View Full Version : can ratings be argued?

10-29-2005, 05:39 PM
i got a whack negative rating, and seriously for nothing.

i understand its ONLY the internet and it doesnt bother me that much, but the comment:

"you're his butt buddy too?"

annoys me.

i also understand that im probably not the only one, so if nothing happens as a result of this thread i wont be bothered. although, i dont NOT want my rating back..


10-29-2005, 05:42 PM
No you can argue a Reputation point. Sorry.

10-29-2005, 05:52 PM
Because of this very same abuse, is the reason why the ratings should be pulled. A large majority of the posters here are very immature and don't know how to behave. Just ignore it, as any informed person would have the sense to question the rating system either way.

For clarification purposes:
Just ignore it= Don't worry about the system, specifically referring to the thread starter. Informed person questioning the rating system= Anyone who knows that the system is doomed from the get-go, knows that the system is questionable in its' purpose.

Stupid people would not have been able to understand that, but then that goes with my feeling for the demographic here anyways.

10-30-2005, 01:13 AM
thanks for confirmation