View Full Version : CODE 35 causing rough/no starting???

11-27-2005, 05:51 PM
Hello all,

I own a 1991 240 with 150,000 miles. The car sat for about 3 months and I recently installed a new battery and attempted to start the car. The only problem is that after I started the car, it ran like crap for 2 seconds and then stalled on me. Before the 3 months it sat, the car would start to stall at lights and started to run like crap. Now the car doesn't want to start at all when I crank it.

I did a self diagnostic on the ECU and I received the code #35 (knock sensor). Would a faulty knock sensor hinder the car from allowing it to crank over??

I'm going to replace the fuel filter just incase, I have one ordered and its on the way. I'm also in the process of cleaning the TB out, just have to pick up some allen sockets.

The only other thing I can think of is the IACV or the EGR.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks for the help in advance!

EDIT: http://www.zilvia.net/f/showthread.php?t=29639&highlight=knock+sensor+location

found this after further searching. I'm going to check the harness tomorrow just to make sure everything is plugged in correctly. If not I'm going to replace the sensor.


Sorry for the ignorance.