View Full Version : Who's getting a XBox 360 day one?

10-31-2005, 03:34 PM
Just wondering who'd getting one. I'm planning on getting the $399 one with all the goodies. I'm not 100% sure on which game I'm gonna get with it yet, but it looks like Perfect dark Zero.

Oh, and I plan on getting PS3 and Revolution. So you can't say, "Dude wait for PS3. It's gonna kill 360!" I'm well aware of that. But I don't want to miss out on anything this generation.

10-31-2005, 03:37 PM
the pre-sales are all sold out, so if you don't have a pre-sale already then you're not getting one on day one.

and what is Revolution? the new Nintendo system? i have lost ALL faith in Nintendo after Gamecube.

10-31-2005, 03:41 PM
Circuit City will stock it. THey dont do pre-sales.

10-31-2005, 03:42 PM
the pre-sales are all sold out, so if you don't have a pre-sale already then you're not getting one on day one.

and what is Revolution? the new Nintendo system? i have lost ALL faith in Nintendo after Gamecube.

Thanx for the advice. Had mine reserved forever it seems like. And yes Revolution is going to RAWK. But it's not for everyone.

Oh and there are places that DON'T take reservations that you can wait in line and get one day one. So all is not lost...

10-31-2005, 03:44 PM
well thats good then. i'm gonna get it at the 2nd shipment because everywhere around me was sold out and i wont be getting it till my b-day anyways.

Revolution will not RAWK because Nintendo sucks at making games. their games/systems are meant for a younger audience. Xbox360 and PS3 will be much much better.

10-31-2005, 03:48 PM
Revolution will not RAWK because Nintendo sucks at making games. their games/systems are meant for a younger audience. Xbox360 and PS3 will be much much better.

Yea, Zelda and Metroid games suck :mepoke: But anyway, let's stay on topic. :rl:

10-31-2005, 04:40 PM
Id wait a while for the price to come down, but in the meanwhile ill just goto one of your guys' house to play it. I like to leach off your goodness lol. Also im a fan of modchips. I love my xbox right now, it is the best media center ever.

10-31-2005, 04:54 PM
I'll just wait till the PS3 comes out and make my decision then, but will be awhile before i actually buy one... PC 4evar!

10-31-2005, 05:01 PM
yeah ps3 is supposed to be much better in my opinion
yeah pc is way better anyways

10-31-2005, 05:26 PM
I wanted to, but then I looked at my bank account... its too poor

11-01-2005, 02:32 AM
i m gonna wait for ps3
i got a xbox right now. i regret getting it. i dont want to start a xbox vs ps2 war in here. but that is just my opinion.

11-01-2005, 03:11 AM
I got both ps2 and xbox. i probably wont buy either new system cause i havent played video games in a long while. I the latest game i played is FEAR on pc, and before that it was forza motorsport.

11-01-2005, 08:22 AM
I consider myself to be a pretty hardcore gamer. Even though I don't get nearly as much time to play video games anymore. It's such cheap entertainment.

11-01-2005, 12:46 PM
xbox > ps2 :)

11-01-2005, 01:02 PM
xbox > ps2 :)

Only technically... :drama:

11-01-2005, 01:25 PM
only because XBox has better games. another big thing is that PS2 only has 2 controllers whereas XBox has 4 and you don't need some retarded thing to make it allow 4 controllers.

11-01-2005, 01:32 PM
only because XBox has better games.

Wow, someone is in a phantasy world :sadwavey: :rofl:

11-01-2005, 01:34 PM
Circuit City will stock it. THey dont do pre-sales.

So does Best Buy and Target. So there's options if you didn't reserve it.

11-01-2005, 01:49 PM
Wow, someone is in a phantasy world :sadwavey: :rofl:

"phantasy"? lol.

ok, so what games are better for PS2?

i already know what you're gonna say for a couple:

Final Fantasy - those games all suck asshole
GT3/GT series - Forza is better, GT3 was a huge let-down
Metal Gear Solid - never played it, but i'll give that one to PS2

ok, so lets hear what else. and Halo and Halo 2 are better than any PS2 comparisson, mostly because, well, there isn't one.

and one more thing, the PS2 controllers SUCK. XBox's controllers are much much better.

lets hear your rebuttle :)

11-01-2005, 02:20 PM
God Of War
First to Get Gran Theft Auto Games
Resident Evil 4
Shadow of the Collossus
OMG the list just goes on and on.

And the XBox Controller feels like a big pile. That's why they redesigned it right away. The size and button configuration was just retarded.

All give you the fact that the XBox machine is a better unit. I always wished the PS2 had a HDD, but oh well. It didn't make any of the games worse i guess.

11-01-2005, 02:24 PM
ill be sticking with my psp and gba

11-01-2005, 02:36 PM
God Of War
First to Get Gran Theft Auto Games
Resident Evil 4
Shadow of the Collossus
OMG the list just goes on and on.

And the XBox Controller feels like a big pile. That's why they redesigned it right away. The size and button configuration was just retarded.

All give you the fact that the XBox machine is a better unit. I always wished the PS2 had a HDD, but oh well. It didn't make any of the games worse i guess.

- Grand Theft Auto is also for XBox and they're all the same, if you've played one, you've played them all.
- God of War wasn't very impressive.
- I was never into Resident Evil, but I guess you can give PS2 that one, XBox has Doom though to combat that
- Never heard of Shadow of Collossus

the controllers i'm talking about at the XBox 'S' controllers, not the big shitty ones. the S controllers are great and way better than the PS2 controllers.

