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-   -   how much camber would you say this is? (https://zilvia.net/f/showthread.php?t=399044)

CTblack240 07-28-2011 07:29 AM

how much camber would you say this is?
Going to alignment soon, i want about the same camber as this s2k, who knows how much it looks like?


vas570sx 07-28-2011 07:36 AM

this is seriously ridiculous...


homeslicej2 07-28-2011 07:39 AM

I hope you like having no traction in the rain and replacing tires frequently.

ManoNegra 07-28-2011 08:30 AM

So you just want camber to copy how some other idiot's car 'looks'?
Is that it?
I don't think I can put in words just how stupid this is.

CTblack240 07-28-2011 08:33 AM

alright how about everyone return to your boring ass fucking lifes and stop talking shit over a computer, i dont give a fuck, its my car not yours.

takyo_style 07-28-2011 08:53 AM

dude in all reality just go get yourself some big wheels with a good negative offset, get some adjustable arms and mess with the camber until u get it the way u like it... and if the camber tucks your wheels in too much get spacers.

Hashiriya415 07-28-2011 08:56 AM

The real funny part is that you actually want to pay someone to do an alignment. You don't even know what an alignment is, do you? It's to properly set up the wheels to minimize wear on tires and/or have great performance out of vehicle. Now if your doing for looks, why would you pay someone to do your alignment. It won't matter, just do it yourself, if you don't have aftermarket ruca you can bend yours to achieve same results without spending much money, put a piece of block of wood on top and have another car hit you, instant -8 camber.

vas570sx 07-28-2011 09:31 AM


Originally Posted by CTblack240 (Post 4170742)
alright how about everyone return to your boring ass fucking lifes and stop talking shit over a computer, i dont give a fuck, its my car not yours.

you're absolutely right.

im not in to building retarded/no purpose cars

figure it out yourself.

raz0rbladez909 07-28-2011 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by CTblack240 (Post 4170672)
Going to alignment soon, i want about the same camber as this s2k, who knows how much it looks like?


It looks like too much to me:picardfp:

But seriously OP you expect someone to logically answer that question from a picture? Then you bitch about people not answering your question and complain that people are bashing you, when you're the one that asked the stupid ass question. Figure it out your damn self if you want to make your car look retarded and replace tires once a month.

blingbling 07-28-2011 09:49 AM

Looks like we missed one in the rice thread.

WISH ONE 07-28-2011 10:00 AM

looks about 9 degrees and useless

whiterps13 07-28-2011 10:18 AM

Looks about negative 9 to 11 degrees if you ask me.

On a lighter note, polished on white looks fucking good.

dontxploitme 07-28-2011 10:26 AM

Enough to party lol

sr20sean 07-28-2011 10:45 AM

front ~-5
rear ~-11

thefro526 07-28-2011 11:04 AM

Somewhere around -3 to -5 front and right around -10 rear.

Seriously though, this thread is dumb. Take your car to the alignment shop and have them dial in the camber until you think it looks cool.

ArBy25DeT 07-28-2011 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by ManoNegra (Post 4170734)
So you just want camber to copy how some other idiot's car 'looks'?
Is that it?
I don't think I can put in words just how stupid this is.

damn i didnt realize how many assholes are on this site....he wants camber and may not know too much about the mechanics of it....this is NO reason to bash the shit out of him and the way he wants his car...i can only imagine how some of you are in person...real dickheads probably

Wake 07-28-2011 12:36 PM

This coming from someone who combined name of a glorious motor into the name of a horrible fast food place.

Shut the fuck up. Sticking up for dumbasses is not a good way to make friends here. Your 20 tears old AND from FL, basically your about 2 blocks behind the start line. So unless you want the same treatment and label I suggest you quit while your ahead.

OP. shut the fuck up and buy a honda if you want that much camber JUST for looks. You are not welcome.

