View Full Version : Gym rats

11-22-2005, 01:30 PM
anyone else work out often? I just got back into it and can't wait to get back to how I used to be. Being married sure doesn't help with keeping your body the way you want it. I'm hoping to make it there at least 4 times a week for about an hour or so.

11-22-2005, 01:45 PM
You dont really need to go to the gym. Just some free weights and push ups when you cant go.

11-22-2005, 01:48 PM
Nah, I tried the whole working out at home thing, and I get lazy about it, putting it off. I figure this way since I'm paying I should go. Maybe it's just me.

11-22-2005, 09:44 PM
I'm in the military and even though I have access to all sorts of free gym eqiupment, I find I still have to pay for a gym membership to keep myself motivated to go. And you're right...marriage is detrimental to a physique.

11-22-2005, 09:50 PM
I try but it gets boring quick.

11-22-2005, 10:05 PM
I go 5 days a week, but my gains are slow because i run as well. I love it.

But then again, my gym is maybe about a 5 minute drive from my house so i really dont have an excuse not to go. I will agree though that its very easy to get lazy if you try to do it all at your house.

11-23-2005, 12:17 AM
i saw rats at my gym once

11-23-2005, 12:23 AM
I work there, so free membership.

Its pretty fun competitively working out with random people, and all that jazz.

And the crazy amounts of MILFs that compliment you helps as well.

11-23-2005, 02:37 AM
Romeyo07 is lying to you guys. I met him for the first time when he came to my house the other day, and he seemed pretty fit to me. But then again thats comparing him with someone that only lifts the weight of ciggaretts and beer bottles. I sleep all day because I cant do one pushup to get out of bed. Sometimes I will roll over feet first untill I fall off the bed to help me stand up, but most of the time I end up in the same dilema but on the hard floor.

the head
11-23-2005, 08:20 AM
I lift with a friend four days a week...we just lift at his place but I have found three benefits

1. I have a lot more energy
2. I can drink more when I go out without getting drunk
3. My GF wants to do me more often

11-23-2005, 09:22 AM
But it's just so boring, I dont see how yall do it.

11-23-2005, 09:26 AM
1. I have a lot more energy
2. I can drink more when I go out without getting drunk
3. My GF wants to do me more often

Bingo,and if I'm going regularly I notice I can eat wtf I want,when I want.

Although when I started my new job I started school,so I got was too tired to go,then I hurt my shoulder,so I'm just now getting into the swing of things,my chest is KILLING ME. But whatever,I don't feel as bad when I do "bad " things like smoke,drink,whatever.

11-23-2005, 11:19 AM
i dont think you will find many gym rats besides me and and few others here. i eventually evolved into a personal trainer after i being working out for last 3 something years. the whole term "gym rat" is wrong, there are people that are serious about their workouts like me, and people that just go to fuck around; and there are quite a few of the last kind in the gyms, sadly but true. i get questions like how much you bench and i tell em i can hit 405 solid 3 times on bench and they go "oh yea.... back when blah blah i used to hit 400". thats the time to stare at them weirdly and go on about your business. :D

11-23-2005, 11:37 AM
You can bench 400lbs? Holy crap! I thought my 180lbs was impressive.

Ritz S14
11-23-2005, 11:50 AM
i dont think you will find many gym rats besides me and and few others here. i eventually evolved into a personal trainer after i being working out for last 3 something years. the whole term "gym rat" is wrong, there are people that are serious about their workouts like me, and people that just go to fuck around; and there are quite a few of the last kind in the gyms, sadly but true. i get questions like how much you bench and i tell em i can hit 405 solid 3 times on bench and they go "oh yea.... back when blah blah i used to hit 400". thats the time to stare at them weirdly and go on about your business. :D

I thought doing 205 a few times was impressive. 405lbs.. is like 180lbs on each side.. :eek:

11-23-2005, 11:53 AM
That means we can use both arms arm-wrestling 420sx and still lose.:(

Ritz S14
11-23-2005, 11:58 AM
hahaha what about 4 arms? lol

11-23-2005, 12:03 PM
Shit I can only squat 200lbs with my chicken legs. So 2 legs verse one arm. Thanks, 420sx for making me lose the little self respect I had.

11-23-2005, 12:36 PM
Lol no shit, x2. I can curl 80lbs on each arm x10. Can't bench for shit though. I never take any supplements or anything though, i just eat real good. I do lots of pushups i dont really need the extra weight because i weigh around 220. My workouts suck at home though i just cant keep myself off the internet. Im also going to add running to my daily routine.

11-23-2005, 05:38 PM
Damn this makes me feel weak. I've been complemented alot on my physiq(when I go regularly,I'm getting back into rutine so I'm not as defined right now.) but,I'm weak. Haha. My whole lower back is titanium though,all the way to my hip...and my neck is fucked up,along with a torn rotator cup that keeps nagging me I thought my 210lbs bench press on creatine was impressive,haha.

