Zilvia.net Forums | Nissan 240SX (Silvia) and Z (Fairlady) Car Forum

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Conversation Between woodysmom and Slammed Assassin
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. Slammed Assassin
    10-11-2009 01:30 AM
    Slammed Assassin
    hey dude still interested?
  2. Slammed Assassin
    10-05-2009 12:11 AM
    Slammed Assassin
    our shop charges usually 65 dollars an hour. depending on how long it takes it may be plus or minus..text me at 805-212-0446 for a faster response..thanks

  3. Slammed Assassin
    09-25-2009 04:14 PM
    Slammed Assassin
    hey yes we do. were called ep-unlimited.. were located between lombard and camino del sol in oxnard.
  4. woodysmom
    09-25-2009 03:57 PM
    Hey big buddha,

    read on a post that you may work at a local shop in oxnard. Do you guys do work on 240s? Just need a simple exhaust manifold swap but don't have the time. thanks

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