View Full Version : eligible drifters need join( team victim)

11-14-2005, 08:12 PM
I am recruting drifters for Team Victim, located in the Bay Area, the team is strictly drifting, trying to build a solid team, whos talent will move to the top, and to get to know all around good people involved with the scene, my names Brian, and after being rear ended by a dumb ass in a range rover, in a miata, i finaly decide to test my luck with a 240 and knuckled down and bougth a s14, so if your interested in joining the ranks of Victim post up ,

11-14-2005, 11:35 PM
what part of Oakland u from?

Andrew Bohan
11-15-2005, 01:00 AM
red fc then yellow miata guy?

11-15-2005, 02:00 AM
What is the reason of you wanting to start a drift team? Pure comp or what? Might you give a bit more on your automotive background.

11-15-2005, 03:11 PM
why have a team ?, well first off the point of the team is to compete yes, get known, but more so to have fun with talented drivers, i personaly am located in the montclair area, and just cruze arond, and yes i am fc, miata, guy. but more so than all of that Victim's about drifting, and being prety good at it, im not very good at it, but it would be nice to see some talent under a new flag around these parts

11-15-2005, 03:14 PM
sorry, ive competed in some of been to ncda nigt drift's
took teh russel racing Trc course
and am competing in formula russel this december,
and i cruze around and drive an automatic with hella v-tec ( ok maybe not the auto and v tec part)

11-16-2005, 03:23 PM
ill join if you sponsor me with a car because i got no car now =] tee hee

11-16-2005, 08:50 PM
i am sorry to hear you dont have a car right now i think the best i could do is maybe hook you up with some miata parts, liek a 1.6 litre engine, if you find a shell i could prolly hook you up with some parts, but i doubt youd buy a miata , but just throwing it out there, i knwo yoru kidding, im quite bad at spelling and typing im not the best internet person, i stick to teh basics

11-17-2005, 12:18 AM
The idea seems cute enough.. Maby one day we'll meet up somewhere.

11-17-2005, 05:44 PM
i'll join if you rename to "Team Rape Victim"

11-17-2005, 07:04 PM
victim...jsut out of curiosuity, what place have you taken at ncda?

11-17-2005, 08:03 PM
well my first time there with my miata, i placed second, and that is not an easy car to drift, al teh other times, i placed 16 or lower, i think only once i didnt make it to top 16, and i totled a fc there, drifting the bank turn , thiers some footy of teh ncda i placed second at, i think on ncda's site, im in teh goofy yellow miata i dont think it had a wing at that point, but it still was goofy, had it all sleepy eyed and shit, bnut now im sportin a s14, and plan on winning some shit in 06

11-18-2005, 02:08 AM
haha NG, its chase
good luck recruiting...probably not the best crowd to do so
try recruiting at the events, find people interested

11-18-2005, 02:15 AM
hey whatsup NG, haha i was jut lookin around zilvia and i saw this post. good luck on finding some new blood. we should hang out more often, your s14 needs a rear sway.

Sil Beer S13
11-18-2005, 02:41 AM
team just sounds so played out.

track event is a better place to find drivers. i myself am looking for teh l33t drivers.

11-18-2005, 04:19 PM
When I get my sil-eighty in January I'd be lookin to join a "team." I mostly just want to improve my skills. I have driftin a beamer for about a year now and its time to step it up. Lets see some designs for a team sticker or sumthin.

11-18-2005, 05:27 PM
its a shit web site, but it works for now, thiers a sticker on teh first fage, its on teh late miata, lol, noobin it up

11-18-2005, 05:29 PM

11-18-2005, 07:24 PM
dood wtf i would have been so interested a few months ago recently moved to florida i want to try and find a crew out here doubt ill have much luck though . sucks to be me :bash:

11-19-2005, 01:16 AM
no worries, fuckin start up a florida chapter, i mean why not? or whatever you know, start some stuff, i could prolly get some more of the vic stickers, ive alos got some i (hearT) victim , stickers for the fans hehe, well , peopel join just rwd to belong and some driving expierence, !!

11-19-2005, 02:55 AM
i didnt know there was a website. and i didnt know i was on it. can i send you some recent pictures to put on there of me and not ones of me when i was like 12?

