Conversation Between ayuaddict and IIIXziuR
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5
Can I get a job at your new shop when you move to Japan???
No dude but should I make a F/B profile?
I'm pretty sure any wheels you get you'd make cool.
Are those your Vienna (/vienna-ish) wheels in that pic btw?
haha, I REALLY want those altstadts or however you spell them. i totally should have dibs! oh well. i have a back up plan (they are bigger but less shiny). haha. and dude, do you have a facebook?
Hope to see you sometime in the near future. (Perhaps late summer/fall??)
Please put big, shiny wheels on your JZZ for me.
Yuta, I love you.
that is all.