View Full Version : Freaking Saddest weak of my life!

10-14-2005, 01:59 PM
This week is like the freaking saddest week of my life, first I got an job offer for 32k to work at this place, but because I didn't send in my college transcript on time, they offered the job to someone else thinking that I declined their offer....

Last night when I went to feed my cat that's hanging out in the garage, Emmily, I found out she was limping on 3 legs and stuff all over the floor. I think she was climbing in some high place and knocked a box over and fell on the box and broke her leg.

Given the fact that I'm in debt and have no money, I can't take her to get her leg fixed. This is the freaking saddest week of my life.

Now someone offer me a job and give me money to fix my cat!!!

10-14-2005, 02:11 PM
Hey..it could have been worse man.

When life gives you lemons, throw that shit back.
Hope you find a job soon.

10-14-2005, 02:19 PM
sell cat

take out person who took your job

10-14-2005, 02:20 PM
Take your cat in to the vet if they really care they will treat her and work with you to get your freind fixed up. Or worst case they have some way to get you some money, sorry about the incidents in your life. My family has the same problem every October we have a really bad week from accidents, house windows breaking things getting stolen... Im sorry

10-14-2005, 02:25 PM
Dude it can be way worst. I just found out my grandfather has 2 anurisms(sp) and can die at any min and he seemed pretty healthy before he found out.

10-14-2005, 02:28 PM
if that is the saddest week of your life i'd say you're pretty lucky. oh yeah, mail that stupid transcript on time next time you get around to making something of yourself.

10-14-2005, 06:38 PM
Dude it can be way worst. I just found out my grandfather has 2 anurisms(sp) and can die at any min and he seemed pretty healthy before he found out.

sorry to hear that man... my grandpa just died last week...

no offense dude, but life could be way worse... its your fault you fucked up the job offer... and im sorry to hear about your cat...

10-14-2005, 07:04 PM
What was the job? Maybe some of us on the boards can keep an eye out for job opportunities.

10-14-2005, 09:55 PM
Its going to get a lot worse buddy

A Spec Products
10-14-2005, 10:01 PM
Its going to get a lot worse buddy

yeah, everytime you say "man this is the worst week/day/year/month/minute" there is always something to top it unfortunately. bad to us americans is a walk in the park, glad you dont have to dodge landmines on the way to work or worry how you can find clean water.

that is life, but stay positive man, there are ways to solve the problem, don't let frustration get you down.

make friends with a vet or find friends who can hook it up, i wouldnt be surprised if there was a "free vet clinic" somewhere

10-14-2005, 10:39 PM
Take the cat to a shelter and say you found the cat on the street and picked it up to take it to them, you loose a friend but at least it gets taken care of. Find any job for the time being then look for another one while still making (at least some) money. It's never as bad as you think, you might have to do things your not happy about but it's better then doing nothing.

10-14-2005, 11:58 PM
that sux for your cat, just let it chill and feed it. The leg will heal in time

10-15-2005, 12:07 AM
every time shit happens think about it this way. it could be worse.....

like yesterday, i got a splin and strain in my anckle so i can hardly walk without pain. i was doing squats, wasnt even going heavy, 450 on smith and smith machine lifted off the ground on my 6th rep and i lost my balance trying to keep machine from falling over. i came down with it right on top off it twisting my ankle and straining my left hamstring too.
not only this was bullshit and emberassing, it also could have being MUCH worse. i could have broken my ankle or my back, or hell even crushed if i didnt lower it properly.

so, every time shit happens - think how much worse could it have been. i will be limping for weeks to come, but i could have gotten it much worse. good luck

10-15-2005, 12:16 AM
Take your cat in to the vet if they really care they will treat her and work with you to get your freind fixed up. Or worst case they have some way to get you some money, sorry about the incidents in your life. My family has the same problem every October we have a really bad week from accidents, house windows breaking things getting stolen... Im sorry

Most times they will bill you, or allow you to make small payments which helps too. Get to the vet if you havent already asap and work something out.

10-15-2005, 12:19 AM
Take the cat to a shelter and say you found the cat on the street and picked it up to take it to them, you loose a friend but at least it gets taken care of. Find any job for the time being then look for another one while still making (at least some) money. It's never as bad as you think, you might have to do things your not happy about but it's better then doing nothing.

with the price of gas nowadays a 25 cent shotgun shell is lookin mighty economical.

10-15-2005, 12:22 AM
yea man take care of your cat. seriosusly, you wanna cruise around with a fucked leg?

10-15-2005, 07:30 AM
Please heal your cat asap! Its not cool to be walking on a broken leg :(