11-01-2005, 02:57 PM
Ah, well it doesn't really matter. We can sit her and do this til our fingers turn blue. Everyone's intitled to an opinion.

This is way off topic.

11-01-2005, 04:54 PM
i know, i like to argue though. ;)

11-01-2005, 04:59 PM
i know, i like to argue though. ;)


"Jcb890 is making his/her stupidity well-known"

11-01-2005, 05:30 PM

"Jcb890 is making his/her stupidity well-known"

i'm not arguing for the sake of argument, i'm arguing because i think XBox is better and i just like to see both sides of the argument on shit like this and wanted to see what other people have to say.

11-01-2005, 06:32 PM
I'll give someone 20$ to wait in line and get me one.

A Spec Products
11-01-2005, 06:45 PM
I'll give someone 20$ to wait in line and get me one.

yeah, i wanted to get a few and sell on ebay

forget the furby, watch these things go sky high on egay

once i was out of school i suddenly became too poor for videogames :( i still rock racing lagoon on PS1 though, that's some heat

11-02-2005, 12:13 AM
Too bad video games fucking suck nowadays.

All the same derivative, lifeless-ass shit with no replay value, geared towards the lowest-common denominator, with little or no creativity or originality.

I for one, wil not be buying any of the next-gen consoles, except maybe the Revolution, and thats if, and ONLY if the old-school games can be downloaded for free, or next to free.


+1 for NES/SNES games!

11-02-2005, 12:34 AM
there's not enough games that have a lot of replay value,

I dont mind renting games now though, cheaper and I beat them still

11-02-2005, 12:46 AM
to tell you the truth (dont tell the FBI) Im waiting tell they can be modd'd before i will buy one, same way i love my cars, modd'd the fuck out... its only an natural impulse hahaha

11-02-2005, 02:46 AM
my money is going for ps3. i'm a sony fan, not a microsoft fan. some xbox games are fun tho.
so no one on here won it from pepsi? these winners will receive it a few days before USA release date. i'm sure these winners will be ebaying theirs for twice as much hah.

11-02-2005, 02:52 AM
PS2 > xbox

Truth hurts huh?

I'll also be saving my money for the PS3. I got the PS2 when it first came out, I pre-ordered mine like 6 months before it came out.

11-02-2005, 06:23 AM
xbox graphics> sony graphics
xbox loading time> sony loading time

sony games>xbox games
sony controller>xbox controller

thats why u need to get both :)

11-02-2005, 06:40 AM
If I can't play Chrono Trigger on it, I dont want it.


11-02-2005, 06:42 AM
xbox graphics> sony graphics
xbox loading time> sony loading time

sony games>xbox games
sony controller>xbox controller

thats why u need to get both :)

lol, sony's controllers are fucking horrendous. they suck ballsack. and the games are debatable, but XBox has pretty much all the good games that PS2 has and if they don't they have a counterpart that is just as good if not better. i know i know, ps2 has final fantasy (gay) and resident evil, wonderful. fuck ps2. my brothers have it so i have it to use when i go home from school but i never use it.

11-02-2005, 07:53 AM
lol, sony's controllers are fucking horrendous. they suck ballsack. and the games are debatable, but XBox has pretty much all the good games that PS2 has and if they don't they have a counterpart that is just as good if not better. i know i know, ps2 has final fantasy (gay) and resident evil, wonderful. fuck ps2. my brothers have it so i have it to use when i go home from school but i never use it.

Dude, you should try arguing this in Japan...You'd get owned... :Ownedd:

But seriously, like I said before. I'm a PS fan, I'm only buying a 360 cause money isn't an issue and I wouldn'y mind play some of the MS games. So why not just get all the systems. Then I don't miss any games.

11-02-2005, 08:25 AM
2 words

gran tourismo

11-02-2005, 08:36 AM
lol, sony's controllers are fucking horrendous. they suck ballsack. and the games are debatable, but XBox has pretty much all the good games that PS2 has and if they don't they have a counterpart that is just as good if not better. i know i know, ps2 has final fantasy (gay) and resident evil, wonderful. fuck ps2. my brothers have it so i have it to use when i go home from school but i never use it.
Actually, I agree with smellslikecurry this time... The fact of the matter is that all fundamental reasoning lends itself to Sony having better games, and more of them, as they're supported by ALL of the major game makers. The fact that the controller has not changed majorly is because there was nothing wrong with it and that the PS and PS2 have sold circles around everything they have competed with.
Load time and (to a much lesser extent) graphics, both as he mentioned, are the ONLY fundamental reasons to get an XBox, game selection is still subjective.

... then there beomes that issue of backward compatibilty, so I will wait on PS3, do not own an XBox and will not own an XBox 360.

11-02-2005, 08:50 AM
2 words

gran tourismo

1 word - Forza.

Forza is a lot more fun and has much more lasting appeal. may not have quite as realistic driving physics, but it has damage, and cooler (engine swap, turbo, etc) mods than GT4. GT4 was a HUGE let-down. i bought it (my gf has a PS2 she never uses and my brothers have PS2 at home - i'm at school) and i was done w/ it in a couple of days and havent played it since... BOOO!!!

11-02-2005, 08:52 AM
i wish this was all a moot point though and all games were made for all systems. i wish it worked that way, it'd be much nicer, so people could just buy the system they liked better and have all the games the others do... whoever the person was that decided to make games only for PS2 or only for XBox, i hate you and hope you die.

11-02-2005, 08:57 AM
1 word - Forza.

