View Full Version : FS/WTB section

Ritz S14
11-25-2005, 05:08 PM
Sometimes there are things posted on those forums that can be dicouraging/irrelevant to the thread. I was browswing my350z.com and the thread is only limited to the thread creater. That way no BS can be posted.. No "Well..this is 800 here instead ofr 1500.." Or.. "you can get it cheaper here.." or "that shit is gay.."

If the buyer is serious he or she will PM or e-mail the poster.

Just a rant, I really doubt it'll go in effect though.

11-26-2005, 12:03 PM
We're watching, here's proof:

11-26-2005, 10:25 PM
This sounds like a good idea, especially for those with paid subscriptions. I would be more inclined to pay for one if the option were available. :)

11-27-2005, 01:34 AM
Here is what 90% of these complaints can be answered with:
Moderate your own shit. We have 20,000 people able to press the "Report Bad Post" button, and I get 1 a week. I got 2 last week and was surprised.

This is what happens when people request that the forum be divided up more and more, and mods (myself, at least) don't enter forums I don't care about. Like Canada or Cali regionals - because I don't live there and won't visit for a car-forum anything. And the Wheels & Tires forum.. because I have my $2500 wheels and tires already, and am not shopping for more.
When this forum had 4 sections.. it was the best. Tech, Chat, FS, OT. Now regional, motorsports, and 2 FS-subsections.. bleh.