View Full Version : Reawakening a dead 240sx

11-17-2005, 01:15 PM
I've had my 240sx since I was 16, but due to circumstances, it hasn't been ran in 2yrs, now, i used to before hand, atleast move it and run it for 30mins every other week, but during the fall last year the battery went dead, and I couldn't get it started, and it just sat since.

During the spring I tried to get it to run or just turn over, it did neither, at first the starter gave a kinda grinding noise and and it didn't start, then it just didn't turn over at all.

You think I have a shot at getting this car working again?

11-17-2005, 01:23 PM
Definitely. If you put it away running, it shouldn't take much to get it running again.

The lst time I heard grinding from a starter it was because there was teeth missing from either the starter or the fly wheel. This is usually pretty freaking loud grinding though.

Get a good battery, make sure your starter is ok.

Also depending how old it is, you may need to clean the fuel system. New filter, clean injectors, etc.

11-17-2005, 01:45 PM
yea...grinding made me go wtf and jump back, then when trying to jump it, had some sparking which ended the project for the day...replaced the blown fuses already though...

11-17-2005, 02:29 PM
Well, you might have some sparks when connecting the jumper cables to the battery.