View Full Version : We should be glad we know about cars!

11-10-2005, 05:06 AM
Most of the people here know about cars, or have some simple knowledge about cars. My friend and I was talking today, and he said at his work, the girl next to his cubical had some car problems and tow the car to the dealership.

Apprently, the car won't start, but when it was at the dealership, it worked just fine. So the dealership said that they couldn't duplicate the problem, and said it may be caused by a dirty air filter and a dirty throttle body. The cost? $180

Now, we all know that sounds like some sort of a scam, even the girl did; that's why she called up her guy friend and asked:

"yah the dealership said it may be a dirty air filter and a dirty throttle boddy, does that happen a lot, or are they just ripping me off"

the next thing my friend heard was

"really? So it does happen a lot? Okay I will go ahead and have it serviced"

Apprently her guy friend is a complete idiot, but my friend didn't want to feel like stalker that day, so he didn't go in and correct her nor his friend. So -$180 for her, but she dosn't mind she's making too much money.

So yah, just a thought, arn't we lucky we at least know enough about cars not to get tripped off by the car dealership?

11-10-2005, 05:31 AM
Yea, a friend of mine's car was doing weird electrical things, wouldn't start sometimes, and I said first and formost, it is probably the battery. Some electrical circuits might not work when the car does because the battery is oinly pushing enough amps for very low power circuits, but not the starter or anything. She and her family didn't believe me, took the car to the dealership, to have the dealership install the battery. Lol. Guess who would have been cheaper....

11-10-2005, 05:33 AM
Why do you think dealerships and auto service shops are in business?
Most people just want transportation and don't give a crap about how/why shit works.

11-10-2005, 05:40 AM
Since we are talking about past experiences, one time my g/f calls me and goes, "my car is makind this terrable sound, it sounds like a truck!"

so i go "just drive it back and we'll take a look at it"

she goes "no it sounds really bad, i'm close to the dealership i'll have them take a look"

She takes it in, dealership charges 80 bucks to look at it, and said that the pully if off balance, it needs to be replaced, for like $340.

I told her "just bring it back we'll take a look at it"

so she drives the car back, i crank the car up, it made a terrable sound it was so bad i thought that car was going to expload, it made this terrable grinding sound.

I looked at the crank pully and all the pully that's in the system, i don't see anything outta whack, everything is spinning in place. Than i looked at it some more, stood there for a few minutes, realized that the AC line had broken off and one of the AC things (looked like a little canister) fell off and was being grinded the shit out of by the pully on the bottom. I took it, and ziptied it back (not expecting the AC to work ovbiously) and voila, everything was working fine.

Stupid ass dealer could not, or decided to rip off my g/f, figure out that a canister was being grinded on the pully, F'in geniuses.

Revolver Ocelot
11-10-2005, 02:59 PM
My Ex-girl was gonna take her truck to the dealer yesterday to rotate her tires. :duh: About fifteen minutes later i rotated her tires for her and felt a whole lot better myself as well. http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b397/Revolver0celot/bed.gif

Ritz S14
11-10-2005, 03:05 PM
^^^ Haha I was like WTF. .Never saw that emoticon before.

Anyways.. Yeah the Dealer/Firestone/Midas/Quality.. IMO they all suck. It's best to find a mom and pop shop that has been well established for years.

11-11-2005, 01:57 AM
Yeh I get all kinds of mom's coming into Peps and asking me really simple questions about their car. How many cylinders it has, if its 4 wheel disc, automatic or manual transmission :faint: (if they ask this I know its auto), etc. Funny stuff sometimes.

11-11-2005, 02:07 AM

I think it is the starter is bad, or alarm malfuction, or bad connection on the fuel system? cannot be just the air filter or dirty throttle body.

what do you guys think?

anyway, here is my friend's real story.

his girlfreind decided to learn how to change engine oil on her corolla. so she did the engine oil change but there is a problem occur after the oil change....

The automatic transmission wont shift up.

so she call her boyfriend and he went to her place immdeately.

Than he discoverd that she drained out the transmission ATF and TOPED engine oil :wiggle:

Andrew Bohan
11-11-2005, 02:23 AM
i heard about this experiment some college class did. it was like sociology or something.

they took this car and unplugged something obvious to make the check engine light come on. then a girl in the class took it to ten shops, and nine told her various expensive things, and one just plugged the thing in for free. then a guy in the class took it to ten other shops, and nine of the shops plugged the thing in and one told him it was something expensive. fun times

11-14-2005, 01:00 PM
My friend and I was talking today

ahahah nice......maybe you have too much knowledge on cars start sharing some knowledge on your simple english...ahahahah

11-14-2005, 01:57 PM
I'll never let my wife take her car to the dealership alone. Usually I'll have to drive it and have her explain what she hears/feels, etc. Women are easy targets.

