Conversation Between Jdm_of_miami and davisracer23
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
hey stupid shit you told me to send you money marked as gift so it would waive off the paypal fees, i trusted you. you totally set me up..... you did that so i couldnt dispute it through paypal... thats pretty low to do to someone on christmas eve. burn in hell
Soo your online. I have messaged you 5 different times already, i know you have seen them since it pops up on the damn screen when i pm you. You can give me my money back or let me know you are shipping my item...
whats going on? since i paypald you, you havent messaged me or anything, i really need that sr 20 harness for my car. i sent you 150 like you asked, please let me know when it has been sent asap... or if you dont have it and are trying to rip me off send me my full refund