Forza is a lot more fun and has much more lasting appeal. may not have quite as realistic driving physics, but it has damage, and cooler (engine swap, turbo, etc) mods than GT3. GT3 was a HUGE let-down.

will the same fervor be there when Forza 4 comes out??? how many copies of Forza sold?? how many copies of GT sold?? exactly...gran tourismo is a timeless game...i find myself going bcak to play gt2 all the time...it has its own appeal...i have forza as well and do enjoy the game but it doesnt come close to how much fun i have playing tourismo


11-02-2005, 08:59 AM
1 word - Forza.

Forza is a lot more fun and has much more lasting appeal. may not have quite as realistic driving physics, but it has damage, and cooler (engine swap, turbo, etc) mods than GT4. GT4 was a HUGE let-down. i bought it (my gf has a PS2 she never uses and my brothers have PS2 at home - i'm at school) and i was done w/ it in a couple of days and havent played it since... BOOO!!!

OMG you have to be kidding. GT4, besides damage, is a FAR supirior game. Even my unlce who is a DIE HARD XBox fan bought Forza and played it for months came over and played GT4 by me and after a couple hours totally agreed that GT4 was a BETTER game. And I never expected him to say that.

11-02-2005, 09:00 AM
will the same fervor be there when Forza 4 comes out??? how many copies of Forza sold?? how many copies of GT sold?? exactly...gran tourismo is a timeless game...i find myself going bcak to play gt2 all the time...it has its own appeal...i have forza as well and do enjoy the game but it doesnt come close to how much fun i have playing tourismo


i'm gonna disagree with you there... however, you cant compare GT, GT2 and GT3 to Forza because it was not around back then. only GT4 and Forza are comparable, which i think Forza gets the edge.

the reason that GT4 sold so many copies is because it was so highly anticipated and supposed to be so much more amazing than GT3, but wasnt at all.

however, you are very right about GT2, that game was awesome. i played the shit out of that game. why? because it was that much better than the original, had much better graphics, and everything all around was leaps and bounds better than the original GT. so if you're bringing into account the whole series of games, GT clearly wins because it has had time and whatnot to get better. BUT, if you just take GT4 vs Forza, which is the only way you really can because there are no previous Forzas, then my vote definately goes to Forza.

11-02-2005, 09:02 AM
OMG you have to be kidding. GT4, besides damage, is a FAR supirior game. Even my unlce who is a DIE HARD XBox fan bought Forza and played it for months came over and played GT4 by me and after a couple hours totally agreed that GT4 was a BETTER game. And I never expected him to say that.

nope, i am not kidding. how is GT4 better? its a little better physics-wise and might have the advantage somewhat for tracks, but not by a whole lot. otherwise, Forza is far superior in every other aspect.

11-02-2005, 09:21 AM
Even the graphics on GT4 were better then Forza. and they shouldn't have been. How about the number of cars. Talk about replayability.

Let me ask you a question though. If you could only buy one more racing game for the rest of your life and it HAD to be the next sequel to either GT or Forza, which would it be?

GT5 on PS3 is going to be THE greatest racing game of all time, period. It IS inevitable.

11-02-2005, 09:40 AM
GT4 had photo mode, which was fun (being an automotive photographer myself). But that got old in a month. GT4 also had tons of tracks, and I liked that, but the racing was just plain boring. There was no challenge in it, you just built a faster car and won. I could try removing modifications to try and guess which power and handling level the opponent was at to make it more of a challenge to myself, but that's a pain in the butt. On top of that, the cars just felt like they had no weight. I honestly can't see how you can say GT4 has better physics unless you've never played Forza. When you drive a 4000lb Aston Martin, it handles like a 4000lb Aston Martin. When you drive a tiny little Elise, it feels like a tiny little Elise.

Anyway. One word, that defines the winner by LEAPS and BOUNDS.


Forza multiplayer, with it's classed based system, rocks so hard I never get sick of it, I don't care how few tracks there are, how few cars (honestly, what would you rather drive, 10 versions of a Skyline, or Ferraris, Koeniseggs, and the ME-Four Twelve.). It just never got old.

Plus Forza has a downhill/uphill mountain track, damage and customization.

Even the controls are better, with the triggers being brake and gas its FAR easier to control the amount of pressure vs. the X and [] buttons on ps2.

Anyway, back on subject, the PS3 isn't slated to come out for a while, why not just get both? By the time the PS3 is out you should have the cash saved up all over again.

11-02-2005, 09:42 AM
Even the graphics on GT4 were better then Forza. and they shouldn't have been. How about the number of cars. Talk about replayability.

Let me ask you a question though. If you could only buy one more racing game for the rest of your life and it HAD to be the next sequel to either GT or Forza, which would it be?

GT5 on PS3 is going to be THE greatest racing game of all time, period. It IS inevitable.

i havent heard anything about GT5, but they better step it up. honestly, i LOVE the car damage, it makes it a lot more fun to me. i mean come on, in GT4 you can slam into a wall at 150mph and just keep going on like nothing happened, that to me is fucking gay.

GT4 definately has the advantage in # of cars, but Forza has quite a few and some awesome ones too, i love how there's ferarris in it. the turbo Enzo is a fucking awesome car. GT4 has a shitload of cars, but a lot of them are retarded and useless and ones you'd never use in the game or even want to use.

11-02-2005, 09:45 AM
GT4 had photo mode, which was fun (being an automotive photographer myself). But that got old in a month. GT4 also had tons of tracks, and I liked that, but the racing was just plain boring. There was no challenge in it, you just built a faster car and won. I could try removing modifications to try and guess which power and handling level the opponent was at to make it more of a challenge to myself, but that's a pain in the butt. On top of that, the cars just felt like they had no weight. I honestly can't see how you can say GT4 has better physics unless you've never played Forza. When you drive a 4000lb Aston Martin, it handles like a 4000lb Aston Martin. When you drive a tiny little Elise, it feels like a tiny little Elise.