11-15-2005, 12:11 AM
ahahah nice......maybe you have too much knowledge on cars start sharing some knowledge on your simple english...ahahahah
fine fine, my friend and I were talking today... is that correct? I'm ESL man!

11-15-2005, 02:13 AM
ahahahah.......i just caught that...im sorry if it got you mad...atleast we are learning here in Zilvia.net

Sil Beer S13
11-15-2005, 02:30 AM
On a customers car i just did an SR swap for, his car when was KA was over heating alot. So he took it to the dealership and they told him that it was a bad heater hose and was going to cost him 350.00 to replace.

Well he wanted SR. Upon my inspection of the KA turns out the headgasket blew, You could see the coolant flowing out like a water fall. Heater hoses were fine.

Damn dealerships.

Andrew Bohan
11-15-2005, 04:48 AM
i used to take my F-150 to the dealership to get it diagnosed for shit. one time my coil went out and they wanted me to pay $100 to get it replaced. so i got a ride to kragen and got one for $20 and came back and swapped it in 5 minutes in the dealership parking lot and drove the truck out. they were like wtf?

11-15-2005, 11:08 AM
Yeah i dont get why people at the dealership are like that. Fucking money hungry homos. I feel bad for some of the people who spend 3x what they should have if they just have a personal friend look at the car before taking it to the ALMIGHTY dealer.

Where i work i see mechanics coming in telling all kinds of fucked up shit. Instead of replacing the part with a new one they use electrical tape, duct tape, the wrong part!, take out the cel bulb. I feel sorry these people.

Ritz S14
11-15-2005, 12:57 PM
I'd take my car to the dealer for warrenty work and recalls. That's it.

11-15-2005, 01:40 PM
:eek: :wackit: *doing the robot*

11-15-2005, 01:41 PM
Most of the people here know about cars, or have some simple knowledge about cars. My friend and I was talking today, and he said at his work, the girl next to his cubical had some car problems and tow the car to the dealership.

Apprently, the car won't start, but when it was at the dealership, it worked just fine. So the dealership said that they couldn't duplicate the problem, and said it may be caused by a dirty air filter and a dirty throttle body. The cost? $180

Now, we all know that sounds like some sort of a scam, even the girl did; that's why she called up her guy friend and asked:

"yah the dealership said it may be a dirty air filter and a dirty throttle boddy, does that happen a lot, or are they just ripping me off"

the next thing my friend heard was

"really? So it does happen a lot? Okay I will go ahead and have it serviced"

Apprently her guy friend is a complete idiot, but my friend didn't want to feel like stalker that day, so he didn't go in and correct her nor his friend. So -$180 for her, but she dosn't mind she's making too much money.

So yah, just a thought, arn't we lucky we at least know enough about cars not to get tripped off by the car dealership?

that story was horrendous.

why do you think autobody/mechanics/etc are in business? a big part of it is this and the people that don't know or don't care about what is being fixed.

11-17-2005, 08:51 AM
Yeh I get all kinds of mom's coming into Peps and asking me really simple questions about their car. How many cylinders it has, if its 4 wheel disc, automatic or manual transmission :faint: (if they ask this I know its auto), etc. Funny stuff sometimes.

Yeah I get stuff like that at advanced. I swear people are retards. I know when I buy a car I know what I am buying. I have some many people come into advance that don't even know what car they have. Don't know if their car is a 4cyl or 6cyl. I am talking basic crap that anyone should know about their car. I will give you an example that made me lose faith in humanity.

caller - Can you tale whats the price for a head gasket for a isuzu?
me - what year
caller - I don't know, just tale me the price
me - :sighs: well more than likly i'm gonna need the year of the vehicle to find what you need. Can you at least tale me what type of isuzu it is.
caller - I don't know, I just want to know what the damn price is for a head gasket
my thoughts at that point - this guy is so retarded he doesn't know what vehicle he has and he is gonna try something as hard as a headgasket job this isn't going to end well for him
me - I need to know at least what engine you have so that way I can at least maybe find the right one for you as their are alot of isuzu engines made of the years to choose from since you can't tale me what year and model yours is.
caller - I don't know what the hell engine it has I just need a damn headgasket just tale me the price

at this point I was sick of dealing with this jack ass so I reply
me - headgaskets can range for $20-$200 depending on what you have

to my astonishment over the phone I hear him saiying as if he is writing down
caller - $20 to $200 thanks now do you have those in stock?
me - :bash: no we would have to order it from our warehouse (as I didn't want to deal with the idiot in person for fear of wanting to choke him)

11-17-2005, 09:59 AM
I love those callers. My fav is, "My car is making a noise and I don't know what it is, can you tell me how to fix it?"