View Full Version : question about certain area of sr

Team Rootbeer
11-29-2005, 10:13 PM
the area of concern is where the turbo bolts to the manifold.....i cannot for the life of me get 2 of the four bolts holding the turbo on tightened and they keep falling off causing an exhaust leak...... the two bolts im talking about are the ones that are on the back side of the manifold, or side closest to the engine.....i cant get any kind of wrench/socket/wild contraption fomed from frustation back there and if i could it wouldnt fit between the extending stud and outside of turbo....how can i get these suckers tight???

11-29-2005, 11:13 PM
Sorry to break it to you but you're assed out. Your pretty much gonna have to pull the whole turbo and manifold as whole out of the car. Thats the easiest way to re-tighten those back bolts to be honest with you.

11-30-2005, 02:13 AM
if you have mini open ends and lots of time and or long extensions and nice hefty hands i suppose tyou can do it with it on. but i just took the whole damn piece off as one and retightenend them the right way.

Team Rootbeer
11-30-2005, 05:17 AM
shit, thats what i figured....o well thnx fellas

11-30-2005, 09:19 AM
Go to like, Advanced Discout Auto Parts, they sell the small stubby open end wrenches for cheap. It's a pretty hefty set, 1 side's all SAE and the other side's all metric.

That happened to me, those bolts came loose and I started getting this horrendous sound from my turbo whenever it spooled. Turns out all 4 bolts were loose. So I finger tightened them down, and I ended up tightening them with the turbo still on the car. Woulda be a 10 min jobby, but this kid that decided to help me kept turning this nut backwards, so whenever it would thread on a little bit, he'd twist it right back off when he goes to torque it down with the wrench.

11-30-2005, 10:10 AM
just slap him once in the hand.. and go "BAD DOG!.. BAD!"

11-30-2005, 07:07 PM
That happened to me, those bolts came loose and I started getting this horrendous sound from my turbo whenever it spooled. Turns out all 4 bolts were

Hey sosideways what did it sound like? I wanna be on the lookout in case it happens to me.

Team Rootbeer
11-30-2005, 10:19 PM
it sounds like......an exhaust leak, u know, brrrr brrrr brrrr loud exhuast noise coming from the engine bay! youll know it when u hear it trust me