View Full Version : Rear clunk after lowering

11-12-2005, 07:23 PM
Before install, no Clunking in rear at all.
Install Kyb(non-Adjust) and sportlines, now rear pass is clunking like crazy, not during breaking or turning, only during bumps in the road, I think my upper rear mounts might be done. They do look a little shot.

And by the way I did do a search, but couldn't really find what I was looking for. Any help or ideas is appreciated.

11-12-2005, 08:16 PM
yeah, no clunking with sportlines and stock shocks...but after installing my ddrug coils i get a clunk on the drivers rear over bumps...couldnt be the upper mounts because my coilovers came with pillow ball...it gets very annoying and makes me uneasy...i would also like to know of any suggestions to fix the problem...

i just thought it was shot bushings...

my drivers side is a lot more neg'd out than my passenger due to a little mishap if that matters...after replacing and/or altering pretty much all the arms on the pass side, the wheel has 0'D out, borderline positive camber...

11-13-2005, 12:45 AM
I had this problem once when I put springs on my friends celica. Everytime he hit a bump it would make a clunk or thud. Turned out that his rear lower sway bar wasent on tight. So my suggestion is to double check every bolt that was touched during the installation to make sure everything is tight. Just a thought. Sorry i couldent help more.

11-13-2005, 06:41 AM
I replaced my sway bars with ST bars and they are snug. I'm going to replace the mounts and go from there I guess. Still taking suggestions. Also the rest of my rear suspension is all stock.

DP_Michelle G
11-14-2005, 03:31 PM
check your rear springs to make sure there seated right on the strut

11-14-2005, 04:03 PM
just replaced the strut mounts, and so far pretty decent, but i haven't been down a bumpy road yet. I'm going for a longer drive now. So we'll see.....

11-14-2005, 08:52 PM
I guess it was my strut mounts, the clunk is gone. :)

06-10-2007, 06:53 PM
I guess I'm an idiot, but what exactly are the strut mounts? I"m having the same problem after Stance coil install...

06-10-2007, 06:59 PM
the top piece of the strut where it meets the strut tower (installed)... the camber plates or the solid mounts

06-10-2007, 07:24 PM
do you have a fastback? on both of my cars after lowering i got a clunk but i fixed it by tightening the trunk latch.

06-10-2007, 08:34 PM
y'know, at first my dad and I thought it was the hatch, and I tried wedging some padding in the seating surface to see if that took care of it, but it didn't seem to... how do i go about tightening the latch? you mean dropping the latch down further so it closes the hatch down lower? I kinda tried that, but in the end my weatherseal is blown out so I don't think that would even matter... I wish I could thing of a temperary way to keep the hatch shut super tight to see if that's what it is..

06-10-2007, 08:43 PM
uhm yes , the latch that screws on to the body of the car...theres 10mm bolts...loosen them , move the latch towards the ground as far as you can and tighten them...slam your hatch shut :)

06-10-2007, 10:24 PM
I tried that before and pushed down on the car and it still seemed to be there... However, it's easy and free so I'll try it again I guess...

06-10-2007, 10:39 PM
trust me , it works.