View Full Version : FS: Buying bumps by lowering price?

12-12-2005, 04:02 PM
Can a person "bump" thier thread by lowering the price of thier item? If so how much would the minimun be? Or should they just make a new listing w/ the new lower price?

12-12-2005, 05:12 PM
i think posting a response stating a price drop is considered a bump...youre supposed to edit your original post if you decide on lowering the price...thats just from what i observe, i havent actually read the rules and reg...

12-13-2005, 01:03 AM
Any lowering of the price as a new post is considered a "bump."

EDIT the price in the original post.

12-13-2005, 01:10 AM
so theres no way ever to bump a thread? what exactly wouldnt be called a "bump"

12-13-2005, 02:11 AM
i guess answering questions for potential buyers or people showing interest in your item...

12-13-2005, 05:09 AM
Straight from the R&G:

If you make a thread, and then bump it twice.. if you are the only poster in the thread, I'm locking it.
I don't want to hear any crap over this.

Also, do not reply to your post saying:
"Replied to emails"
"Replied to PMs"
"Added pics"
"Updated prices"
"Item has been sold"
or anything else that a viewer of the thread can figure out by looking at the thread.

These are all blatant forms of bumping.

If your thread has been updated, edit the title to say *updated*. Edit the original post. Don't tack on extra posts. The fewer users posting in your thread, the less slack I am going to cut you. Our users can and will search for parts. This necessity to get on the first page is rediculous.

12-14-2005, 01:51 AM
why not just make it no posts at all then? seems like people who have well written posts are being punished by not being able to answer questions..
PM or email only

12-14-2005, 10:49 AM
Ok, listen. You can answer questions. What or who gave you this asinine idea? If I wanted it to have no posting in FS, I'd set the forum limits so nobody could post. What we don't want is what I explicitly laid out in the R&G, and the amendment(s) that I made. All that they boil down to is no bumping. It's not a slippery slope that you're making it out to be, so gain some reading comprehension and re-read the R&G.

12-14-2005, 10:51 AM
i guess answering questions for potential buyers or people showing interest in your item...

Jeff pwnd by reading comprehension. Details later.

12-14-2005, 12:12 PM
what exactly wouldnt be called a "bump"
i guess answering questions for potential buyers or people showing interest in your item...
he asked what would not be considered a bump and i answered: answering questions or people asking questions...did i lead him astray? no, i think you need to reread this section...

12-14-2005, 12:39 PM
Wow. Owned by my lack of reading the thread in it's entirety. Sorry sw20>>s14.
Was kinda confusing that you didn't quote him, so I didn't know it was a reply to that question, but I'll edit my post promptly.

12-14-2005, 12:40 PM
you should do it like tt.net
once you post its automatically locked
gotta pm/email the seller.
no bumping
they can repost of course...which might not be so great, but it saves the ridiculosu bumping action

12-14-2005, 01:29 PM
I've thought about bringing that up, but decided it was a bad idea. It's easy enough to enact, but if a poster wanted to add pictures, or edit the thread, he couldn't. Then people's post that takes 1-2 days to hit page 2 would take 1-2 hours to hit page 2.

That, and as a seller, I'd hate to answer the same question 5 times... which would happen if we didn't enable replies in the FS section. But, we've had a bumping thread issue, which is why we needed to tighten up on the rules, and edit the R&G. The next step, if posters continue to not follow direction, is to eliminate the ability to reply. Nobody would like it, I believe, which is why poster's cooperation is required.

12-14-2005, 05:18 PM
I never really look for anything specific to buy for my car, I see a deal, I swoop on it, and I usually never browse more than the first 2 pages of the FS section.

Also if you locked it as soon as it was posted, people would have to browse through the for sale section for pages at a time. . .or be forced to DUH NUH! Search.

Hmm. . .maybe it's not that bad of an idea after all.

12-14-2005, 06:09 PM
i thought that the price drop used to reset the bump count? guess that rule got changed then.