Anyway. One word, that defines the winner by LEAPS and BOUNDS.


Forza multiplayer, with it's classed based system, rocks so hard I never get sick of it, I don't care how few tracks there are, how few cars (honestly, what would you rather drive, 10 versions of a Skyline, or Ferraris, Koeniseggs, and the ME-Four Twelve.). It just never got old.

Plus Forza has a downhill/uphill mountain track, damage and customization.

Even the controls are better, with the triggers being brake and gas its FAR easier to control the amount of pressure vs. the X and [] buttons on ps2.

Anyway, back on subject, the PS3 isn't slated to come out for a while, why not just get both? By the time the PS3 is out you should have the cash saved up all over again.

yay!! another forza fan, lol. and the controls are FAR better for XBox, i like steering with the analog stick too, its much more fun than using a directional button like w/ the PS2 controllers cuz its just too awkward to hold the PS2 controller and be able to use the stick to steer.

11-02-2005, 09:46 AM
Why don't you answer my question?!

Let me ask you a question though. If you could only buy one more racing game for the rest of your life and it HAD to be the next sequel to either GT or Forza, which would it be?

11-02-2005, 09:49 AM
yay!! another forza fan, lol. and the controls are FAR better for XBox, i like steering with the analog stick too, its much more fun than using a directional button like w/ the PS2 controllers cuz its just too awkward to hold the PS2 controller and be able to use the stick to steer.

I don't bother with weak ass controllers for GT4. I bought the Driving Force Pro. It makes the experience a million times better. The Wheel for Forza got horrible reviews. The Driving Force Pro however was completly raved about. :2f2f:

11-02-2005, 09:50 AM
yay!! another forza fan, lol. and the controls are FAR better for XBox, i like steering with the analog stick too, its much more fun than using a directional button like w/ the PS2 controllers cuz its just too awkward to hold the PS2 controller and be able to use the stick to steer.

Dude, you can use the anolog stick on PS controllers too :loco:

11-02-2005, 09:53 AM
Why don't you answer my question?!

Let me ask you a question though. If you could only buy one more racing game for the rest of your life and it HAD to be the next sequel to either GT or Forza, which would it be?

i told you i wasnt sure because i hadnt seen what the plans for the new GT or Forza are. but, if both games stay pretty much the same, just update and add some new shit, which i'm guessing they will - they'll both probably have more cars, more tracks and better graphics... i'll take Forza because i don't think GT will get model damage and will stay along the lines it has now for modding the cars.

so, given the progressions of the GT series and given how Forza is right now and how it should be... i'd take Forza... HOWEVER, i'd have to read up on both and see what people are saying the development will be like.

good enough answer for you? either way, your question sucks because my brothers will probably get PS3 and i can get GT5 for that while i'm getting XBox 360 and the next Forza most likely ;) and other people will probably do the same... so that question is invalid.

11-02-2005, 09:54 AM
Yeah I have the Driving Force Feedback, (anyone wanna buy it lol.) It just doesnt feel realistic. You simply cannot drift with it because the servo in it is too slow.

And I don't know which game I would have, because neither of them exists yet. If I had to choose between GT4 and Forza, FORZA.

11-02-2005, 09:55 AM
I don't bother with weak ass controllers for GT4. I bought the Driving Force Pro. It makes the experience a million times better. The Wheel for Forza got horrible reviews. The Driving Force Pro however was completly raved about. :2f2f:

the wheel was also $100+ so fuck that. we're not talking about wheels, we're talking controllers. obviously a $100+ wheel is going to be amazing to play a racing game with.

11-02-2005, 09:56 AM
Dude, you can use the anolog stick on PS controllers too :loco:

yes you can, but it feels weird the way you have to hold the controller and the stick just doesnt feel right.

11-02-2005, 10:09 AM
lack of backward compatibility for xbox 360 makes me sad.

11-02-2005, 10:34 AM
The wheel was $150... :fawkd:

But anyway, like I said before we can argue all day and all night. But the beauty of this is at least we have a choice! Let's talk about not having a choice with football games because of EA. Now there's an issue! :axe:

11-02-2005, 11:03 AM
PS2 games are mostly horrible IMO. Xbox has more PC-style games which is what i like. I like x-box games AND controller better, especially for driving games. I like to use L and R for brake and accelerate.

I never liked the GTA series too much, but i loved GT3

11-02-2005, 02:40 PM
PS2 games are mostly horrible IMO. Xbox has more PC-style games which is what i like. I like x-box games AND controller better, especially for driving games. I like to use L and R for brake and accelerate.

I never liked the GTA series too much, but i loved GT3

w00t w00t :stupid:

11-02-2005, 03:37 PM
I wouldn't be surprised if GT5 does include damage. The CPU power from this unit is going to be insane (for what is currently available). Xbox controller sucks, even the smaller version (IMO). I'll wait for PS3...but maybe a year after the release.

11-02-2005, 04:00 PM
I wouldn't be surprised if GT5 does include damage. The CPU power from this unit is going to be insane (for what is currently available). Xbox controller sucks, even the smaller version (IMO). I'll wait for PS3...but maybe a year after the release.

The creator has commited to damage. He has said that the damage in games right now is not realiztic enough for his game and the systems have not been able to do it right, so that's why there hasn't been damage yet.

