View Full Version : So what is up with my turtle tank.

10-18-2005, 04:43 AM
WTF is this crap.
It's had bubbles in the tank for like, 2-3 days already.
I just set everything up uhm, 3 days ago.

10 Gallon tank
Aquaclear 30 Filter
-some foam crap
-some carbon in a bag
Hood with 2 lights
-flourescent light
-some 30w bulb with "rare earth" UV bulb
Turtle Dock (small)
Undergravel filter w/ no gravel (haha)
Submersible heater set at 86degrees F

Now, what the ffffff is this bubble crap? It's pissing me off. Yesterday it would only take up half the tank, tonight, it's the whole damn tank.

Could it be that the waterfall dropping from the filter is aggetating the water too much?
Maybe there's fuckin soap in the water? But then if there was soap, wouldn't it of been less bubbly already?
Maybe the turtles shit too much, and they have soapy crap in their crap?

Some pics.
Oh btw, there's 5 of em, and they're red ear sliders. Got em in LA chinatown. :wiggle:

Here's a pic thru the top of the tank. Notice all the damn bubbles.

That's a pic of the front of the tank. Bubbles again.

Think it could be the filter?

Closeup of the bubbles.

Turbee, leader of the gang. Turbee and Company.

Some more of the little fellas.

Pics taken with my Sony Ericcson K750 camera phone.

Stupid bubbles.

10-18-2005, 07:20 AM
Dang, that sucks, nice tank though.

10-18-2005, 10:27 AM
It could be high levels of ammonia and nitrate in the fish tank. Get a Ph tester kit for cheap and check her out.

10-18-2005, 10:31 AM
it looks like a bubble bath

Ritz S14
10-18-2005, 10:46 AM
haha that's pretty cool. My sis had one of those turtles, left it in the back yard and it ran away..bwhahah

10-18-2005, 11:10 AM
and ur filters need time to break in

10-18-2005, 11:24 AM
thats pretty sweet. I dont know anything about the bubbles though.

10-18-2005, 12:10 PM
nice turttles, sadly i don't know about the bubbles. Must be nice to have a 2mp phone, ima have to get the k750 or the w800i.

10-18-2005, 12:16 PM
Take a water sample to PetsMart, they will test it for FREE!!! Its probly an ammonia related problem. Thats alot of turtle for a 10g tank, they will all get about 10inches long.

10-18-2005, 01:00 PM
just add women http://www.utilita.co.uk/images/bubble.jpg

10-18-2005, 01:22 PM
iuno about your bubbles but heres some pics of some of my turtles.

http://img330.imageshack.us/img330/1226/dsc065641jy.th.jpg (http://img330.imageshack.us/my.php?image=dsc065641jy.jpg)

10-18-2005, 02:35 PM
Dang, that sucks, nice tank though.
it looks like a bubble bath
haha that's pretty cool. My sis had one of those turtles, left it in the back yard and it ran away..bwhahah

worthless coments... :down:

but then again... so is mine?! :doh: :-/

ps: i miss my turtles :(

10-18-2005, 03:39 PM
rainier, i need ur help, why is ur water so clear!!
i want my water to be clear too, it craps out in about 3 days, im going to nitrate test the water, and i know i have a lot of turtle for the tank, can't do anything about that now.

what kind of filtering system are u using? ungravel as well? turtles crap a lot.

10-18-2005, 03:50 PM
^^ its a forum and theyll be able to help you on your questions.

was your tank new when you put the water in? maybe its stuff on the inside of the tank that you need to wash off, also it might be the filter that has some kind of chemical in it but i doubt that. my filteration system is made for a 10 gallon tank or less, but i dont fill mine all the way up. only about 7 inches up with gravel on the bottom.

i suggest you take your turtles out while you figure out the problem. theyll get sick and stuff.

buy some de-chlorine stuff from petco. and ask them about it. theyll know whats wrong. and also. how much did u get ur RES(red eared sliders) for? i got mine there for 2 for 6 bucks. the ones in the FASHION district arent healthy. DO NOT buy from them. theyre all SICK. they come from a grocery bag full of like 100 turtles and some guy walks around and sells them to the stores, ive seen him there plenty of times to know this. they dont feed them anything. but yeah.

feed them the STAPLE diet only for a while until they get used to it. dont start feeding them the dried shrimp or anything cuz theyll get picky and thats unhealthy for them

10-18-2005, 07:27 PM
i've had my turtles for almost a year and i am sorry to say, but i haven't treated them with much love.
they lived in a little bowl for the whole time til last week and even though i changed the water everyday, they did get a bit cold sometiems. they look almost the same size as when i first got them.
my friend who got some at the same time, are like, the size of my hand, these right now are like, the size their shells are like, a half dollar size. maybe about 2 inches. i felt so bad for them thats why i decided to spend some money and get them a tank. now they are nice and warm with the heater and heatlamps/UV lamps but just the water is so dirty.

im going to check out the pet turtle forum, hopefully they can provide me with some answers, what i really want to do is just to change out the water. but they look so happy swimming and so active compared to the stones they were when they lived in the bowl.

oh yeah, i got these for 3 for $7 with a little plastic carry case and 2 bags of food :P i had 6 turtles but i gave one away.

they're so fun to watch when they're hungry.

10-18-2005, 08:25 PM
Did you wait 2-3 days before putting the water in ?
Maybe that's the problem with all that stuff they put inside the water.

10-18-2005, 10:58 PM
theyre not getting big because they need that UV light and you need to feed them the staple diet. i have the same problem. they are slowly getting big. because i feed them treats all the time and they dont eat the staples. ive tried the "tricks" to feeding them the staples but theyre just too smart

10-18-2005, 11:27 PM
so if you mal nourish them they stay small and cute?

10-18-2005, 11:52 PM
so if you mal nourish them they stay small and cute?

Or don't give em any UV light so they can't heat up to digest their food.

But now that i got a tank, they're about to start growin!!!