean strip the american people of there guns. And self protection.

No ones cherry picking anything the ENTIRE 2ND amendment proves my very point! Its either you agree/beleve in it or your against it. That very amendment founded this country, what we left behind and now ur selfthinging smartass wants to nit pick words in order for u to try and contort says and bend words to fit ur agend. Fuck that.

Nope, clearly you don’t know shit, it was one of many not the one. “With us or against us”, damn Mcarthy. Constitutional law is a bitch, what I’m saying is if corporations can be people nothing is sacred and if the winds blow in just the right direction things could change. It’s highly unlikely but weirder things have happened.

S14rebuild 09-07-2019 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by midnight zenki (Post 6356591)
Nope, clearly you don’t know shit, it was one of many not the one. “With us or against us”, damn Mcarthy. Constitution law is a bitch, what I’m saying is if corporations can be people nothing is sacred and if the winds blow in just the right direction things could change. It’s highly unlikely but weirder things have happened.

Ahhh, i dont know shit....this is a correct statement.

Corbic 09-07-2019 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by midnight zenki (Post 6356591)
Nope, clearly you don’t know shit, it was one of many not the one. “With us or against us”, damn Mcarthy. Constitution law is a bitch, what I’m saying is if corporations can be people nothing is sacred and if the winds blow in just the right direction things could change. It’s highly unlikely but weirder things have happened.

Yeah, like "right to privacy" is grounds to legally murder childern...

S14rebuild 09-07-2019 07:21 PM

This is exhausting......

Fukn round and round in the wheel.

Came here for car parts and enthusiasts

Have a headache instead

midnight zenki 09-07-2019 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by Corbic (Post 6356590)
What numbers are you challenging?

So someone chooses to get hit by a drunk driver and dies? Someone chooses to get hit by a texting driver and die? Someone chooses to get hit by a speeding driver and die? A child chooses to have a parent not properly restrain them and die?

By your very logic those people killed in El Passo choose to die. They decided to go to Walmart, knowing full well that a Mass Shooting could happen, and they choose to go unarmed, deposited having the ability to arm themselves to prevent such an event.

So if we legalize Mass Shootings, then it wouldn't be a problem?

How would you do that? Like permit system? Lottery? Maybe a once a year "purge" event? Oh I know, just open up those "Socialist Centers" you leftist love and hire any would be mass killer to work there!!

I am challenging your credibility moron, facts are derived from sources that others can view to form their own critical analysis.

Dude, shouldn’t you be out shooting up pizza joints looking for pedophiles?

Corbic 09-07-2019 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by midnight zenki (Post 6356600)
I am challenging your credibility moron, facts are derived from sources that others can view to forty their own critical analysis.

Dude, shouldn’t you be out shooting up pizza joints looking for pedophiles?

I get it, you have no rational argument. So now you are just going to squeal, call peoples names and demand "facts".

Facts on fucking what?

You stated "car fatalities are a personal choice", first do you have evidence to support that? Second, I countered with "getting shot in a Walmart is a personnel choice". Do you have documentation to refute that?

midnight zenki 09-07-2019 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by Corbic (Post 6356601)
I get it, you have no rational argument. So now you are just going to squeal, call peoples names and demand "facts".

Facts on fucking what?

You stated "car fatalities are a personal choice", first do you have evidence to support that? Second, I countered with "getting shot in a Walmart is a personnel choice". Do you have documentation to refute that?

Nothing you have posted ever comes with a credible source or citation, it’s big shocking memes or pictures followed by a rant and endless what-aboutisms.

You can mis-quote me all you like, I said car fatalities are accidents. I don’t always get in an accident but when I do I always choose to. STFU.

Corbic 09-07-2019 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by midnight zenki (Post 6356602)

You can mis-quote me all you like, I said car fatalities are accidents. I don’t always get in an accident but when I do I always choose to.

If you "choose to" , it's not a fucking accident.

midnight zenki 09-07-2019 08:09 PM


Originally Posted by Corbic (Post 6356603)
If you "choose to" , it's not a fucking accident.

That’s the fucking point.

Corbic 09-07-2019 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by midnight zenki (Post 6356604)
That’s the fucking point.

What's the fucking point? You don't care about car fatalities?

Surely that would fit your Green Agenda to end personal transportation and make us relient on thr Government to move about.

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