11-02-2005, 04:38 PM
so i heard playstations break/mess up/ act stupid a lot.

hahah that sucks!

i havent known a single person with a messed up xbox unless they tried modding it.

11-02-2005, 04:44 PM
mod'd 8 xbox's not 1 became figity or messed up.

11-02-2005, 04:58 PM
Modded 2 PS2's, lost them both within 5 months, one melted, one had the DVD drive fail. on my third. I stopped modding them and got a HDD ^_^.

Modded one XBOX, the laser failed. On my second one.

You guys do know that nothing about the PS3 is final yet right.... the whole E3 showing was a bunch of prerendered foolishness and the console hasn't even been finalized yet...

Meanwhile the 360 is done, being made, and will hit stores before Xmas.... Hmm... It's like comparing Apples to .... apples that don't exist, only in kids dream worlds.

So while I am a huge PS2 fan, I still have absoulutely no opinion on the PS3 other than that Sony is a bunch of jackoffs for doing their "show a bunch of fake footage of games and a bunch of specs that don't even exist" thing at E3.

Microsoft didn't do too much better in their E3 showing, I mean come on, what girl is going to make clothing for Tony Hawk blah blah ? But I do give them credit because they had working systems PLAYING at E3, not just videos.

I'll buy both. And screw the revolution.

11-02-2005, 05:11 PM
Yea but Xbox over PS..... my opinion, untill the games come out... :hsdance:

11-02-2005, 05:38 PM
The creator has commited to damage. He has said that the damage in games right now is not realiztic enough for his game and the systems have not been able to do it right, so that's why there hasn't been damage yet.

That would make sense, reading this does get me hyped up to see what he (the creator) has in store for GT5.

It's funny how Microsoft can have the Xbox 360 ready in such a short timeframe...yet Windows Vista is STILL under construction.

Anyways, I thought XBox 360 was more like "Xbox v1.5" and another version was bound to come out after PS3. I believe they are releasing the console to have an upper hand in the market...but I'm not sure if it will actually happen. Most people in Japan are not hyped for the Xbox 360, nor are some of the companies.

11-02-2005, 10:31 PM
You guys do know that nothing about the PS3 is final yet right.... the whole E3 showing was a bunch of prerendered foolishness and the console hasn't even been finalized yet...

Meanwhile the 360 is done, being made, and will hit stores before Xmas.... Hmm... It's like comparing Apples to .... apples that don't exist, only in kids dream worlds.
You do realize you are wrong in your assumption that nothing is finalized for PS3, look around on the net and you will find tons of valid final info on the box. Also are you so sure that the stuff you may or may not have seen in person at E3 was prerendered? How do you know the current status of PS3? Do you work at a company that has any idea of the acutal production schedule and release of the design to production... please think before you speak.

So while I am a huge PS2 fan, I still have absoulutely no opinion on the PS3 other than that Sony is a bunch of jackoffs for doing their "show a bunch of fake footage of games and a bunch of specs that don't even exist" thing at E3.
Again I ask are you sure that Sony was showing a bunch of fake footage? Obviously you don't know what you're talking about since you would know if you were at E3... that Sony announced the product at an outside venue not the exhibit hall. And most of the footage was actual in-game.

Microsoft didn't do too much better in their E3 showing, I mean come on, what girl is going to make clothing for Tony Hawk blah blah ? But I do give them credit because they had working systems PLAYING at E3, not just videos.
You give them credit for something you know nothing about... how 'bout if you knew that they were NOT running their demo's on xbox360 platforms but they were using systems that had platform and graphics hw in them that WILL NOT be in their shipping product... because the graphics hw used to render their demo's were from another mfg than that listed in the xbox360 spec.

I'll buy both. And screw the revolution.
Thanks for this... you will make me some $$$ off stock!!!

11-02-2005, 10:36 PM
Served Served Served!


11-02-2005, 10:36 PM
iEATrice just ate squidd

11-02-2005, 10:38 PM
Do you work at a company that has any idea of the acutal production schedule and release of the design to production... please think before you speak.

Pwnd by alexxx.


I like how people make assumptions. Then pass off as fact.

Yes, flame me! I know nothing!

But I do know nVidia stock rose 5.79% today. SWEET!


11-02-2005, 11:10 PM
forza on xbl is awesome (except when people make u spin out in the middle of a turn and call it a "love tap" BS). gt is an awesome game but the multiplayer aspect of it is boring. i guess im more of a social person but i dont like to play with.....i mean bymyself. :bow:

11-03-2005, 12:01 AM
sorry it took too long...and i guess the moment is gone haha.

11-03-2005, 07:28 AM
What iEatRice said is correct. What Sony showed at E3 was not "fake fottage" at all. The onl tgame they admitted that was prerendered was Killzone, THAT'S IT. Every other game was in real time.

Oh and if you've seen any of the GT Vision video's, keep in mind that is GT4 engine running on PS3 hardware. The PS3 IS, FACT, more powerful then the 360. The damn thing has 7 processors!

11-03-2005, 08:18 AM
Multi-million dollar companies don't put out "fake" videos. At least ethical companies for the most part.

11-03-2005, 08:51 AM
What iEatRice said is correct. What Sony showed at E3 was not "fake fottage" at all. The onl tgame they admitted that was prerendered was Killzone, THAT'S IT. Every other game was in real time.

