View Full Version : tuning question

12-14-2005, 12:37 PM
i want to learn more about tuning. and i guess i have some specific questinos, but not sure how to ask them so imma start this one.

tuning at a shop on a dyno - is getting it running right as in air/fuel ratio with supported mods?

*edit* talked top my boi at the shop and he was tellin me it's better that i see it than for him to try to explain it. but he was tellin me that when its done at his shop, they basically manipulate the computer to allow more air/fuel to flow thru the motor. so if you get it tuned at the shop ywould you still need the safcII?

fine tuning - safc II ??? no clue really, i was trying to figure this out as well when i was riding with my boi. he was tellin me that you couldn't adjust anything, but you could read everything. like throttle, air flow iirc.

flashed ecu is tellin the computer what mods you have as well???

stand alone (aem, greddy, haltech, etc) - is that like haing it done at the shop and letting you fine tune it without using the safcII? or would/could you have to use it anyway.

nsn240 has a tuned ecu and an safcII to fine tune it? why would you need an safcII if you already have the comp tuned?


i searched for injector duty cycle, but couldn't find exactly what it is. is it runnin to it's suggested/min/max capacity. what happens when they max out at 100%? but its ok to run it at 90%-95%

12-14-2005, 12:48 PM
cough search cough

12-14-2005, 12:52 PM
LOL i knew i was gonna get hit with it! well edited to add more to it

12-14-2005, 12:55 PM
hahaha,somebodys gotta be the asshole around here! Just kidding man. Wish I knew the answers,but at least you got some free bumps?

12-14-2005, 01:11 PM
the safc isnt just for fine tuning... you can fully tune 550s with a stock ecu on the safc. Shops have a readout of the a/f on their computer from a o2 sensor exhaust probe thing. Also, and safc isnt just for seeing shit, see above^... i would have bought gauges if i wanted that

12-14-2005, 01:11 PM
heh at least your cool about it. i searched thru 6-7 pages of 15 for tuning :D i have 56 k too so its like hours on end! not only that i see other threads that catch my attention. but no explainations yet. in some i see that they get their ecu tuned (enthalpy for example) and end up selling their safcII? so yeah, what???? i dunno.

12-14-2005, 01:16 PM
Yeah,searching really only answers what has been asked before,but its a great way to learn as much as you can about a specific topic,the more informed you are,the better,at least IMHO.

I wish tuning nissans was a simple as tuning a honda. All you need to do is chip an obd1 or obd0 ecu(or just get a chipped ecu for like 150),get a rom burner,and download the .bin files online. Bamo!

12-14-2005, 01:32 PM
yeah alot of for sale stuff, specific questions, and suspension, come up too. um yeah but you can't get a gauge for seeing your throttle and air flow right? heh at least that i know of. and apparently enthalpy tuning is very recommended over jwt. um yeah thats about all i got so far from searching. well gotta go and i will check back later

12-14-2005, 03:42 PM
Yea, that is true, you cant get a gauge for airflow and tps... what i ment by that was the safc isnt just a part to show you stuff, it has a function as a fmu. With the ecu and selling the safc... if you get a ecu that really works great, then there is no need for the safc. Lots of people just have a base map, and use the safc to make adjustments on top of the ecu

12-14-2005, 04:40 PM
Hellion I sent you a PM with some basic tuning info, feel free to PM me back or post in this thread if you have specific questions


12-14-2005, 05:10 PM
wanted to know about the same thing(basic tuning)...mello88 you think you can pass that info on to me too?

12-25-2005, 01:55 AM
yeah mello i got your pm ! GREAT STUFFF! may i put it in here???and i'm sure with that info somemore questions will come up about basic tuning. FMU? fuel mamagement unit i'm guessing? im going to read that again as well. merry christmas ya'll!

12-25-2005, 03:09 AM
go to bikirom and check out the forum intresting stuff heres what ive been readin lately