Conversation Between simplistek and OkiDori
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10
i havnt decided yet. lol.
Cool. I'm going to be walking around promoting/handing out fliers or will be at the elite autosports booth signing autographs. Are you staffing all day?
i should be there. i'll be staffing the Gymkhana.
Hey are u going to extreme auto fest in SD next weekend sunday? If so come by I might head down to SD to model since I just got signed as a spokesmodel. =) it'd be cool to see ya again. lol.
honestly, i don't remember. you can probably get them cheap now. maybe $600-$700?
Oh btw how much did u get ur reinhard exhaust for im so envious eeep
probably stock color, midnight blue metallic/pearl
Naw I'm in LA near 20min from hollywood. I bought a clean 240 a year ago but now im going to sell it and get a vert. What color you thinking of going with your car?
lol. it's good. all it needs is a paint job. are you still in SD?
Hey E!
It's Risa from myspace, we met at the SD 240 meet by the docks a few years ago. hows your 240 doin?