Oh and if you've seen any of the GT Vision video's, keep in mind that is GT4 engine running on PS3 hardware. The PS3 IS, FACT, more powerful then the 360. The damn thing has 7 processors!

i like how people throw out a shitload of facts about the power of the machines. it doesnt matter how powerful the thing isif the games dont look good or if it doesnt work good or w/e. also, are any PS3's made? i dont think so, so therefore all this shit about the specs of it isn't concrete evidence.

come talk to me when the PS3 is done and there is some REAL game footage, not that bullshit real-time rendering shit, which isn't the graphics of ANY games EVER. like in the old PS2 games that had AMAZING videos and video graphics and then the graphics in the game were much shittier...

11-03-2005, 09:02 AM
i like how people throw out a shitload of facts about the power of the machines. it doesnt matter how powerful the thing isif the games dont look good or if it doesnt work good or w/e. also, are any PS3's made? i dont think so, so therefore all this shit about the specs of it isn't concrete evidence.

come talk to me when the PS3 is done and there is some REAL game footage, not that bullshit real-time rendering shit, which isn't the graphics of ANY games EVER. like in the old PS2 games that had AMAZING videos and video graphics and then the graphics in the game were much shittier...


Sony did this same BS with PS2. Look up the unveiling of that system, the graphics they displayed in 'real time' there were nothing near what the PS2 could ever do.

Post all the lameass .gifs you want. The fact still remains, the PS3 doesn't exist, not a single person here knows anything about it.

I'll be the first to say the PS3 event was impressive, but I just can't trust Sony after all the other BS they pulled on past systems.

11-03-2005, 09:10 AM
i like how people throw out a shitload of facts about the power of the machines. it doesnt matter how powerful the thing isif the games dont look good or if it doesnt work good or w/e. also, are any PS3's made? i dont think so, so therefore all this shit about the specs of it isn't concrete evidence.

come talk to me when the PS3 is done and there is some REAL game footage, not that bullshit real-time rendering shit, which isn't the graphics of ANY games EVER. like in the old PS2 games that had AMAZING videos and video graphics and then the graphics in the game were much shittier...
This interests me too... since I know none of the people on this thread are graphics/graphics HW experts. And I agree about the final gold outcome being not as good as dev demo's and realtime demo play... BUT I do know what I am talking about when I make statements and the footage you viewed online from the debut was infact REAL in-game footage whether or not you choose to believe it. One thing that users don't understand is that up until now the HW could not do what the SW called it to do. PS3 has a graphics architecture that is a full generation ahead of the crap that you'll find in the xbox360... this means better rendering in games and the ability for game developers to use HWAPI's not available to them on other consoles. There will and may be optimizations for PS3 games on that console. Also if you didn't notice... consoles are moving to become more like a PC and if you are a gamer and know anything about games/PC's... you know that game developers are excited about being able to finally develop realistic looking games playable on the current HW.

REAL game footage was already seen at E3... the xbox360 guys were the fakers. So they have product avaiable to buy... do you not realize that their system is far behind PS3 and may be trying to just make some revenue before their market share gets taken by the release of PS3. Or how 'bout Sony might just be waiting to release their product after xbox360 to get pricepoint information etc... it's all about strategy and money making and in the end the PS attach rate coupled with its advanced specs, timely release and price point will show you that it did in fact exist when you thought it didn't.

11-03-2005, 09:11 AM
The fact still remains, the PS3 doesn't exist, not a single person here knows anything about it.
How do you know this...???

11-03-2005, 09:18 AM
i work at gamestop...ill as the damn sony rep...he comes by all the time and then ill pwn all of you muahhaha...ok maybe not

11-03-2005, 09:25 AM
iEATrice: My humble apoligies, I was unaware of your current occupation ^_^. Had I known your profession I might have taken your statements more to heart.

Sorry, just jumped the gun because Sony did such a thing before.

11-03-2005, 09:30 AM
I hope we can dig this thread next year when PS3 comes out. It's gonna be so funny to see these guys with their foot in their mouths. I'm still buying a 360 just cause I want a new system. But I do think it may fall victim to the PS3 and share the same fate as the beloved Dreamcast. It seems that the same type of events are happening as they did then. Even down to the PS3 having the next gen BlueRay disc's. That was ultimatly what put Dreamcast under. Not having a DVD player. People in Japan were buying up PS2's like gangbuster's cause it had a DVD player. I see the same thing happening in Japan with the 360 and PS3. If you look at this closely it's very close to the same.

11-03-2005, 09:39 AM
Agree'd both will exist in tandem... MS has too much momentum at this point... the only thing that will kill the product is MS pulling it off the shelves because of lack of profit (won't happen). There will always be a competitor...

11-03-2005, 09:47 AM
Agree'd both will exist in tandem... MS has too much momentum at this point... the only thing that will kill the product is MS pulling it off the shelves because of lack of profit (won't happen). There will always be a competitor...

You don't think that if they are not successful in the Japanese parket AGAIn they will back out? I'm still up in the air about this too I guess. But I don't think they can keep producing councils if they don't ever get the success over seas. There's more money over there to be made then in America.

11-03-2005, 09:55 AM
Hah, It's Microsoft, they don't neeeed money. I get the feeling they'll keep trying until they dominate that market too (probably never.).

11-03-2005, 10:01 AM
all gamestops are sold out till next year...same with eb ii believe...time to go wait it out at best buy

11-03-2005, 10:26 AM
all gamestops are sold out till next year...same with eb ii believe...time to go wait it out at best buy

That's my plan B. I have one reserved at Gamestop but they said because there were so many reserves before me I might not get on on the first day, but they guarenteed I'll get one before X-Mas. They said they'll know the week before. If I cn't get one there, were camping out at BestBuy like I did with PS2! It was a blast last time and this time should be no exception.

