View Full Version : Video Editor

05-11-2002, 06:38 PM
I am trying to get a good video editor, what are some good ones that come in mind. I will prolly dl it off of Kazaa. Doesn't have to be too complicated but sumthing i can put vid clips together and add music and text, etc...

05-11-2002, 06:40 PM
Did you look at downloads.com ?

05-11-2002, 06:44 PM
ya but which ones do you guys recommend i should get, juss need a few names of good ones that people have had experiences with

05-11-2002, 09:00 PM
people say get Adobe Premier....

umm.... i heard that you can just DL the tryout from Adobe then DL a crack from somewhere like astalavista.box.sk (http://astalavista.box.sk/cgi-bin/robot?srch=adobe+premier+6+tryout) (use #2)... but I haven't... uhh... done that myself...
*cough cough*