View Full Version : Damn stupid people...

05-20-2002, 06:23 PM
So I'm comming home from work the speed limit is 45, i'm on cruze at about 47, head back on the headrest music turned up...just chillin.
I see this red truck getting closer and closer in the rear view and I'm thinking he's gona ruin my fun drive by tailgateing me. Well, he did. He tailgated me for a few miles. I flashed my brake lights several times and then speed back up to the 47 (hit resume). And he just came right back up on my ass. So I'm like "fuck this" and I make my way down to 2nd gear and am just drivin along at about 20mph "yeah this'll teach that dumb fuck" and he just stays on my ass and lays on his horn. I punch it and go back to the limit hopeing he won't get so close again and he just comes right back up and rides my ass. So I go back down to about 20 and just say there untill the road changes to two lanes and I go back up to the limit. Then he jerks into the other lane (massive body roll on that f150) and speeds past at a massive 5 over the limit (i'm doing the limit at this point) and I look over and get ready to make faces and swear and shit and the guy looks like some faggot...got this smug gay ass look on his face and wouldn't look at me.

Here's where it gets fun. He ruined my causal drive home and doesn't even give me the satisfaction of makeing faces and swearing at him. So i've GOT to get something from this guy to make my trip worth it. So I get behind him (not tailgateing) and follow him. And follow him some more and I followed him all the way back to his house at which point I just drove on by. Ehehehe. He seemed to get a little nervious once we got into his neighborhood. Putting on his brakelights every now and then for no apparent reason. Almost stoping in the middle of the road at one point. Hehe, dumb fuck. Any way, I know where he lives and i'm not going to go back and do anything but I had a blast following him home...

05-20-2002, 06:26 PM
again, carry a samurai sword in the trunk like me, and tell him to pull over, and try to pick a fight w/ him w/ the sword

05-20-2002, 06:49 PM
Get a stungun and a pair of brass... or in puff daddy term gold knuckles. Then wait for him to get out... stun him then hit him in the knee.....
oooo speaking of crazy shit while drive.. My roommate and I were cuising saturday on some main street(40mph) behind some mid80's firebird when all of a sudden his front driver side rim/tire  come rolling on off and through on coming traffic. Seriously... I about wet myself cause this thing was so rusty with bling bling rims..... then it hit the on coming traffic curb and went about 25 feet in the air.

drift freaq
05-20-2002, 09:07 PM
I'd be careful about that kind stuff people carry guns in their cars these days and when they get annoyed its open season. Seen it on the news before . somebody tailgating you and won't go away pull over and let them by don't dick with them thats how you get shot plain and simple. If I high beam someone on the freeway to move over and they don't like they should I just wait till I can go around . Seen to much crazy #$%@ for me to want to mess with people anymore. You will learn as you get older its better not to tempt the crazy ones you could wind up dead.