11-03-2005, 10:27 AM
this is just too funny...

in the mean time, for all you "doubters" just keep checking nvidia stock between now and next year, and then come back and tell me whether or not the PS3 exists.



11-03-2005, 10:29 AM
Agree'd both will exist in tandem... MS has too much momentum at this point... the only thing that will kill the product is MS pulling it off the shelves because of lack of profit (won't happen). There will always be a competitor...

With $36 billion in cash reserves I don't think MS would back out at any time. They are like Toyota in Formula 1.... they do it for marketing purposes and such, not to make money.

Toyota in F1 has not produced consistent competitive results, yet they still toss money at it like it was nothing. Oh, and Toyota has $60 billion in cash. w00t.


11-03-2005, 10:31 AM
so i heard playstations break/mess up/ act stupid a lot.

hahah that sucks!

i havent known a single person with a messed up xbox unless they tried modding it.

well ill be the first to say that my xbox was messed up, it froze up every 10 minutes on just about every game i owned. I had to take it in and spend money on a new one. I also have owned a playstation 2 for about 3 times as long as the xbox and it never gave me a single problem.

11-03-2005, 10:44 AM
well ill be the first to say that my xbox was messed up, it froze up every 10 minutes on just about every game i owned. I had to take it in and spend money on a new one. I also have owned a playstation 2 for about 3 times as long as the xbox and it never gave me a single problem.

That is funny cause every last person I know with an XBox has problems with it. My PS2 on the other hand that I bought on day one, which are supposed to be prone to problems has ran like a top since day one.

11-03-2005, 11:50 AM
You don't think that if they are not successful in the Japanese parket AGAIn they will back out? I'm still up in the air about this too I guess. But I don't think they can keep producing councils if they don't ever get the success over seas. There's more money over there to be made then in America.
Yeah they're basically wrapping $100 bill around every system sold... kinda sad... but then it's a marketing tactic and a chance to get a sliver of the $ out there that Sony grabs from the rest... a sliver to them is a lifetime of wealth to everyone on this forum LOL!!!

11-03-2005, 12:18 PM
i've had my xbox since a couple of months after release. only problems i have is that its picky about the discs that it reads. any little scartch and it will just keep saying errors. i just eject and close a couple of times and its fine. my friends have gone through 5 ps2's between the 2 of them. i guess that's a sony tactic lol

11-03-2005, 12:26 PM
Wow, seems to be a lot of die-hards game fanatics. I'm keen on watching this unfold and thought I'd throw my pennies into the mix

1) Everyone who's fond of the X-Box 360 hasn't gone into detail of which system they're getting? The $299 bare-bones or the $399 "deluxe" one?

If I remember what I read in the article, the $399 system comes w/ the 20 GB HD (no HD in barebones version, which is odd cuz the original comes with a 10 GB HD) and also a free year? (maybe 3 months) of X-Box Live Gold

There's X-Box Live Silver, but that's free to everyone who owns an X-Box, to buy random crap, but no playing X-Box games online.

2) Going further into that X-Box Live thing... that's the only reason most people are into X-Box. I have both and I wouldn't mind playing X-Box Live, its got great support, many people are using/playing it so finding a game is not hard. Everyone's using the same hardware (unlike different PC's) and the only issue is bandwidth so it does kind of even the playing field here.

I've always been a fan of the Playstation and was really excited that they added the HDD and Broadband Adapter, but Sony's lack of infrastructure in creating an online world never materialized. MS jumped on that w/ XB Live and now they dominate the market.

Sony has plans for an online community, a free one at that too --- but I can't see it coming close to the details/features XB Live has included. I think the only reason MS is selling their system to Japan is because of tradition. I think MS already knows they make the money selling the XB Live service in the US -- its greatest market (and if they get a few more subscribers in Asia... more money to them)

As for games, MS has picked up a lot of developers to produce games for them. I think the way business is now, a company can't bet on a certain developer to take the lead (aka EA/Square/Konami etc during the last generation) and hope that their "exclusives" sell enough for them to make a profit too. Now game companies realize that they have to produce for all systems to actually break even/make a profit --- game development costs keep rising (some are pricier than movies) and selling to all system owners increases their audience and sales numbers.

Lastly, I thought I'd ask this question:

What's the next Gen DVD Format going to be? Both Sony and MS have taken their respective, conflicting sides and I fear that this might be a "betamax" situation that can affect Sony's future.

I for one, don't care as long as 1 format is agreed on. Both have their merits but it seems like this can tear people apart not only for backwards compatibility but also in the future production of DVD movies and their use in certain DVD players.

Its such a waste but all factors I put above (and more if people want to add them) will definitely play a part in the future leader of the console wars.

and just for Kazuo --- Yes, the Revolution will contain a feature for downloadable content... basically their entire NES/SNES library of games perfectly emulated on the Revolution for a fee per d/l probably. (What that is, I dunno... but it makes me wonder if they can appeal to kids and adults looking for nostalgia?)

Wow, damn long post... think I've thrown in more than my 2 cents. :o

'91 240sx coupe

11-03-2005, 01:03 PM
Yes, I'm buying the $399 version. Which besides teh HDD it also comes with a wireless controller (regular system comes with a wired one), HDTV cable, and an extra faceplate. The HDD is $100 by itself, the controller is $39.99, faceplate is $19.99 and the cables are like $29.99. So the extra $100 is worth it. You'd have to be a moron to get the $299 version. Either that or your parents are buying it for you.

