View Full Version : Stop The "free Bump" Posts

11-20-2005, 06:57 PM
Growing suspicion is that people are using their friends as a way around the 2 bump rule, so we are no longer allowing "free bump"-type posts. All this is doing is allowing people to whore up the For Sale section with posts that offer no value to the thread, proved by their lack of intention to actually purchasing the item for sale. So...

Yes, you will be responsible for getting your friends thread locked by giving "free bumps." DO NOT make these posts.
If you are giving free bumps maliciously as judged by us, you will be removed from the FS forums via pinking.
It's a simple rule for posters. Do not bump your thread more than twice. Something on page 2 with todays date will get very nearly the same exposure as on page one. Something on page 5 will show up when a potential buyer searches for it. Do not ask friends to bump your thread. It will be locked as if it were yours.

Now.. what to do when someone maliciously gives you a "free bump" to get your thread locked:
Press the REPORT BAD POST icon in the lower left of their post. It is your responsibility to react if someone is maliciously bumping your item. However, if someone gives a free bump and you could use it, it counts as one of your posts.

What happens when you report a poster for the Free Bump violation:
Their name will be marked down, and after a pattern of violations emerge, they will be pinked.

Now, as retarded as it is for me to have to make this thread, it's more retarded that a few users decided it was necessary to figure out how to skirt one of the few rules we have on Zilvia.
However, we're dead serious. This will not go on, or users will be punished.

11-20-2005, 07:05 PM
I and would assume that most understand this rule completely, but this part is not fully representational of the current situation.
one of the few rules we have on Zilvia.

Thanks for understanding. :)

11-20-2005, 07:51 PM
so what if the 'friend' pretends to be interested in the car? ahhh well... :cj:

That was mentioned, here it will be highlighted, from this quote of the first post:

Growing suspicion is that people are using their friends as a way around the 2 bump rule, so we are no longer allowing "free bump"-type posts. All this is doing is allowing people to whore up the For Sale section with posts that offer no value to the thread, proved by their lack of intention to actually purchasing the item for sale. So...

Yes, you will be responsible for getting your friends thread locked by giving "free bumps." DO NOT make these posts.
If you are giving free bumps maliciously as judged by us, you will be removed from the FS forums via pinking.
It's a simple rule for posters. Do not bump your thread more than twice. Something on page 2 with todays date will get very nearly the same exposure as on page one. Something on page 5 will show up when a potential buyer searches for it. Do not ask friends to bump your thread. It will be locked as if it were yours.

Now.. what to do when someone maliciously gives you a "free bump" to get your thread locked:
Press the REPORT BAD POST icon in the lower left of their post. It is your responsibility to react if someone is maliciously bumping your item. However, if someone gives a free bump and you could use it, it counts as one of your posts.

What happens when you report a poster for the Free Bump violation:
Their name will be marked down, and after a pattern of violations emerge, they will be pinked.

Now, as retarded as it is for me to have to make this thread, it's more retarded that a few users decided it was necessary to figure out how to skirt one of the few rules we have on Zilvia.
However, we're dead serious. This will not go on, or users will be punished.

... I have no qualms with locking this thread to avoid any further debate of this issue. The only debate that mattered took place leading up to the creation of the thread in the first place

11-20-2005, 08:37 PM
... I have no qualms with locking this thread to avoid any further debate of this issue.
Dude...calm down. No one debated anything in this particular thread, only asked some questions.

As far as my post, it was only to make it understood that "a few rules" could be taken different ways, in relevance to this thread. Just an observation.

11-20-2005, 08:43 PM
Didn't want to, but I was left without a choice.

11-21-2005, 12:19 AM
Didn't even mean to leave it open, thanks Phlip.

You disagree with "a few rules"? What do we have here in the main forum? No direct attacks, keep the forum PG-13, and calm down with the post whoring. The sig "rule" is only a "rule" because we allow you to have a sig, period. There could be one less rule, but what's the fun in that?

However, here in the FS section it's more strict, because of the volume of these threads, and the necessity of users to ensure their thread is on the top. This is an unacceptable waste of bandwidth, and hinders the market in general. If you wish to debate the merit of your quip, open a thread in Off Topic.