View Full Version : what to do??

11-06-2005, 03:37 AM
alright i was driving down a 2 lane hill, car in front is slow so i signal and slightly move to the right lane, but then there was a car, so i go back to my lane, and i guess he got scared and slammed on the brakes and hits a parked car, then at the same time gets rear ended. i drive away.

i kno the people who got in a accident and they want me to pay. i say FUNK that and i say ill give my insurance info but they dont want it. so they say they'll call me back. IS THIS MY FFAULT OR NAH?

i dont think its my fault so i aint gonna pay shit. what you you think?

11-06-2005, 03:50 AM
so who wants you to pay what? As far as I'm concerned there was no accident because there was no poliece report. Fuck em. What are they going to do really. Unless there like friends or something that I dont know.

11-06-2005, 07:07 AM
Wait, so you went to pass, changed your mind, he freaks out and hits a parked car AND gets rear ended by someone other than you, but they are trying to convince you that this was somehow your financial responsibility.
Guess what, if you were not IN that accident, you had no responsibility to remain at the scene of it, and if there is no police report naming you as liable for the accident your insurance company will not pay, nor will there be a court to make you pay.

11-06-2005, 10:20 AM
give some more details, its kinda unclear and brief...