11-03-2005, 01:16 PM
you also get a really nice dvd player controller thing. and a headset. you also have backwards compatability with some games when u have a hdd

11-03-2005, 01:20 PM
Yes, I'm buying the $399 version. Which besides teh HDD it also comes with a wireless controller (regular system comes with a wired one), HDTV cable, and an extra faceplate. The HDD is $100 by itself, the controller is $39.99, faceplate is $19.99 and the cables are like $29.99. So the extra $100 is worth it. You'd have to be a moron to get the $299 version. Either that or your parents are buying it for you.

yeah exactly 400+ here i come.

and who knows what ps3 will be priced at..

and agent was right...sony just doesnt grasp the whole online play thing at all.

11-03-2005, 01:28 PM
Ive had mine preordered for 6+ months with perfect dark zero

11-03-2005, 02:05 PM
i loved perfect dark for 64. i hope the new one is just as good.

11-03-2005, 02:11 PM
i loved perfect dark for 64. i hope the new one is just as good.

Me too, that's the game I'm gonna get I think or Condemned.

11-03-2005, 02:15 PM
i would love to get these new systems but i cant afford no 400 bux. i'll probably get a used one after the fever dies down.

11-03-2005, 02:55 PM
Oh and as far as price for PS3, I wouldn't doubt it being $499. No big deal to me. I'll still get it. If it's worth it I'd pay probably up to a $1000 depending on certain things.

11-03-2005, 03:43 PM
i would love to get these new systems but i cant afford no 400 bux. i'll probably get a used one after the fever dies down.


after books, tolls, gas and insurance; i don't have much spare money to eat let alone blow cash on brand new consoles and games. :(

11-03-2005, 04:40 PM
Oh and as far as price for PS3, I wouldn't doubt it being $499. No big deal to me. I'll still get it. If it's worth it I'd pay probably up to a $1000 depending on certain things.

I never touch my ps2 only my xbox and I used to be all about the sony systems saying how much better they are then microsoft but I think I have been converted. I prob. wont buy a ps3 the only game I really care for on the system is gran turismo series and the d1 game. And now they have forza for xbox which is better than gt its just a loosing battle for me and sony. I will probably buy the new revolution since I am starting to miss some of the nintendo classics. Im playing mario 64 right now and I always love mario kart.

11-04-2005, 12:30 AM
Forget console.

It's all about a FX-55 matched up with SLI 7800GTX playing F.E.A.R. at above 1600x1200. And getting 80+ FPS.



11-04-2005, 03:23 AM
i think that graphix card alone cost more than a xbox 360 lol

11-04-2005, 07:23 AM
The PS3 is using 2 graphics cards from iNvidia that retail right now for $500 a piece!!!

11-04-2005, 09:43 AM
Forget console.

It's all about a FX-55 matched up with SLI 7800GTX playing F.E.A.R. at above 1600x1200. And getting 80+ FPS.




The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 10 characters.

11-05-2005, 08:42 AM
Forget console.

It's all about a FX-55 matched up with SLI 7800GTX playing F.E.A.R. at above 1600x1200. And getting 80+ FPS.



Even this sucks compared to what I'm playing F.E.A.R with... AND YOU KNOW IT!!!

11-05-2005, 01:06 PM
you also get a really nice dvd player controller thing. and a headset. you also have backwards compatability with some games when u have a hdd

I think you just sold me on xbox 360

11-05-2005, 01:08 PM
and I dont get all this xbox breaks, no PS2 breaks shit. I've had xbox and ps2 forever now and neither has ever given me grief.

11-05-2005, 02:55 PM
^^^Me too. Ive worked on soooo many xboxs and only one of them ive seen problems with. It worked fine, but one of the capicitors on the inside started to leak.

I also have 2 ps2. Used on a regular basis just like my xbox and neither of them gave up on me.

11-07-2005, 07:42 AM
Oh and if your not convinced next gen graphincs arn't gonna rawk. Look at these pics from NBA 2K6!!!! I'm not a basketball game fan, but this is awsome looking.

11-07-2005, 09:17 AM
lol those aren't even the good screens, check out Gamespots screens of NBA Live and Dead or Alive.

11-07-2005, 09:47 AM
lol those aren't even the good screens, check out Gamespots screens of NBA Live and Dead or Alive.

Ah, they look just as good. ;)

11-07-2005, 09:55 AM
and I dont get all this xbox breaks, no PS2 breaks shit. I've had xbox and ps2 forever now and neither has ever given me grief.

probably b/c most of the ppl out there are fucking idiots and don't take care of their stuff. They'll spill shit on it, or always leave it on so it eventually burns out. Then they blame microsoft or sony saying they suck and their products are built crappily, to shift blame and try to get a free one.

11-07-2005, 10:38 AM
Day 1? Yeah I'll have one on day one...

Day -1, -2, and -3 as well.

Thanks Pepsi/Mountain Dew for giving me one on the 19th :-P

11-07-2005, 10:49 AM
Day 1? Yeah I'll have one on day one...

Day -1, -2, and -3 as well.

Thanks Pepsi/Mountain Dew for giving me one on the 19th :-P

Yea I know someone who won one too. Too bad it's the gay basic system. :-/

11-07-2005, 12:01 PM
ebay that shit

11-07-2005, 02:01 PM
Yea I know someone who won one too. Too bad it's the gay basic system. :-/

It's not the basic system it's the full bundle. My friend also won one and called and asked.

11-07-2005, 02:17 PM
It's not the basic system it's the full bundle. My friend also won one and called and asked.

Wow, that's killer then. You so lucky! I never win SHIT!

11-09-2005, 11:42 AM
Interesting :D


11-09-2005, 12:19 PM
Interesting :D


So I'm not the only one that seem the parallels...