How do people still not know that there are so many assholes here?
If they joined before 05-06, They are gonna be an asshole. Almost guaranteed.

djcobra 07-28-2011 12:45 PM

After you replace the tires two to three times a year spending money on a useless setup, and being hazard on the roads especially in wet weather... yeah, what do you think we're going to say?


theboy 07-28-2011 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by Hashiriya415 (Post 4170762)
The real funny part is that you actually want to pay someone to do an alignment. You don't even know what an alignment is, do you? It's to properly set up the wheels to minimize wear on tires and/or have great performance out of vehicle. Now if your doing for looks, why would you pay someone to do your alignment. It won't matter, just do it yourself, if you don't have aftermarket ruca you can bend yours to achieve same results without spending much money, put a piece of block of wood on top and have another car hit you, instant -8 camber.

lol, why have somebody else there he can blame for his stupidity. I say he just grabs a big ass hammer and beats the shit out of his baller rota's or sportmaxx's unti he gets his ideal camber. Might want to add some "JDM tyte yo" stickers to it as well just to add to the wonderful car he owns.

Wake 07-28-2011 01:09 PM

Make sure you get the proper license plate frame to go with your knocks as well.

Or just hellaflush/canibeat.

raz0rbladez909 07-28-2011 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by WakeBHR (Post 4171151)
How do people still not know that there are so many assholes here? If they joined before 05-06, They are gonna be an asshole. Almost guaranteed.

I've found my new sig:rofl::werd:

sickstatus 07-28-2011 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by WakeBHR (Post 4171151)
This coming from someone who combined name of a glorious motor into the name of a horrible fast food place.

i lol'd


Tearlessj 07-28-2011 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by ArBy25DeT (Post 4171121)
damn i didnt realize how many assholes are on this site....he wants camber and may not know too much about the mechanics of it....this is NO reason to bash the shit out of him and the way he wants his car...i can only imagine how some of you are in person...real dickheads probably

You'd be a asshole too if you had to put up with all the dumbass questions that get asked here.

CTblack240 07-28-2011 03:48 PM

hahahahhah 9 out of 10 active users are assholes on here. everyone makes assumptions saying that i rock xxr's, that its a pointless build, etc...i have 18x10.5 with a 0 offset rims and 18x9.5 +12 in the front. im going to align the whole car to good driving specs but i was looking for an aggressive camber because i like the way they look. i dont give a fuck about your piece of shit, zip-tied, spray bombed DR1FT $LUT$ yooo! Ill keep my show quality car and go fuck yourselfs. thanks!

SlideOrDie831 07-28-2011 03:53 PM

S2K's...trying to hard.......tell the people -10.....lol

Wake 07-28-2011 03:54 PM

So all you care about is hard parking then?


I like how you state your sizes but not brand.

SlideOrDie831 07-28-2011 03:56 PM

anywhere from -5 to -8

sr20sean 07-28-2011 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by WakeBHR (Post 4171227)
Make sure you get the proper license plate frame to go with your knocks as well.

Or just hellaflush/canibeat.


i only laugh because this was already covered lmao

raz0rbladez909 07-28-2011 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by CTblack240 (Post 4171551)
hahahahhah 9 out of 10 active users are assholes on here. everyone makes assumptions saying that i rock xxr's, that its a pointless build, etc...i have 18x10.5 with a 0 offset rims and 18x9.5 +12 in the front. im going to align the whole car to good driving specs but i was looking for an aggressive camber because i like the way they look. i dont give a fuck about your piece of shit, zip-tied, spray bombed DR1FT $LUT$ yooo! Ill keep my show quality car and go fuck yourselfs. thanks!

The bolded statement in itself is a contradiction, you don't get "good driving specs" and overly aggressive camber together, it's one or the other; Also nobody cares about your wheels or what you do with them, your rebuttle is moot at best. You can take your "show quality car" right off a cliff for all we give a shit just stop asking stupid questions.

dazed 07-28-2011 04:06 PM

Hahaha. The owner of that S2K's name is Thomas Tran. He lives around my area, I've see him post shit on facebook. The funny part was like 2 weeks ago when like a million people called him out on facebook about all his fake shit and he got suuuuuuuuuuuuper defensive. I remember sitting there reading it and just laughing my ass off. You should have seen the car before his alignment, mexi-poke like a ma'fucka.

Now that you know his name why don't you ask him yourself lol. And please don't go that route it looks like ass.

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