View Full Version : Forsale section clarification

10-19-2005, 10:50 AM
I had a thread locked yesterday due to me "bumping it too many times". I only bumped it twice. I posted that in my thread and listed the date and time fo the two incase the moderator didnt notice them. Now the thread is deleted.

So i read over the rules again and basically it says after bumping the thread twice your not allowed to do it any more. After the second you must re-evaluate your item and then relist.

So basically anyone whos item has been listed for two days and has been bumped twice because it was on the second page for two times is now supposed to lock their thread and start a new one.

Am I correct on this?

10-19-2005, 04:16 PM
So basically anyone whos item has been listed for two days and has been bumped twice because it was on the second page for two times is now supposed to lock their thread and start a new one.

Am I correct on this?

No. They're supposed to not worry about their thread being on the 1st page.
I'm sick of people complaining about this.
1.) The FS section is a favor to the users of Zilvia. All it takes is a few clicks to disable it.
2.) Don't like it? Go to Freshalloy. They're fucking nazis about their shit.

Seriously, the whole 'being on the 1st page thing is unnecessary.
If someone frequents the forum, they'll check all the new posts/threads.
If they don't, then they can search for it. It's not a big deal.