12-14-2005, 07:28 PM
I never really look for anything specific to buy for my car, I see a deal, I swoop on it, and I usually never browse more than the first 2 pages of the FS section.

Also if you locked it as soon as it was posted, people would have to browse through the for sale section for pages at a time. . .or be forced to DUH NUH! Search.

Hmm. . .maybe it's not that bad of an idea after all.

Read a post above yours for a rebuttal to all these points. If you did need something for your car, I'm sure you'd search. And if it was a deal, it's probably gone and sold by page 2.

12-14-2005, 10:29 PM
Ok, listen. You can answer questions. What or who gave you this asinine idea? If I wanted it to have no posting in FS, I'd set the forum limits so nobody could post. What we don't want is what I explicitly laid out in the R&G, and the amendment(s) that I made. All that they boil down to is no bumping. It's not a slippery slope that you're making it out to be, so gain some reading comprehension and re-read the R&G.

I meant that people with more well detailed descriptions would have less questions to answer thus creating fewer posts thus leaving his/her thread at the bottom of the page. And being at the top does make a difference if it didn't search engines such as google wouldn't be raping people for the #1 positions and certain fringe? benefits to mods such as "sticky" posts wouldn't exist.

Its like when someone is selling an Apexi N1 exhaust... $200 obo..
doesnt state which car? where located? condition? pics? size? etc etc etc... this kind of vauge description will create more questions that need to be answered so the poster will be able to "bump" the thread. Of course this wouldn't be an issue if we had preset fields that had to filled in before something was able to be launched.

But back to the topic.. I think people who are willing to lower the price by a certain percentage should be afforded a bump. It would give a more real meaning to the phrase "free bump"

12-19-2005, 05:45 PM
Lets try this again.

I meant that people with more well detailed descriptions would have less questions to answer thus creating fewer posts thus leaving his/her thread at the bottom of the page. And being at the top does make a difference if it didn't search engines such as google wouldn't be raping people for the #1 positions and certain fringe? benefits to mods such as "sticky" posts wouldn't exist.
Being at the top only makes a difference for those who are impulse buying. If a user needs something, they search for it, or got back a page or two at the very least.

Its like when someone is selling an Apexi N1 exhaust... $200 obo..
doesnt state which car? where located? condition? pics? size? etc etc etc... this kind of vauge description will create more questions that need to be answered so the poster will be able to "bump" the thread. Of course this wouldn't be an issue if we had preset fields that had to filled in before something was able to be launched.
This is why we lock those threads. If they want to be lazy just to get more bumps... we try to make life a bit harder on them.

But back to the topic.. I think people who are willing to lower the price by a certain percentage should be afforded a bump. It would give a more real meaning to the phrase "free bump"
But.. it doesn't matter. We enacted the policy to the "Free Bump" issue, and have a policy regarding what is and isn't a bump. There's no reason to lower the price on post #18, when most people only read the first post. If you edited the first post price, and then made post #18 to say the same thing.. that's retarded, and you've wasted time.

We've got some ideas on how to help the FS forum's current situation. All I know is that another week or so of locking 10-20 posts a day, and I'll start the petition to disallow any and all replies in the FS forums.
We give you two bumps. Use them however you want. And if people would read the stickied R&G thread, we wouldn't be in this situation. Users that only use 2 bumps are at a disadvantage to those who abuse the bumps, and we can't have that. But I can't spend 1-2 hours a day locking threads. So, the alternative is for no replies. But, if you're mad that your post hits page2 in a day, it'll really suck when it hits page 2 in a few hours.

12-24-2005, 06:10 PM
Lets try this again.

Being at the top only makes a difference for those who are impulse buying. If a user needs something, they search for it, or got back a page or two at the very least.

Take a look at the top of the FS section before you say that... you should notice something.

and I'm not the least bit mad, I hardly sell anything I'm a buyer. =)

Merry Christmas