11-19-2005, 09:37 PM
its good to see you are positive, i8 have seen you a few times at ncda, i got the black coupe with the silvia fron end. uhm...what else i have the ford f350 that trailers my daily out there lol

11-20-2005, 12:38 AM
i origonaly thought that this would kind of be a way to get the teams name out there, and gain some new blood, we have a pretty talented group of guys lined up for 06, and are looking to expand our starting line up lol, but its all about having fun behind the wheel, there are to many people who do things because its what thier friends want them to do, like shit, i dont know crack? lol, but drifting runs deep, somthing on a physical and mental level which balnces controll and chaos with only a pencil to do it with. team victim> the anti grip "lose traction, a little, get sideways alot "

11-20-2005, 12:39 AM
serv me up thos pic's Q dog!

11-21-2005, 02:12 PM
Sup Brian, it was funny watching you drift with one hand on the wheel. You shoulda just been a shocker!! This is Mike btw.

11-21-2005, 05:18 PM
Damn yall look hellza young on da website! How long team victim been drifting fo?

11-22-2005, 05:41 PM
Hehe I took that Red FC ownzered pic.

11-23-2005, 04:08 PM
yea came up with teh idea in 04, but started it in 05, im only 18, not quite xander young, but im cute if thats what your trying to say lol, INITIAL D lol kidding , fuck tack, il outdrift him with my super sidways magic slide technique , ha, haha

Andrew Bohan
11-23-2005, 10:48 PM
WTF are you trying to say??? :kiss:

Andrew Bohan
11-23-2005, 10:51 PM
You really suck at writing, and no one can understand anything you are saying.

11-23-2005, 11:11 PM
"drifting comes from japan, the term most plainly put would be to slid e a car (fish tail) around corners , to do this you need a rear wheel drive car, or a realy nice E brake for you civic fanatics"

.. No thanks.

11-24-2005, 12:10 AM
You really suck at writing, and no one can understand anything you are saying.

Andrew Bohan
11-24-2005, 12:43 AM
blah blah blah

11-24-2005, 01:02 AM

You're a sucker for bad english, and the caps lock key.

11-24-2005, 01:46 AM
I haven't lived in the same place for more than two months at a time over the last 3.5 years. I think that makes me a drifter.

11-24-2005, 02:01 AM
I haven't lived in the same place for more than two months at a time over the last 3.5 years. I think that makes me a drifter.
I don't think that qualifies you as a drifter, unless you were having sex with men. Then you are one. :kiss:
And you're a gay. Stfu. Go hardpark or something.

11-25-2005, 12:17 AM
haha i love these threads

so fun to read

oh and nice pictures hahaha

as for you quach... get a more recent pic... you're older now

11-25-2005, 05:29 AM
good to see more teams in the bay. i would join but my friend and i just made a team thats just us 2 for now. till ike 07 or whatever.
but goodluck and hope to see u at ncda events in 06

11-25-2005, 08:11 PM
I don't think that qualifies you as a drifter, unless you were having sex with men. Then you are one.

nope not a drifter then.

11-25-2005, 08:26 PM
wow this guy's keyboard must be broken,

because there are no periods(.)

11-25-2005, 08:29 PM
yea came up with teh idea in 04, but started it in 05, im only 18, not quite xander young, but im cute if thats what your trying to say lol, INITIAL D lol kidding , fuck tack, il outdrift him with my super sidways magic slide technique , ha, haha


what's the point of mentioning xander?
and you aren't cute


o btw you sound like a total fan boy

love, your favorite e-thug,

11-28-2005, 09:06 PM
God, this thread makes me feel old.

11-28-2005, 10:14 PM
love, your favorite e-thug,

but that part is funny as shit

11-29-2005, 01:12 AM
teams are pointless...isnt the original meaning of a drifter (besides the homo version lol) to wander from place to place, no home, no family, ALONE? no teams! hahah

11-29-2005, 01:16 AM
I haven't lived in the same place for more than two months at a time over the last 3.5 years. I think that makes me a drifter.

teams are pointless...isnt the original meaning of a drifter (besides the homo version lol) to wander from place to place, no home, no family, ALONE? no teams! hahah

Thats what he (Tenchuu) was talking about.

*Like how your name is still blue? :rawk:

Andrew Bohan
11-29-2005, 01:49 AM
even better if it was a link. like this. Tenchuu (http://www.zilvia.net/f/member.php?u=23826)

11-29-2005, 01:51 AM
premies are just so clever!

11-29-2005, 01:54 AM
even better if it was a link. like this. Tenchuu (http://www.zilvia.net/f/member.php?u=23826)

LOL.. damnit! You 1 upped me.

11-29-2005, 07:33 PM
I've seen you (teamvictim) on GP a good amount of times.

