View Full Version : Good smog place in OC

01-13-2006, 01:55 PM
This isn't one of those dumb threads like "I run no cat on my SR that's running super rich omg help" threads that I found while searching. Well, I kinda want a more "lenient" place because I need to get my '89 fastback smogged, and it might not pass.

But regardless, what's a fair priced smog place with non-idiots working in the O.C.?

01-14-2006, 03:02 PM
There are ways around if you are willing to pay. However, you mention "fair priced" and the two don't typically go hand-in-hand.

01-15-2006, 03:46 AM
Isn't against rules to ask for an illegal smog?

01-15-2006, 04:26 AM
he isnt asking for a illigal smog.
go to a test only station they are around $45. test and repair stations u cant really trust them because they want your car to fail so they could do repairs and make money. thats why test and repair stations are usually cheaper.
o and make sure ur car is hot and all the hoses and stuff are connceted and ur timing is set right.

01-15-2006, 12:54 PM
my sr passed smog with no cat

01-15-2006, 01:46 PM
my sr passed smog with no cat

That's awesome. You know, that makes me want to make a video, maybe a "public service announcement" type commercial to educate the public (and misinformed politicians and cops) that just because the equipment is DIFFERENT, doesn't mean that it's BAD.

01-16-2006, 12:32 PM
Someone should do a little more than just a video, a full research project, with multiple cars, reports and analysis with comparison to other vehicles that are stock and "legal" and present this to CA legislation. Basically take like 10 vehicles modified, 10 stock vehicles SMOG them all and document all the modifications. Something like this would be expensive, but may make a difference. It would have to be well documented and the results would have to have validity and be very clear. You can't just take one instance and present it, it would be a waste of time.

01-16-2006, 09:34 PM
I might be able to put together a story for my magazine... Now the issue would be finding a smog tech who would donate some time on a Sunday (so that they're not losing business) to do this. I'm willing to do my part to make it happen, and I have some friends on SEMA's council that would probably help too.

01-16-2006, 10:16 PM
Hey nistech, you're full of crap. Test and repair stations have plenty to do w/o making your car fail. In fact, it's the policy of the shop I work @ to do everything we can, that's legal and doesn't waste too much time, to help a car pass an inspection.That is why test&repair charges more. Test-only cant fix anything even if they want to. It's just a quick pass/fail and you're out. Believe it or not, there are some cars that are f**ked up enough to fail a smog inspection. I would be down for sampling some
sr20de/t and ka/ka-t equiped cars for comparison. I have to confirm it with the boss. I am located in Ramona, CA in San Diego county. The fun part is that all the roads in and out of here are fun, but it would be a long drive for everyone. And if you're trying to make a change in the law books, I dont think this would be beneficial. Would be interesting though.

01-17-2006, 12:10 AM
Let's go for it. Let me know what your boss says!

Ritz S14
01-17-2006, 12:13 AM
I would be down for sampling some
sr20de/t and ka/ka-t equiped cars for comparison.

Already witnessed them both passing the tailpipe. A stock SR20DET would pass without any problems. As for no cat? Depends on how it's tuned.

01-17-2006, 12:49 AM
Then I can't think of any reason whatsoever to not turn this into a story. I'm meeting with about 30 aftermarket manufacturers at a SEMA conference next week -- I'll bring this up and see how much support we can get with them.

01-17-2006, 03:36 PM
Hey nistech, you're full of crap. Test and repair stations have plenty to do w/o making your car fail. In fact, it's the policy of the shop I work @ to do everything we can, that's legal and doesn't waste too much time, to help a car pass an inspection.That is why test&repair charges more. Test-only cant fix anything even if they want to. It's just a quick pass/fail and you're out. Believe it or not, there are some cars that are f**ked up enough to fail a smog inspection. I would be down for sampling some
sr20de/t and ka/ka-t equiped cars for comparison. I have to confirm it with the boss. I am located in Ramona, CA in San Diego county. The fun part is that all the roads in and out of here are fun, but it would be a long drive for everyone. And if you're trying to make a change in the law books, I dont think this would be beneficial. Would be interesting though.

mm lets see i never said test and repairs charge more i said test only stations charge more then test and repair for a smog check. all i m trying to say is there are test and repair stations out there who will test ur car cold and fail it so they could do repairs on it and charge u more money.
i m full of crap i do abour 15 smogs everyday. for the last 1 1/2 years. i ve been certified for 2 years.

01-17-2006, 07:43 PM
Is there a reason anyone wouldn't want SR20DETs and RB26DETTs, etc., legal in California?

01-18-2006, 07:19 PM
Who's to say a test-only wont do a cold smog and charge for a retest. You get paid twice. All I'm sayin' is you come off slappin' down test and repair stations with a prejudice attitude when some of us just want to fix cars and get a paycheck. There are so many people out there talkin' crap and grouping all auto repair/testing shops in with the bad people. I am suprised to hear you (nistech) say you're a smog tech after talkin' crap like that. Anyway, ramblux, my boss is down w/ the idea of a sunday sampler. We need to set a date and plan this out.

01-18-2006, 08:10 PM
why do u think state came out with test only stations?
there are test and repair stations out there who do good job.
but if a test and repair station charges 14.99 for a smog test its less likely that ur car is going to pass

01-19-2006, 12:33 AM
The test-only program was formed for statistical purposes because test and repair stations were fixing problems so cars would pass and not reporting the repairs. They weren't meeting the failure quota that the state expected. I have never heard of a test and repair charging $14.99. Lowest price for passenger car smog around here is $39.95 with no Test-only stations (Basic area). Most stations are charging 50+. Similar to test-only in neighboring city. If anybody is charging $14.99 for a smog, they should be so overwhelmed that they wouldn't have time for repair work. But I can see how you would be sceptical.

01-19-2006, 12:38 AM
Failure quota? Strange. Anyway, let me know when is good for you and as long as there are no major events I'm good to go.

Ritz S14
01-19-2006, 12:40 AM
We have a shady shop advertising for 19.99+cert in my area, which pretty much ruined it for the rest of the shops. "Purrrect Auto". Don't ever go to them, they do some shady ass work. They(as a franchise) have such a poor rep. If you ever wanted your car smogged there, you'd have to leave it there the whole day. They suck, and they need to be shut down.

01-19-2006, 02:33 AM
Yeah, failure quota. If a shop doesn't have a certain failure percentage, a red flag goes up @ the BAR. They start watching you real closely, sending undercover cars that are purposely sabotaged to see if you pass or fail it. If you miss it, there are big fines and suspension of license and what not. Some stations deserve it I guess, but it sure stresses me out.