EDIT:Too many damn car wrecks,haha. I can't do much with my legs either:dislocated knee. oh well,watch out who you ride with kiddies as I've only been in one tiny wreck,didn't even dent the ol s13 while I was behind the wheel,yet....I'm still :owned:

11-23-2005, 08:02 PM
i cancelled my membership b4 i went to europe now i m getting a new one and i went in and i talked to the lady and i think i m gonna get the 3 year pre paid 1000dollar one and 5 dollar a month after 3 year. does anyone have a better idea or think that deal is bad. sochbat since u work there what do u think?

11-23-2005, 10:06 PM
I have been a scrawny asian most of my life. I just started lifting last summer (my cousin pushed me to go) and I lifted for the first time for 4 months straight while working full-time. My arms got bigger and so did my chest. Before I had no muscle tone, now my triceps will bulge out. Then school came and I thought I would be able to lift even harder and more b/c I thought I would have more free time, but boy I was wrong. I took a 1 1/2 month break b/c of so much school work. Then i felt small and had to lift again, been able to only lift around 2 times a week though, been loaded with so much school work. Once winter comes though I am not going to work and just concentrate on lifting again.

I dunno about you all, but I love the feeling of being really sore. Feels like you really accomplish something, makes you feel good.

11-23-2005, 11:56 PM
I dunno about you all, but I love the feeling of being really sore. Feels like you really accomplish something, makes you feel good.

Yezzur. I love that feeling. Right now its my legs. Seriously, today at the gym,i had to sit at the front couch for like 20 minutes after my workout cuz my legs were so friggin rubbery and shaky that i couldnt drive.

ah, it feels great. :bow:

11-24-2005, 09:35 AM
yea after my ankle injury its "painful" coming back in. i took off almost a month for legs for the first time in a year. lets say i will go down and wont get up if someone punches me in the ass hehehe. soo sore right now. hamstrings, quads and glutes are fried.

11-24-2005, 03:41 PM
Hey, as long as everyone keeps on going, it doesnt matter how much u can bench. We are all keeping out bodies healthy. I can only hit 225 max rite now and im happy.

11-24-2005, 04:20 PM
I hate working out at home. I get distracted so easily, lol.

11-24-2005, 05:12 PM
yep, working out at home sucks..

i made a schedule and followed it for about a week then got lazy

if i paid for memberships id feel obligated to work out regularly

11-24-2005, 05:59 PM
i got really into it for about 4 months earlier this year...lost over 45 lbs. started to work on weight lifting and gaining muscle, then i got redicusoulsy busy and also moved aroudn the same time.

I need to get back into it b/c i have gained at least 15 lbs back... and I am the weakest guy at my company :hahano:

the head
11-25-2005, 08:56 AM
I find that I cannot keep motivated by myself which is why i found a buddyto work out with it helps alot when you are feeling lazy to know that you are meeting someone to lift.

11-25-2005, 09:47 AM
I get motivated pretty easily because all i need is to just loose the weight to look toned but right now i eat a lot and still look toned just by doing my daily routines. When i cant eat good for long periods of time i try to get atleast a 15 min workout at night.

11-25-2005, 12:47 PM
I lifted for 8 months every day for at least an hour. and after it was all over, i looked the same and could bench 10 lbs more. I think i will wait until out of the millitairy, juice for a couple of cycles, and if that doesn't help me out, just live with the fact that i will not be any mre muscular than i am right now. ever.

also 420sx, i will be needing an engine hoist soon, I'll buy the beer if you come over and lift the engine/trans out of my car. (since you're already almost there)

11-25-2005, 03:08 PM
I lifted for 8 months every day for at least an hour. and after it was all over, i looked the same and could bench 10 lbs more. I think i will wait until out of the millitairy, juice for a couple of cycles, and if that doesn't help me out, just live with the fact that i will not be any mre muscular than i am right now. ever.

also 420sx, i will be needing an engine hoist soon, I'll buy the beer if you come over and lift the engine/trans out of my car. (since you're already almost there)

It could have something to do with your work schedule and how much rest you're giving your muscles. But most likely its your eating. If you're burning more calories than you're putting in, you wont gain any mass. I'm a hard gainer too, so i know how that is. I've changed my diet and how much i run and it has really helped me a lot. You basically have to eat all the time, like every few hours. So about 6 times a day. Make sure its quality food and good calories though and you want to take in atleast 1 to 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight. There's other stuff too, like your water and good carbs, but thats pretty easy. But yeah, the main thing with getting bigger is eating. And fwiw, the only supplements i take are protein shakes and regular vitamins.