12-01-2005, 11:00 AM
-hi ben
ok, i suck at typing, you win, but get a life, what are you, a fucking english teacher, lets just say that if you could drift as good as you type i'd listin to your bullshit, if you whana talk shit about somthing do it to my face on the 11th as im schooling you with my open diff stock s14, or i could take out my miata and just show you how bad at drifting you are , thanks for the reply tho,ben. oh and another thing nothing says jdm like that "shit ass cat " that flashes fruity colors. im sory im so harsh, but you dont know me? you havent watch'd me drive? who teh fuck are you... thats what im trying to say

12-01-2005, 11:05 AM
oh and ben, "you can deep throat this fan boys BALLS" bitch

12-01-2005, 11:09 AM
take it easy unless you want your thread locked. And edit your previous post instead of posting twice in a row.

It makes it hard for people to read and understand what you want if you can't type clearly.

12-01-2005, 01:11 PM
its funny though. brian means good...and he probably will scrape all of you at driving. he doesnt havent a brain.....as you can tell by the way he types....but he is a VERY VERY VERYYYY GOOD DRIVER....and dont pull some bs like "oh look at his FC, that shows hes not a good driver" shit cause you know that kinda shit happens. anyways jus dont talk shit about him till you acutally meet him or drive with him.

12-01-2005, 01:14 PM
He means WELL

12-01-2005, 03:51 PM
This isnt a fucking ENGLISH forum, i type quickily, and dont proof read my shit because i have somthign called a life...... i hope to own all spelling/grammar haters at the track.., hope to see you all there, bring me a text book and typing for todlers hondbook, so i can use them as a toilet

12-01-2005, 03:53 PM
hey guys, dont hate on teamvictim, i know he doesnt come off as being the brightest guy when you read his post, but he's got a good heart. i can vouch that he is a badass driver, better at drifting than i am at least. sure he's wrecked a few cars, but that's what happens when you give it your best without thinking over the cost.

but yeah, brian you gotta proofread what you write, it makes it easier for everyone else man.

12-01-2005, 04:50 PM
He means WELL

shut up ho you know what i meant. :cj:

i live in the same town as you and ive never seen you driving around. and ive for sure NEVER seen you on GP or any other roads up here. too busy studying in a god damn internet cafe downtown ay ??

12-01-2005, 05:27 PM
hey , brian i'll join your team...

im the guy that had the flat white s13 coupe in ncda.

pm me your #...

also if you guys do see this guy drive at the ncda event he does some pretty crazy shit with that miata.

12-01-2005, 05:43 PM
shut up ho you know what i meant. :cj:

i live in the same town as you and ive never seen you driving around. and ive for sure NEVER seen you on GP or any other roads up here. too busy studying in a god damn internet cafe downtown ay ??
Watch your mouth. My car isn't up here. I'm here for school and my car is back home. Plenty of members here have seen my car, I don't have anything to prove to you.

But I do type and spell better than you. hah.

Andrew Bohan
12-01-2005, 05:55 PM
-hi ben
ok, i suck at typing, you win, but get a life, what are you, a fucking english teacher

english teachers aren't the ones you ultimately have to impress with proper english. their function is to help you with your english so you don't look like a total idiot to everyone else in society.

lets just say that if you could drift as good as you type i'd listin to your bullshit, if you whana talk shit about somthing do it to my face on the 11th as im schooling you with my open diff stock s14, or i could take out my miata and just show you how bad at drifting you are , thanks for the reply tho,ben. oh and another thing nothing says jdm like that "shit ass cat " that flashes fruity colors. im sory im so harsh, but you dont know me? you havent watch'd me drive? who teh fuck are you... thats what im trying to say

this is the logical fallacy known as "red herring" in which an irrelevant topic is presented in order to divert attention from the original issue. the basic idea is to "win" an argument by leading attention away from the argument and to another topic.

anyways jus dont talk shit about him till you acutally meet him or drive with him.

i've met him and seen him drive. so i reserve the right to talk shit about him.

This isnt a fucking ENGLISH forum, i type quickily, and dont proof read my shit because i have somthign called a life...... i hope to own all spelling/grammar haters at the track.., hope to see you all there, bring me a text book and typing for todlers hondbook, so i can use them as a toilet

so if you out drift the haters, does that mean you get to change english's spelling and grammar rules? if not, then how do you plan to claim victory in that circumstance?

and to cover my own ass here: typing in all lowercase is accepted internet style.

12-01-2005, 07:26 PM
This Thread is over. If I see any of you involved in another pissing contest like this again and I'm going to start smacking people with the Pink Stick.
