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mikey976 06-27-2011 06:01 AM


Originally Posted by LadyJdm (Post 4079219)
hmmm :) then i am bout right then 400 whp is enough power in a single i say, i already beat daul cams pulling up hill from 2nd to 5th gear and im about half a car lane away :) not bad with bolt ons :D

but have u bore u head already??

actually im in the middle of a rebuild since my last post. engine blew cyl3 driving from North Jersey to Connecticut for the 240sxMotoring/CIP meet last month.

KAe's are tough bastards, my engine went about 20 miles before the meet, and its roughly an 80 mile trip i drove her the 20 to the meet on 3 cylinders and then the remaining 80 miles home and she still would hit 3-5psi boost when i needed it. I love this car it refuses to die

i have 2 engines for it. the one thats in the car now with a bad cyl3 and a spare block i just bought.
i am doing an OE rebuild on the spare block so i can get the car running again. then i am doing a fully built block with the motor thats blown.
depending on the condition of the cylinder walls i will bore it out as needed otherwise stock bore is more then enough. I hope to have the fully built motor done by xmas

plan is to run 20+ psi with it tuned properly

anna1 06-27-2011 07:15 AM

good post:aw::aw:

TheEightyNine 06-28-2011 08:47 PM

mikey- How long have you been running the kat setup before you ran into trouble?

mikey976 06-29-2011 06:08 AM


Originally Posted by TheEightyNine (Post 4121092)
mikey- How long have you been running the kat setup before you ran into trouble?

i installed the full basic january of 2k10, ran the kit with only a 10:1 fmu and timing retard at dizzy @ roughly 8psi but would spike as high as 15 WG was shit, for roughly six months, mainly because clutch gave up.

at that time i pulled motor, switched to a rebuilt P&P head i had for 2 years in storage, installed stg 3 clutch, RX7 460 injectors and replaced the shitty WG with an emusa WG, at that time i ran a @7psi tial spring and ran fantastic. then after a long trip the WG bolts worked there way loose so i figured since i have the WG off let me up the boost, and dropped a tial 4psi spring in. and ran 11psi up until last month when it blew. about 4 months ago i finally got around to installing my n60 maf as well

caught quite a few people off guard with it, especially cause i have the WG recirculated, it sounds like a N/A ka till about 2800rpm when it spools.

zneubauer 01-08-2012 11:52 PM

check out the Nismo catalog, they have more for the single cam than the dual cam. I support you 100%, I hope to see one badass sohc.

superdrifts13 01-13-2012 09:03 AM

which cam would work better for ma ka24e has 4-2-1 header cat back under drive pullys cai
woul the o&j stage 1 or 2 be better with stock valve train and stock pistons

Shift n Drift 02-27-2012 08:00 PM

jwt cam and ecu tune

iveexcaped3 02-27-2012 08:16 PM

old thread

rcdad123 02-27-2012 08:48 PM

ok. i need a 10-1 boost dependent fpr and a t28 or a t3 and it can handle up to 11 psi. looks like i will be going turbo sohc then.

moth 05-24-2012 07:48 PM

i love this thread

h2v7 05-24-2012 09:17 PM

hi mr bump lets get some more sohc love in heree

not my pic some guy on forum pretty sure


RedTopKA-T 06-24-2012 04:04 PM

1 Attachment(s)
my ka24e-t.

wangan_cruiser 09-19-2012 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by RedTopKA-T (Post 4765266)
my ka24e-t.

how much psi u running?

what are the specs?

RedTopKA-T 09-19-2012 06:43 PM

Ka sohc stock block 47k miles ,Gsp t4 .50 trim ,550cc venom injectors ,Z32 maf, 38mm wastegate , hks knockoff bov,Nistune
Dyno'd in at 251whp @ 10 psi with a couple of minor boost leaks . goin back for 12psi when the leaks are fixed

Papi Sucio 03-30-2013 04:57 AM

anymore info/updates to this thread? i keep coming back interested to see what you guys have done to your single cams lol im thinking about rebuilding my first kae with a blown head gasket but i cant decide what mods to do to my engine also.

RedTopKA-T 03-30-2013 05:20 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Here's my fully built ka. Still waiting on a few parts..

NWsally 04-07-2013 04:39 AM

Quick question. curious as to if its possible to use the SR light weight pulleys on a KA24E with out doing any mods or if its even possible at all. I tried to research. but only came up with one thing and I just want to confirm whether or not its possible.

mikey976 04-07-2013 05:58 AM

hey redtop that's a sexy single jingle you got there but I hope your not running a stock oil pump with all that line. highly recommend you use a 78 datsun l28 pump bolts right on and will give you 20+ psi additional oil pressure.

and yes you can adapt Sr light weight pulleys to kae a few did it on ka-t.org

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