11-25-2005, 04:59 PM
I lifted for 8 months every day for at least an hour. and after it was all over, i looked the same and could bench 10 lbs more. I think i will wait until out of the millitairy, juice for a couple of cycles, and if that doesn't help me out, just live with the fact that i will not be any mre muscular than i am right now. ever.

also 420sx, i will be needing an engine hoist soon, I'll buy the beer if you come over and lift the engine/trans out of my car. (since you're already almost there)

what revat said and maybe you are lifting wrong and not hard enough? you should give your muscles a rest to rebuild themselves. or you might not be having the right workout. You should do around 9 sets a muscle and lift as hard as you can.

11-26-2005, 01:02 AM
I lifted for 8 months every day for at least an hour. and after it was all over, i looked the same and could bench 10 lbs more. I think i will wait until out of the millitairy, juice for a couple of cycles, and if that doesn't help me out, just live with the fact that i will not be any mre muscular than i am right now. ever.

also 420sx, i will be needing an engine hoist soon, I'll buy the beer if you come over and lift the engine/trans out of my car. (since you're already almost there)

hehe yea the last 2 swaps i had to lift up the engine a few times to adjust a few things, its really not that heavy. and tranny is light anyway. benching the block however is a lil more problematic :D :naughtyd:

11-27-2005, 04:37 PM
what kind of supplements do u guys use.

11-27-2005, 04:51 PM
I use a protein supplement only. Just your regular "powder form and mix with water" type. Well that and a regular multi-vitamin. Creatine monohydrate is a popular supplement as well, but imo, its soooorta "cheating". Creatine has causes your cells to hang on to more water than they normally would, so in turn you get a ballooning effect. You look bigger, but its not all muscle. Plus once you come off of a creatine cycle, you lose some of your bulk because its not in your system causing your cells to hold the water anymore. It does however have the benefit of helping your muscles recover faster. Its not reeeeally cheating, but you see what i mean? So really its up to the person. I've thought about trying it myself, but i want to see how far i can get just by changing my diet and doing the protein thing.

11-27-2005, 06:24 PM
i used creatine for a year and i get really good gains. but then also my genetics is excellent and i get gains fairly easy. now im 5'10, at 225 lbs, about 6-7% body fat. but lately i used twinlabs isolate for my protein since its cheap, sometimes i get perfect Rx as my afterworkout, it comes in 20lbs buckets and fairly inexpensive too.

for creatine Optimum nutrition would do just fine. load for 4 days, then maintain and repeat every 3 months. 5grams at a time 4 times a day while loading.
btw, dont spend all your money on crap. creatine is creatine. Optimum is cheap and very reputable.

11-27-2005, 07:04 PM
+ 1 for Optimum Nutrition products. I just switched to using their protein a few months back and i'm very pleased.

420sx, 5' 10" at 225 and 6-7% body fat...

Geeez fool! You sound like a monster! Now the Drago quote in your sig makes sense! hahaha

11-27-2005, 07:07 PM
easiest way I noticed is get the work out routine from college football teams. they also have a chart that lists what your max is, and in relation to how many reps and sets you do, that determine the weight you should train at. I know in high school I increaseg my bench about 5 pounds every 2 weeks from using that method. I peaked though in my leg lifts 405 squat, 425 deadlift, and 205 clean. Also countered by the fact I was at 170 at the time.

11-27-2005, 07:59 PM
Dang son,yeah i remember back in high school as a freshmen i was able to bench like 170 and i only weighed 141.Now i'm getting older and some fat on me and work out about once or twice a week if i have the time.One thing i do know is i love being sore,strange as that sounds.

11-27-2005, 10:06 PM
Best I've heard is to hold off on the creatine until you hit a plateau and are having a lot of trouble gaining any more mass, But I think the thing to do if you cant pick up more weight, is to eat eat eat.

11-27-2005, 10:34 PM
^thats right. eat eat eat workout eat and sleep.

11-28-2005, 05:50 AM
Snail, I called this weekend to see if you wanted to grab a beer, I just gave it up. Oh well. I feel fat and there's a pair of $60 pants I want to fit in again. I know I sound like a chick, but I'm pissed cause I like them.

I'm getting a nutrition analysis today to tell me to quit eating garbage.

06-12-2014, 03:03 AM
I'm a volunteer fire fighter with my local town. I'm currently in a contest that for 1st phorm. They're going to sponsor 5 athletes. I need to gain followers on social media ie Facebook Instagram. If you guys could help me out I would be eternally grateful. My Instagram is @djrepete

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-12-2014, 06:49 AM
I started going back to the gym about 3 months ago. Marriage does take a toll on your body and fitness. i go on average about 5 days a week for about 2 hours a night. i've lost about 20 lbs and about 1 inch off my waist. i've also increased my muscle mass. I started out with 15" arms now about 16.5" arms. When i started 3 months ago, i had to fight to do one sit up or push up, i can now do about 50-75 pushups and sit ups a night.

06-12-2014, 11:17 AM
This is a god damn 9 year old thread!
We already have a body bulding thread. Use that.