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Ayy_mo 08-20-2012 02:42 AM

Hi, I'm new to Zilvia and I recently got a s14. I need
What is that plug and what does it do?
Where does this plug go?
Does it hook up to here? If so then my wire isn't long enough..What do I do?

Also When I was changing the spark plugs the first cylinder spark plug had oil on it, not flooded but it was pretty oily. What does that mean?

Bentleyness 08-20-2012 02:46 AM

first pic idk im missing the unit. car runs fine

second pic is air temp sensor, dont matter if it in or not

third pic all i kno is when i did my auto to 5spd auto harness hooks up to it, and the reverse wire up used two pins from the middle plug if you dont have working back up lights

Bentleyness 08-20-2012 02:48 AM

and oil on it like around the plug or at the tip?

if it around it its likely ur inner vc gasket

Ayy_mo 08-20-2012 03:12 AM

I'll try take a pic of how the plug looks like tomorrow. Seems like the car is running fine. Where do I hook up the air temp sensor to? I hate having the check engine light on cause of that lol. So that thing is useless? Cause my backup lights work. Oil around the plug, is it really bad for the motor? I'll try fix it asap. Thanks for the info!

Ayy_mo 08-20-2012 04:09 PM

Nvm, the first plug is useless its for the auto Trans. Thanks for everything.

Bentleyness 08-20-2012 04:34 PM

the oil issue mine was due to stipped top vc bolts so it leaks past the gasket but minor. it no major issue.

the intake temp goes where the maf is mounted to, but since you have a intake you may have an adapter from maf to filter, the sensor goes on the adapter as there should be a hole for it.

Ayy_mo 08-20-2012 07:38 PM

Wait, so you're saying that my intake filter should have a hole for the plug? So,if I change the filter the new one will have a hole for the plug?

Bentleyness 08-20-2012 11:09 PM


the adapter i have lookes like this but bit longer and it has a hole where the air temp sensor bolts up too. i tried to google where u can but one but no luck.

you dont really need it just get a senser plug it in and zip tie it somewhere in ur engine bay.

Ayy_mo 08-21-2012 02:36 AM

So this will be good? If so, Thanks for the help man! Going to hurry up and buy one from Oreilly's and put it in. Gunna hope that's the only reason why the CEL is on.:x:

Bentleyness 08-21-2012 02:55 AM

Recent image by coupe_boi on Photobucket

Recent image by madngineer on Photobucket

its like these its hard to see but the sensor itself can just be screwed on to it as seen in the pic, that one above u posted wont work. its almost like these are rare or something i rarely see these adapters.

I have no idea where you can even buy it but i do have one laying around just dont know the value of it so im keeping it till i kno,

but like i said you can just zip tie it some where and ur good. but for the light you have to clear the ecu to remove the light, you can also check the ecu to see why its giving cell. just google 240sx self diagnostic and read up.

also look at Nissan 240sx Performance, Modification, Repair and DIY Articles - by NICOclub.com
NICO Club - Nissan Forums | Infiniti Forums some use full stuff on these site

Ayy_mo 08-21-2012 11:12 AM

Oh, lmk when you know the price. I'll buy it off you. Okay thanks!

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