View Full Version : SR20det passing emmisions

clutch kick drifter
12-21-2005, 09:29 PM
I live in Nashville TN and currently have my car registered in dickson county where they have no marta. Now that weve moved i have to register it this coming up year in Williamson county and weve already tryed to get it to pass... no luck. Im 4 times over on carbon and something else. Any idea's on how to lower this? maby SAFC-II. I know it can be done because a guy i know has gotten three of his SR's to pass.

12-21-2005, 09:40 PM
I have never heard of an SR passing emissions. I've heard of paying under the table to make it pass, but never actually having it go through the machine and passing.

12-21-2005, 09:45 PM
i pass a sr20det in so cali on a dyno 3 years ago. granted it was stock with only an intake

12-21-2005, 09:55 PM
4 times over? lucky...mine was almost 7 times over! haha

anyway, if you removed any emissions equipment put it back on. If you have all the emissions equipment and your not running rich you should pass. I have a brand new cat, but no other emissions devices and I think my o2 sensor is bad (another thing to check)

For those that don't know...in Nashville all they do is check to see if there is a cat, check something with the gas tank and then do a "sniffer" test at idle and 2500 rpms. They never pop the hood which is why you can get an SR to pass here.

EDIT: just realized your the guy on cardomain...ha

12-21-2005, 10:00 PM
I'm moving to good old Tenessee then.

Sorry, I'm just so used to these "Can I get my SR to pass smog in Cali?" threads.

12-21-2005, 10:12 PM
I'm moving to good old Tenessee then.

Sorry, I'm just so used to these "Can I get my SR to pass smog in Cali?" threads.
your better off in Florida...where they don't test at all! I think I'm gonna put the car in one of my parents names (who live in Florida) so I can keep it registered there :naughty: I'm all for lower emissions and stuff but I don't really drive the car as it is my second car and I'm having a hard time keeping it running lately let alone pass emissions.

The legal limit here is 1.20(%?) for CO not sure for C02, which from what I've heard is higher then most states.

12-21-2005, 11:43 PM
are you sure you can pass smog if you put on the emission stuff that the engine came with? because the emission stuff is from japan which i belive they have different emission regulations...

12-22-2005, 12:00 AM
It'll pass on the dynos, even in Cali, in stock form with a cat as long as everything's tiptop.

I've seen it done, several times.

S13 & S14.

No tricks.

12-22-2005, 05:58 AM
do like i did move to a county that dont test or know some one that does get a po box and act like you live there

12-22-2005, 07:32 AM
try putting a tshirt over the intake haha thats what kazuo and i tried to do.... but we failed miserably. maybe itll work for u T_T

12-22-2005, 12:00 PM
it WILL pass taillpipe no porblem as long as you have all your emissions and shit on there (canisters, cats, maintenance/all that done)

it WONT pass visual (if your state has visual check).

12-22-2005, 12:17 PM
hmm...when you do the sr swap doesnt the aiv pipe get in the way and hit the steering column. which makes you to remove it.(i was told aiv pipe has something to do with japanese emissions)

12-22-2005, 05:51 PM
if u could post ur numbers meas/max on co, hc and nox that would be helpful

12-22-2005, 05:55 PM
it WILL pass taillpipe no porblem as long as you have all your emissions and shit on there (canisters, cats, maintenance/all that done)

it WONT pass visual (if your state has visual check).

(or if u find a newb smog tech. who doesnt realize that it is a diffrent engine)

12-22-2005, 06:37 PM
AIV sends air to the cat keeping it lit to burn off fumes. You need it for most engines. The early SRs came with an AIV but the 1993?-ish through s15 ones didn't need it b/c of different tuning I think. I think I've seen stuff at Autozone that's supposed to help you pass emissions. Try putting a junkyard KA stock exhaust on it. Less air out means less emissions right? I've heard of people stuffin a towel inside their intake pipe to pass... who knows. It has to pass b/c the SR is used in American cars too like 200sx and G20 right?

Ritz S14
12-22-2005, 06:43 PM
AIV sends air to the cat keeping it lit to burn off fumes. You need it for most engines. The early SRs came with an AIV but the 1993?-ish through s15 ones didn't need it b/c of different tuning I think. I think I've seen stuff at Autozone that's supposed to help you pass emissions. Try putting a junkyard KA stock exhaust on it. Less air out means less emissions right? I've heard of people stuffin a towel inside their intake pipe to pass... who knows. It has to pass b/c the SR is used in American cars too like 200sx and G20 right?

I've witnessed an S13 SR pass emissions with no AIV.

12-22-2005, 10:21 PM
Emissions is stupid. Its all just for money. I live in ohio i tried my SR once passed on 2 of 3 things. The nox was over by 4 times the limit.

.....I just kept renewing the temps. I did that for a year. A minor in convenience, but worth it none the less.

12-22-2005, 10:35 PM
Emissions isnt for money when it is allowing modified parts to pass as long as you are clean

12-23-2005, 07:33 PM
hmm....i guess ill try to see if my sr can pass smog then =)

12-23-2005, 08:19 PM
Emissions is stupid. Its all just for money.

Or, you know... we can kind of breath easier with less smog.

Ritz S14
12-23-2005, 08:26 PM
If emessions are "stupid" remove your cat and cut a hole in your floor pan. You'll love it.

