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Conversation Between EightySix200SX and driftmys e x
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8
  1. EightySix200SX
    04-21-2010 08:33 AM
    loser hahahahaha! how was your 420?
  2. EightySix200SX
    04-16-2010 08:21 AM
    yea my wisdom teeth kinda bother me its actually one of my molars is cracked off at the gumline and needs to be pulled... cuz the inner tooth shit is all exposed and shit.
  3. driftmys e x
    04-15-2010 12:06 PM
    driftmys e x
    ooh lol. is it your wisdom teeeth ? haha yeah indica gives you a body high sativa just makes you laugh and shit .
  4. EightySix200SX
    04-15-2010 08:06 AM
    YEA thats indica for ya i got it cuz of my toothache it bothers me at night and not really in the day so i smoke that and it numbs the pain and i can go to sleep lol! ill get some sativa so we can be all active and shit lol!
  5. driftmys e x
    04-14-2010 12:20 PM
    driftmys e x
    Aw, well try to come by again . It was good it put me on hella lazy mode though haha.
  6. EightySix200SX
    04-14-2010 08:16 AM
    yea thats the way most of these guys are on zilvia along with the "leg humping" of girls when they find out ur actualy a chick. its quite comical lol. how was the herbs???? i was gonna come by sunday but i had to fix a fuel leak on the Z
  7. driftmys e x
    04-10-2010 07:53 PM
    driftmys e x
    lol i know, just cos i made an account im automatically a guy . Pfft, anywho ASAP imy niggaaa (:
  8. EightySix200SX
    04-10-2010 09:18 AM
    lol a guy callin u a dude! whats up buddy?

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