View Full Version : overheating

01-23-2006, 09:35 PM
I need help in this overheating problem I am having....here goes.....last week my radiator cracked a little and the car was about to go on hot maybe 3/4, luckily I was near home. I decided to head back home i found where the crack was and decided to replace the radiator. The radiator was replaced by a mechanic and today I was driving on the freeway and noticed that it was creeping slowly it got up to about a little pass 3/4 and stayed there(I was going about 75) for a good 4 miles. When it was time for to me exit the temp dropped down to half and stayed there till I got home. What could be the problem?

01-23-2006, 09:39 PM
either your mechanic doesnt know how to properly bleed a cooling system or its your t-stat...

01-23-2006, 09:47 PM
It was actually a radiator shop. I will try the bleeding and t-stat and I guess go from there.

01-23-2006, 09:55 PM
check your oil and for white smoke...if it looks a little diluted or chocolate milky you may have the early symptoms of a blown headgasket...

if a janky rad shop offered to install it for an extra 5 bucks or something, i think they just rushed and didnt bleed it properly...

01-23-2006, 10:07 PM
If any one of you could point me into the step by step procedure for bleeding the radiator, that would be greatly appreciated. Would any of you also know exactly where the t-stat is located? Thanks for the input you guyz are giving.

01-23-2006, 10:23 PM
thermo is by lower hose, against block
there is a small bolt (10mm) as you look at engine from front, on right of head at top, or is it left on KA?
either way its small bolt you look at. it is the highest point of the sytem
start car loosen bolt and air bubbles will com eout (AFTER) Thermostat opens (get up to operating temp)

dont drink the rad fluid. gives you diahrea (sp)
a friend accidentaly swallowed some (openned cap when early and it exploded everywhere--idiot hahah)hahaha

01-23-2006, 10:52 PM
bleeder screw for the KA is on the left (facing the engine)...should be clearly labeled and as dousan said, its the highest point of the cooling system...search, a lot of threads tell you step by step on the bleeding and t-stat removal/installation...im not trying to be an ass like everybody else...i would link you but im on my way out...

01-23-2006, 10:54 PM
OR buy a 'breather tank' on ebay and never have to bleed your car again
it will bleed it self while you drive :)

i know, i own one on each 240sx :)


01-23-2006, 11:17 PM
I guess I should try bleeding first,if that doesn't work then the t-stat if not then the breather tank? I am truly hoping that it is just the bleeding and if not I will be content if it is just the t-stat. I really want to start driving her again it's just a little worrisome when you see you temp rising. you want your ride to last as long as possible w/o having any problem. Can't complain I have 230,000 miles on the ride.

01-23-2006, 11:24 PM
you bleed it, it will be fine
breather tank is just nice to have. makes life easier when u do stuff on car and its cooool. :)

230,000 is good. should last that long. KAs are super tough and long life motors. i know peopel w/ more then that.

01-23-2006, 11:27 PM
Will do GUYS.....fill ya in

01-24-2006, 07:09 PM
hey dousan after starting the car and loosening the 10mm bolt, do i Wait till it gets to running temp and then tighten the bolt back?

01-24-2006, 08:10 PM