12-24-2005, 03:00 AM
around here it is

12-24-2005, 03:20 AM
around here it is

you're pissing in the wind. smog is for the welfare of others around you as well as the environment. not everything revolves around you ya know.:wavey:

12-24-2005, 03:25 AM
<message length 12345678910111213>

12-26-2005, 06:35 PM
AIV sends air to the cat keeping it lit to burn off fumes. You need it for most engines. The early SRs came with an AIV but the 1993?-ish through s15 ones didn't need it b/c of different tuning I think. I think I've seen stuff at Autozone that's supposed to help you pass emissions. Try putting a junkyard KA stock exhaust on it. Less air out means less emissions right? I've heard of people stuffin a towel inside their intake pipe to pass... who knows. It has to pass b/c the SR is used in American cars too like 200sx and G20 right?

The DET was never sold in the US, so it doesn't have to pass anything. It's not a US legal engine.

12-27-2005, 08:20 PM
for the money! get rid of nascar! save fuel. cleaner air, less noise pollution! :P :D

clutch kick drifter
12-30-2005, 03:00 PM
thanks guys... i kinda forgot about this forum. I still dont know what im gonna do. All the emmisions stuff is on there im assuming. Anyone have a pictures of where it all is?

Buffalo Daughter
02-04-2006, 12:32 AM
it WILL pass taillpipe no porblem as long as you have all your emissions and shit on there (canisters, cats, maintenance/all that done)

it WONT pass visual (if your state has visual check).

True that. Kazuo's also right. It will pass if its all stock, Not running rich it will put out passing emissions. I've been talkin to old smog techs that still have their licences and been babbling a bit to my instructors and have all said it will pass. That and i had the first hand chance of seeing it pass in person. I know of one way of making it legit and thats to bring it to the ref. Ref will of course smog it and check for emmission devices and all that. Supposedly if it does pass im still wondering if you will be paying any diffrences in insurance if applicable or if there might be stipulations for you having to pass with an sr,like for instance have a special registration for the car. I'm down to try it if i could afford an sr at the moment.

02-04-2006, 03:38 AM
Thats an interesting idea buffalo, I know I dont have the balls to show the ref my redtop though, haha.
Also, I have to agree that emissions is a money thing. I mean, living in socal, I know that our sky isnt brown because of my 240 or the 10000 hondas running cat-free, but its from the 11 million people sitting on 3 major freeways driving at 5 mph from 5am-9am and 3pm-8pm. Put money into infrastructure, not hassling us! Just my 2 cents.

02-04-2006, 04:20 AM
well either pay them off or move

02-04-2006, 08:21 AM
i passed my redtop SR20 here in San Diego CA, you just need to find a ghetto shop that dont care about the looks as long as it will pass on the dyno.

drift freaq
02-04-2006, 10:51 AM
Thats an interesting idea buffalo, I know I dont have the balls to show the ref my redtop though, haha.
Also, I have to agree that emissions is a money thing. I mean, living in socal, I know that our sky isnt brown because of my 240 or the 10000 hondas running cat-free, but its from the 11 million people sitting on 3 major freeways driving at 5 mph from 5am-9am and 3pm-8pm. Put money into infrastructure, not hassling us! Just my 2 cents.
well see before you were born the sky in socal was a lot worse. I know people that have told me about it. It used to be when you drove up highland in Hollywood you could not even see the Hollywood Hills, 1/2 mile up the road!
You also could not the see the mountains above Pasedena. You can see both of those things these days on all but the dog days of august. What you fail to realize is if everyone has the idea that the other guys are polluting so why not pollute makes matters worse. Its a common problem these days people want to rationalize their actions that may not be healthy or right. Now in socal the pollution issue is becoming worse on the diesel truck and ship situation. Car's have been regulated long enough that we have actually seen our air clean up from it, though trucks and ships are spewing because up till now there were no controls on it.
Now as far as it being a money racket thing the only place its a money is on the visual side.If you want to blame someone blame the local car repair shops that make money to fix visual problems. Several years ago it was put before the state legislator to do away with the visual part. Guess what happened? The Repair shop owners lobbied the legislator to keep it. The wanted the revenue.

02-04-2006, 09:09 PM
AIV sends air to the cat keeping it lit to burn off fumes. You need it for most engines. The early SRs came with an AIV but the 1993?-ish through s15 ones didn't need it b/c of different tuning I think. I think I've seen stuff at Autozone that's supposed to help you pass emissions. Try putting a junkyard KA stock exhaust on it. Less air out means less emissions right? I've heard of people stuffin a towel inside their intake pipe to pass... who knows. It has to pass b/c the SR is used in American cars too like 200sx and G20 right?

its kinda right, aiv adds air (o2) so any extra hc & co can burn completely when it passes the cat , lowering emissions. remember co is partly burns gas that means o2 got depleted before it got to burn completely. so aiv helps a lot.

*also stuffing a towel on the intake will make it run rich then computer will try to lean it out. then it will run like crap especially on idle.

02-04-2006, 10:02 PM
i passed my redtop SR20 here in San Diego CA, you just need to find a ghetto shop that dont care about the looks as long as it will pass on the dyno.

i also passed my SR20 with 2 new cats on a stock catback.

02-05-2006, 05:53 PM
i passed... i live in georiga...